Opening Statement

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Summer Holidays Are here!!!

Summer holidays are here!!! In the immortal words of Chuck Berry,"Riiiiiiing! Riiiiiing goes the bell". Starting today, school's out! My blogspot will continue on reduced hours with this new special "Summer Edition" until September. I'll overhaul the site for the holidays too. It's no time to be serious. I plan to travel and dive along the Mayan Riviera in Mexico between Playa de Carmen and the ruins at Tulumn. Later it's off to the Cuban schools in Santiago de Cuba to teach a bit and hang out with my Cuban teacher friends in town. I'm hoping to go to New York City too. Fun. Fun. Fun.

I plan to post photos and blogs here on my trips. Also odds and sods but mostly fun and offbeat stuff all summer long. Not so much the TSU TCDSB teacher and union news and views bit, unless there are some hi jinks or anything big goes down while we are away.

TSU also put out a special website notice yesterday. Please go visit and see the official website. That link is further down my page in the right column. Our TSU website has even won a "Most Improved" award for the big changes being implemented! You can catch any big breaking news from TSU and Provincial there, especially I understand, on the fall provincial election that's coming up, and check out all the documents and resources being posted!

My pension gratuity posting is on hold. Sorry. Mark Stelmo will be doing a series in Highlights next year and I think that will be pretty definitive. I'll see if I can get him to drop by here too. Just in case you were wondering what happened with that, well, there you are.

If you have any great summer photos or even a story you'd like to post, please do send, I will gladly put them up.

Come September I will be off and running with my TSU 3rd VP teacher-union news and views again. I'm planning to post live coverage from the provincial election campaign trail. Could be a real nail bitter!

I noticed the site counter passed 4400 reads. I really appreciate all your kind words and support. I hope I can continue to be of service and of interest to you here at my blogsite, but for now?!?

Many of us take courses, go to summer school and follow other professional pursuits. I'll revisit the Cuban Schools Project during the summer. I'm the founder and director of this educational developmental aid effort, and I enjoy heading down for a mixed business holiday trip, but that's about it, workwise. The time away from school up here is what's most important to me! I can recharge my batteries and return come September with a hop to my step. No burn out for this boy!

If anybody gives you the old guilt trip about taking the summer off, please set them straight for all of us, okay? We paid for this!!! Our salary is spread out over the whole year. Your union negotiated this, along with a lot bigger cheque way back when. In the old days teachers were laid off for the summer and had to save for themselves from their meagre pay, or find another summer job instead! You'd get somewhat more money all year long if the board still did this, but you get a large summer payout instead. So enjoy our summer holidays, without guilt, and if anybody tries giving you attitude on this, let them know the truth.

And also, aren't you giving the parents and families some time to bond more with their little dearies, and handle them themselves, instead of just letting us do so with a room full of them during the rest of the year? Tch. Tch. Okay, we love it to death but still...... :-)

Please enjoy the Summer Edition of my blogspot. Relax. Have fun. Have a great holiday! We've earned it!

Many Cheers!

David Chiarelli

Sunday 26 June 2011

My Blog Readers Write #3

My June 21st Manifesto Blog has received quite a wide range of comments! I'm glad. They have been as thought provoking as the blog itself was intended to be. Comments can be posted below each blog in the space provided or sent to me by email. I am also often stopped for some great discussions or insights into the issues I write about. Quite frankly, most of my readers have been overwhelmingly positive, and very encouraging. I won't labour these. Often they are just quite nice and to the point. Here's an example. Thanks Julia for writing;

"Hi! Informative blog. Thanks for sharing."
Other times the writer quite disagrees with me. Here's one I'd like to comment on at greater length. As I know and respect the writer's intent I am withholding their identity upon request;
"There is only one voice for TSU and that is Rene Jansen in de Wal, TSU President and whether you like or or not David, the President trumps every one else on Executive including the 3rd TSU VP."
As is my prerogative, I only plan to publish constructive criticism on my blog. I enjoy a good debate. I don't respond well to ambushes, attacks, demands, ultimatums and threats real or implied. Believe it or not, these are sometimes part and parcel of political life even at the teacher union level, but I digress. In this case I am only interested in clarifying some confusing issues the comment raises.

