Summer holidays are here!!! In the immortal words of Chuck Berry,"Riiiiiiing! Riiiiiing goes the bell". Starting today, school's out! My blogspot will continue on reduced hours with this new special "Summer Edition" until September. I'll overhaul the site for the holidays too. It's no time to be serious. I plan to travel and dive along the Mayan Riviera in Mexico between Playa de Carmen and the ruins at Tulumn. Later it's off to the Cuban schools in Santiago de Cuba to teach a bit and hang out with my Cuban teacher friends in town. I'm hoping to go to New York City too. Fun. Fun. Fun.
I plan to post photos and blogs here on my trips. Also odds and sods but mostly fun and offbeat stuff all summer long. Not so much the TSU TCDSB teacher and union news and views bit, unless there are some hi jinks or anything big goes down while we are away.
TSU also put out a special website notice yesterday. Please go visit and see the official website. That link is further down my page in the right column. Our TSU website has even won a "Most Improved" award for the big changes being implemented! You can catch any big breaking news from TSU and Provincial there, especially I understand, on the fall provincial election that's coming up, and check out all the documents and resources being posted!
My pension gratuity posting is on hold. Sorry. Mark Stelmo will be doing a series in Highlights next year and I think that will be pretty definitive. I'll see if I can get him to drop by here too. Just in case you were wondering what happened with that, well, there you are.
If you have any great summer photos or even a story you'd like to post, please do send, I will gladly put them up.
Come September I will be off and running with my TSU 3rd VP teacher-union news and views again. I'm planning to post live coverage from the provincial election campaign trail. Could be a real nail bitter!
I noticed the site counter passed 4400 reads. I really appreciate all your kind words and support. I hope I can continue to be of service and of interest to you here at my blogsite, but for now?!?
Many of us take courses, go to summer school and follow other professional pursuits. I'll revisit the Cuban Schools Project during the summer. I'm the founder and director of this educational developmental aid effort, and I enjoy heading down for a mixed business holiday trip, but that's about it, workwise. The time away from school up here is what's most important to me! I can recharge my batteries and return come September with a hop to my step. No burn out for this boy!
If anybody gives you the old guilt trip about taking the summer off, please set them straight for all of us, okay? We paid for this!!! Our salary is spread out over the whole year. Your union negotiated this, along with a lot bigger cheque way back when. In the old days teachers were laid off for the summer and had to save for themselves from their meagre pay, or find another summer job instead! You'd get somewhat more money all year long if the board still did this, but you get a large summer payout instead. So enjoy our summer holidays, without guilt, and if anybody tries giving you attitude on this, let them know the truth.
And also, aren't you giving the parents and families some time to bond more with their little dearies, and handle them themselves, instead of just letting us do so with a room full of them during the rest of the year? Tch. Tch. Okay, we love it to death but still...... :-)
Please enjoy the Summer Edition of my blogspot. Relax. Have fun. Have a great holiday! We've earned it!
Many Cheers!
David Chiarelli
I plan to post photos and blogs here on my trips. Also odds and sods but mostly fun and offbeat stuff all summer long. Not so much the TSU TCDSB teacher and union news and views bit, unless there are some hi jinks or anything big goes down while we are away.
TSU also put out a special website notice yesterday. Please go visit and see the official website. That link is further down my page in the right column. Our TSU website has even won a "Most Improved" award for the big changes being implemented! You can catch any big breaking news from TSU and Provincial there, especially I understand, on the fall provincial election that's coming up, and check out all the documents and resources being posted!
My pension gratuity posting is on hold. Sorry. Mark Stelmo will be doing a series in Highlights next year and I think that will be pretty definitive. I'll see if I can get him to drop by here too. Just in case you were wondering what happened with that, well, there you are.
If you have any great summer photos or even a story you'd like to post, please do send, I will gladly put them up.
Come September I will be off and running with my TSU 3rd VP teacher-union news and views again. I'm planning to post live coverage from the provincial election campaign trail. Could be a real nail bitter!
I noticed the site counter passed 4400 reads. I really appreciate all your kind words and support. I hope I can continue to be of service and of interest to you here at my blogsite, but for now?!?
Many of us take courses, go to summer school and follow other professional pursuits. I'll revisit the Cuban Schools Project during the summer. I'm the founder and director of this educational developmental aid effort, and I enjoy heading down for a mixed business holiday trip, but that's about it, workwise. The time away from school up here is what's most important to me! I can recharge my batteries and return come September with a hop to my step. No burn out for this boy!
If anybody gives you the old guilt trip about taking the summer off, please set them straight for all of us, okay? We paid for this!!! Our salary is spread out over the whole year. Your union negotiated this, along with a lot bigger cheque way back when. In the old days teachers were laid off for the summer and had to save for themselves from their meagre pay, or find another summer job instead! You'd get somewhat more money all year long if the board still did this, but you get a large summer payout instead. So enjoy our summer holidays, without guilt, and if anybody tries giving you attitude on this, let them know the truth.
And also, aren't you giving the parents and families some time to bond more with their little dearies, and handle them themselves, instead of just letting us do so with a room full of them during the rest of the year? Tch. Tch. Okay, we love it to death but still...... :-)
Please enjoy the Summer Edition of my blogspot. Relax. Have fun. Have a great holiday! We've earned it!
Many Cheers!
David Chiarelli