Opening Statement

Friday 13 May 2011

What's This About Sequestered Votes?

Here's how it basically works; if a person claiming membership in TSU or TOTL showed up at a poll to vote, and there was no record of them available, their ballot had to be put aside in a separate envelop to be verified later.

OT's at the school for a day, LTO's, and possibly new hires or transfers provide a case in point. Sometimes the schools own official staff lists are not complete or up to date. The member in question could have called TSU to verify their membership and polling site in advance, but for whatever reason, that often might not have happened.

These sequestered votes are put in separate envelopes to be later verified and counted, when the number of sequestered votes outnumbers the difference in votes between the two candidates who are running for the same position. It's not the best solution perhaps, but the in school voting by-law passed at UAGM last year, did not provide for this situation. So OECTA provincial insisted out of fairness, in a difficult bind like we found ourselves in, that such a measure must be taken, before they would approve in school voting for this current calendar year.

Our sympathies go out to Teresa and Frank who must wait until their scrutineers meet with the elections crew to verify their sequestered ballots after school today, to determine the winner. As the ballot counting was still going on at 2am I would think the teacher volunteers who were helping out had to call it a night as they had to go to class this morning. Also, the board might need to be contacted if there are no other reliable records of the member's secondary school employment. All the other TSU positions have been declared, so we wait with bated breath to find out who will be our 2nd VP next year. Will it be Teresa Placha or Frank Bruno? Only the sequestered votes can determine this for sure!

I will keep you updated. I plan to keep this site up for important info and analysis that comes across my desk as your TSU 3rd VP in the 2011-12 school year. I'd like to keep you better informed and to discuss important issues as they arise. There will also be the TSU photo slideshow and other various interesting things to see and do. So please, keep checking my blogsite and pass on the news to our other members. I am hoping it will be well worth our while. And once again, thanks for your votes!


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