If my readers will recall, in my June 21st Blogspot Manifesto piece, I wrote;

...Other elected officials including MPP's, MP's and even city councillors have their own newsletters. Mine is electronic. These allow us to communicate regularly and directly with our constituents long after the election is over. That is just good, plain, honest political representation.
My David Chiarelli TSU 3rd VP blogspot contains my teacher and union news and views as your elected representative. It focuses on our public issues, our public political figures, our unit procedures and our teaching profession. These are unfiltered. They come directly from me to you, as I see it, from my 3rd VP's point of view.
The postings aren't the official voice of the TSU executive or any other powers that be. I have never attempted to represent my blog as anything else but my news and views as your elected representative. Make no mistake, I have always clearly stated so even on the masthead of my blogspot....
There seems to be a question here about the legitimacy of my speaking to you directly through this blogspot on my own. Let's be clear. TSU is not a registered trademark. If I want to say that I am your TSU 3rd  VP and use that in my blogsite title, I can and will. I have also always made it very clear that these blogs are my thoughts and views as your duly elected 3rd VP. I was elected your TSU 3rd VP. This was all ready dealt with at some length in my Blogspot Manifesto.

Even if somebody thinks my blogspot's presence is wrong, or it somehow breaks our rules, there aren't any actual procedures in place to enforce unit or provincial discipline anyway. We've vividly seen that with the poison pen emails and "scab letters" to the board, especially during election time. A member is really only bound by their professional principles, moral persuasion, and sense of duty to not engage in such behaviour. An offender can be reminded of this but beyond that it's there's very little if anything TSU can actually do.

A big often ignored elephant in our tent is that if the offender doesn't care, then unfortunately that's pretty much it for your case against them. If they are running for office maybe the members won't vote for them, then again maybe they do. Like it or not it's a fact. Our absence of an enforceable professional code that can be evenly applied to everyone needs to be openly acknowledged and addressed. Little to no progress has ever been made at the unit or provincial level beyond creating professional ethic guidelines and statements.

Now let's suppose somebody did find a technicality somewhere in our by-laws or constitution to use to object to my blogspot, arguing that only the President can speak as an elected executive member about our unit business. Quite frankly with so many other really negative missives often circulating about over the past few years it would seem ironic to suddenly go full tilt after my rather innocuous blogspot. Still, what if TSU did decide to put down it's foot and try to change or silence my blog? Meanwhile others continue to write or say as they please. They don't care what TSU decides because they know TSU can't stop them. This happens quite a lot! Why then does it make sense for the rest of us to just remain quiet and hope to set some sort of example by that?

The argument grows very tiresome. It can wear down an executive member who is just honestly trying to do good work. Consider this; it's like telling everybody in your class to ignore those who are misbehaving, as if the good example is going to change the bad behaviour of those who just continue to go nuts. Do you then punish those who speak out? Put another way, the lack of enforceable rules would be about as convincing and effective as handing out speeding tickets at a car race. Anybody can just tear them up and then speed off along their merry way. For our unit this becomes especially ironic. We actually have much more power in effectively taking to task the school board, than we do in enforcing our own union rules! 

The message that I get from your comments overwhelmingly suggests that a lot of members appreciate more frank, direct, plain talk about the problems we all face. They are glad I have set up a blogspot for that as your duly elected, independent TSU 3rd VP. There is another point they often bring up, although not in the sense of the writer's criticism in question. They also have a lot of member respect for President Rene Jansen.

My blogspot isn't a put down or a sign of lack of respect for him, or for that matter his executive team, just because I am writing here and not in a TSU approved issue of Highlights. Any such claim is confusing at best. I have independently worked with Rene and the 2010-11 executive team for many years. Please know that Rene does not have a "slate", or a "party" at election time. If you hear such claims they are false and misleading, over simplistic at best

I cannot recall Rene ever insisting on some impossible gag order of allegiance to his one true voice, as if he were the Grand Poo Bahr on our executive, or what have you. I have never seen any front or back stabbing, political game playing,or self serving ambition. Anyone who supports his vision and goals for the unit could be considered a member of his "team" in that we share these virtues in common.

That is where my political allegiance to Rene's "team" lies. That's how I have understood, and continue to understand the president's "team" now for many years. I suppose I could be wrong. Somebody could decide to try imposing some rules on my 3rd VP blogspot. Maybe the president becomes convinced he has to crack the whip! Guess how unsuccessful that could be after all is said and done?

Quite possibly it would just boost my readership because of all the interest and intrigue it could create. So far I average 100-300 reads on this blogspot during a slow week, up to 1000 when it's hot. Nothing attracts readers like a good conflict story, but then as my Blogspot Manifesto points out, ratings is not what I am all about.

Nor is this how the Rene I know works. But make no mistake. President Jansen is first and foremost bound by office to follow the rules and regulations of OECTA TSU, and set a good example. He is always in the public eye. He would try to stop me if he thinks he must, but trump me? I don't think so. That's just not him, and it probably isn't possuble anyway for the different reasons I've explained.

Quite frankly I serve on TSU with great respect for Rene and what he stands for. So do many other executive members. Still he doesn't have a political "party", so to speak. I am not his "party" member nor am I on, or do I plan to lead any opposition "party". Rene's strengths are in his vision to help lead others who would share the same principles for building a stronger, effective and modern member service organization. I also work for that, and indeed come election time have always endorsed him because he does too.

On executive, I support Rene when he's right, and speak out when I disagree. In the vision department that support is very strong. I've worked closely in tangent with him in many different TSU capacities for over a decade now. I remember being among those who first strongly spoke out for him to run as our president way back when. I have worked with Rene and others who share his ideas as a group "team", not a slate, for the past five years now, based on our common goals for TSU, not out of any blind allegiance to him as our leader.

I am and remain an independent. I do disagree and question Rene and for that matter anybody else on TSU executive, if I think they are wrong. As it stands, I can say that usually only concerns strategies for achieving the goals we hold in common. Should Rene or an executive member need to criticize me, that's what I would expect. I can dish out criticism and I can take it. As long as it is attempted fairly I won't get too mad. So if anyone wants to disagree or try to change my David Chiarelli -TSU 3rd VP blogspot, then so be it. Good luck! But worry not dear reader, the world as we know it is not ending, it's just changing with the cyber-times. I hope others at TSU soon realize that too.

Saturday 18 June 2011

TSU PAC Rocks The Madison Pub!!!

TSU PAC hosted a very successful party Friday afternoon at the Madison Pub. Everybody loves the Madison it seems. About 100 members enjoyed food, drink and good times together in the sun on the rooftop patio. We had a very good showing from many of our schools including PJ2, Bishop Allen, SJMP, Vanier, Dante, Johnson, McGuigan, Loretto, Bosco, Madonna,  Brebeuf, St. Pats, Marocco, Lieberman, Mary Ward, O'Connor, Romero, Chaminade, McLuhan, Fraser, St. Marys and TOTL too. We raised a toast to our retirees, including Jozef Suska and Michael Campbell, to honour their many years of teaching and union service. Social directors supreme, Teresa Oakley and Maureen Riggin took care of the drink tickets and food orders. Your hard working TSU PAC committee members Chris Premdas, Barbara Swit-Ardanz, and Irene Urbaniak helped President Rene Jansen and myself, as your PAC Executive Liaison, distribute and collect volunteer surveys for our fall TSU PAC Ontario provincial election campaign. It was a fabulous way to finish classes for another year and celebrate the summer holidays ahead.

There are about a 100 photos to post so keep visiting to see my slideshow. Please also read my blog articles below.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Friday's TSU PAC Madison Pub + My Thoughts On This Blog!


My "Blog Manifesto "will be posted tomorrow. I need to let everyone know about the Friday Madison pub first! It's the last day of classes for many of us, and the summer holidays are just around the corner! Sounds like time for a party! Hope to see you there. I'll have my camera so wave! Photos to follow here on my slide show. This posting has been updated again. Please read on.....

TSU PAC is honoured to invite all our TSU members, including our OT's and LTO's to our Madison Pub, on June 17th from 4 to 7 pm, upstairs on the rooftop patio. Our PAC can provide us with an overview and answer questions on OECTA's "Who Speaks For Children?" platform for the upcoming fall Ontario election. We will keep the occasion informal, proving the first two drinks and all finger food snacks on the house as we toast the end of classes and engage in some good old fashioned merriment and mirth.

Your official TSU invitation was sent out to the staff reps for distribution on Monday the 13th. The flyer was kindly designed on short notice by PAC members Barbara Swit-Ardanaz, Irene Urbaniak and Chris Premdas, and will contain more information. The Google map search box in the left column here at my blogspot will provide directions on how to reach the Madison by car, or you can take the subway to Spadina Station on the Bloor Line. The Madison is a very short walking distance from there. There is pay parking across the street from the pub, and free parking at many of the TTC subway stations after 3 pm.

Please do invite our colleagues, especially any who are retiring and require one more toast. Special invitations are also extended to all of committee members, staff reps and beginning teachers. You can contact me if any special arrangements need be made. Please pass the message on to our members, and help post and share the flyer when it arrives at your school as early as possible this week, so everyone can prepare accordingly.

Hope to see you all there!

And in other news.....

Most everyone seems to enjoy my blog. Some, a very few, just simply don't, and seem to be threatening a gag order or public denunciation of sorts. I'd consider that a serious attack upon freedom of speech in our unit, and quite frankly, highly unlikely to succeed in the new communications world of today, especially with blogs, but so it goes.

I could explain more, but I am planning to keep this site as positive as can be, so I will post my Blogsite Manifesto next; an overview rationale spelling out what it's all about and where I am planning to go with it . I want to make perfectly clear my intentions considering any confusion which exists in hidden quarters, on executive, or wherever it's really coming from. But then again, maybe it's just good form to do so anyways, since the blogspot is so new as a medium at TSU.

I don't shadow box folks hiding in the dark for whatever old fashioned, confused or illicit reasons they might have. If you have concerns please forward them directly to me here, and I will address them in a very open manner. If you read criticisms elsewhere please visit here and maybe I can explain what the kerfuffle is really all about. Without doubt, any news is good news in the blogsphere, for ratings anyways, but that is not what I am all about. Rather I look foward to the many new and interesting possibilities my TSU 3rd VP blogspot provides for me to speak directly to you in an open, straightforward and informative way as your duly elected and independent executive member.

Not to labour this. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. 'Nuff said for now. Could be intriguing. Never a dull moment in the blogsphere! .


Our June 7 Teacher Appreciation Night at Fantasy Farm was once again a great success! The slide show on top left only posts 20 at a time, and takes a while to load. Please keep visiting this site to see them all, and maybe yourself , family + colleagues too. If anybody else has any photos I'm glad to post them. There's about 20 good ones left, which I plan to post tonight.

If you click on the slide show, it will take you to my Flickr site. All my photos are saved there as I post them. I also believe they can be copied or printed from that location. Or email me + I can forward your photo.

I will shortly post the information on the retirement gratuity issue I mentioned in my speech last night. Sorry for the delay, we just need to get the Madison Pub info out asap first.

It was great seeing everybody at Fantasy Farms + I look forward to seeing you all again at the Madison. All your kind words about the election and this blogsite were much appreciated. Thanks!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Teacher Safety: Are You Safe At School?

Have you been in serviced on Bill 168, the new Health and Safety Act? Do you know what it's all about? Do you even care? Unfortunately many of our TSU teachers probably think of WMIS training, or that Bill 168 must deal with asbestos, the storage of chemicals in the science lab, or the janitor's closet. Few of us seem to have grasped the profound affect this act will have upon our teacher safety. This new teachers safety act, is our counter piece to Bill 157 the Safe schools act, which primarily deals with the students. Instead it is there to protect us. Safe schools must be safe places for teachers too!

Under the terms of Bill 168, student assaults upon teachers, or harassment from administration, the board or even our co-workers has now been defined as a Health and Safety issue. This is a major development with profound long term implications for our school workplace. From now on a school is no different than a factory, office or any other workplace where anyone might work and get hurt or harassed. These problems are now the concern and responsibility of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. They can be called to investigate and to take action to guarantee teacher safety at school. You are even entitled to conduct a legal work refusal if you are in danger. Maybe the building is crumbling and unsafe. Or maybe the teachers are being bullied, attacked and threatened by the students, or picked on by the office, the board, or the even other teachers in the school.

Think of it this way: In a factory a worker cannot be forced to work in an unsafe environment, for example on a dangerous machine. Proper safety guards must be in place so they don't get hurt. It is the managements responsibility to provide a safe workplace. Also, the bosses do not have the right to pick on or bully the workers, nor does anybody else working on the factory floor. The workers can complain to their union. The union can try to get the situation rectified locally. They can file a grievance. If need be they can also have the situation investigated and dealt with under the law by an outside third party, the Ministry of Labour.

One might well argue that our schools aren't factories, nor are our students machines. That's true, but our inner city schools are not always safe workplaces for our TSU members.  Teachers have been threatened, swarmed, robbed and even assaulted at some of our schools even over the past year. The administration, even the board, may argue that reasonable precautions were taken to address the situation. But what if under the progressive discipline model a dangerous student  is still at your school while they are being monitored, or returns from a suspension, and seeks retaliation on the teacher that complained? What if they are transferred elsewhere for a "fresh start" where the teachers aren't aware of the students triggers and the risk they can pose to their safety or well being? Or maybe a student assembly is held to read the students the "riot act" but the problems persist. What can happen under Bill 168?

We know we have a lot of good principals and board administrators who don't want to see these problems happen either. As a member of your TSU-TCDSB Joint Safe Schools Team, I know we have met with board superintendents to work out the protocols, responsibilities and professional development we all want to see developed and implemented, as everyone turns their mind to interpreting and applying the new Health and Safety Act appropriately and effectively in our schools. TSU's position is that Bill 168 is both a Joint Safe Schools and a Joint Health and Safety issue. We agreed upon an in service program with the board. By now all staff should've been informed about the new legislation and requirements. Still it remains a huge task. How many of us, teachers and board personnel alike realize the profound changes this act now legislates for providing teacher safety in our schools during the years ahead?

Big changes do not happen overnight. You should've seen the TCDSB PD PowerPoint presentation at your school. Your TSU staff rep should have more information for you from a union perspective, which would've been provided, along with fliers to hand out, at our monthly Staff Rep meetings. There were the recent TSU Notes sent to everybody by email. Are you aware of what's been going on? Are you having teacher safety issues at your school? Do you know your options?

If teacher safety is a pressing and persistent problem at your school and nothing is seemingly being done to properly address the situation, TSU can and will investigate. We will work with the school, the board and the Ministry of Labour to make sure appropriate actions are being taken. And if worse come to worse, a grievance can be pursued with our help and even the OECTA provincial legal department lawyers. Of course nobody would rather go this route, but the old saying that "information is power" certainly holds true.

If you don't know what your rights and responsibilities are under Bill 168, now is the time to find out! Please ask your staff rep, call our office, or even email me if you need help, or just want to learn more. Teacher safety in our schools is now your guaranteed legal right with Ministry of Labour help, and OECTA legal aid available, to make sure it is enforced. Find out more. Let's work with our colleagues, the school, the board, OECTA TSU and the Ministry to get the job done right!

Friday 3 June 2011

My Class At School

This post came out when I first started my blogspot. I don't think most regular readers saw it. It drew a fair bit of attention from abroad. I'm not sure why, but I've got a small but loyal readership in the US, UK and Russia. Sometimes Europe, South America, Africa and Asia too, though not as much there. As you will note there's a nifty translation button on the top right side of my site. Anyway I think this blog best explains what I actually do besides my union work.

Hi All! I'm at school on my spare. I teach 6 severely autistic students, with a staff of 4 CYW's, at a downtown high school in Toronto Ontario Canada. Unlike the other OECTA TSU VPs, 3rd VP is not full time release, nor a paid position. Some days I'm off for TSU business, as need be. It's often on short notice. Basically, my life these days is a balancing act, between home, school and union. But I love it!

I believe one does this as a service to our members and our profession. Sometimes I'm not quite sure why others really want to get elected, but for me it's a part of my vocation, as a Catholic teacher. And as a teacher, I enjoy being in class with my students. That's as grassroots as teaching gets. I'm happy to stay in school and to serve as your 3rd VP.

Today, I`d just like to tell you about my autism class. Yup, I`ve got six very autistic male students, aged 14 to 20. Mostly non-verbal, and often with harnesses, and diapers. Each needing their own private, and safe, work spot. Lot's of my classes are spent settling them down and getting them to follow a simple routine. Then I can best address their individual programming needs, and make sure nobody gets hurt.

Severely autistic students can be very violent and unpredictable. The CYW`s, Child Youth Workers, keep a close eye on them and have extensive CPI Crisis Prevention Intervention and UMAB Understanding Aggressive Behavioural training. Still, it's risky. A few years ago, a great big bear-sized lad suddenly attacked me from behind during anthem and prayers, for no apparent reason. He usually liked me and was quite friendly. When he tried to bite my neck, his teeth got stuck in the collar of my twill TSU staff shirt. Unable to get loose, he picked me up and tossed me against the blackboard wall. I fell, badly twisting my back. The CYW's were quick to my rescue, diverting his attention so I could crawl away. I was off for a while after that on Workman's Compensation. Sometimes my lumbar still hurts. Ouch!

The funny thing about this autism teaching assignment is one develops an off-beat sense of humour. We all laugh when we swap tales, but at the time? No way! There's a strong sense of team camaraderie. The kids race to our class. They go home happy. The parent`s are quite pleased. Few teachers want my job, but our class is a comfy little world in it`s own way.

It's sad sometimes, to know that these autistic students must leave school at age 21. There isn`t a lot out there for them. They require constant care. With their violent behaviour, they often can't stay at home. My class might be as good as it gets for them.

I'm quite attached to my students, like you are, in our teacherly way. They are all God`s children. Sometimes, when my autism students have a complete behavioural meltdown, I find myself staring into their eyes. They look trapped inside, like they want to stop, but aren't able to do so. A very human essence trapped within a body and mind that just does not seem to work right, no matter how hard they or anybody else tries. They have a very heavy cross to bear!

By law, everybody in Ontario is entitled to go to school until age 21. Schooling Autistic students, such as mine, is controversial in our public system, as they can pose a very serious risk to others, or even harm themselves. Over the years I think I've seen it all. Some will often try repeatedly punching their own head or biting themselves as hard as he can. Another once squeezed his head so hard, the blood veins in his nose burst. It can be quite the horror show! Consider also that other students and staff might get hurt. I understand why many people might think they don`t belong, but quite frankly, they really don`t have anywhere else to go. And so I'm here with my team to help them, as best we can. It`s not for everyone, but my class does have it`s rewards. When they race into our room, happily engaged, and are even sad to leave at the end of the school day, I think, well, we must be doing something right. It is still a very rewarding calling indeed.

You must have interesting teacher experiences to share! We can swap tales and advice here. My blogspot is not just about union politics. If you`d like,let's start a chain.So,who else out there has an interesting classroom story to share?

Related Reading:

My blog on the health + safety concerns of teaching low functioning autism students is @ Questions to ask?

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!