Opening Statement

Wednesday 17 October 2012

In the News! Life After McGuinty?

October 19 2012:

Behind the scenes:

Big pow wow between senior Liberal officials + union leaders in premier's boardroom last weekend! Article claims OFL President Sid Ryan had been trying to open a  back door channel to discuss wage freeze plans.  OSSTF + ETFO presidents Coran + Hammond, McGuinty top political fixer Dave Gene + Chief of Staff Tim Shortill among those present:

Premier McGuinty was also discussing his exit plan with his closest advisers. See:

Martin Regg Cohn claims labour realizes the prorogation pause could be good for negotiations with the Liberal government, while Tories wait ready to really kick our butts if they win a spring election. Cohn claims this explains why the labour response to prorogation has been so mute. See:

Kennedy: A return from the political hinterlands?

Gerard Kennedy comes out swinging over prorogation. This article also examines the other leadership hopefuls position from the good, the bad, to the ugly. I am disappointed Wynne isn't coming out stronger than to say she feels "discomfort". Of course, everyone is just playing politics and hedging their bets for now. The Liberal inner cabinet splits seem to becoming a lot clearer though. See:

Tip: Watch for another "back channel" meeting with the Education Minister over the next week.

With repeating: What fools we mortals be! See what other bills died on the floor when the legislature was prorogued and weep:

Tim: How about I get you a job with a big paycheck at the gas plant? Deb: Ohhhhh Tim! I wuv you!

Newly released Liberal documents reveal Hudac's wife Deb Hutton was on the cancelled gas plant's payroll. Naughty Debbie! Naughty Tim!  Hutton is a real nasty piece of work. She worked on the original Common Sense Revolution drafts, that cut public services to pay for tax cuts during the Harris years. Mike Harris didn't get to add his barbs til about draft #10. She's a real gas. Not! See:

Control Your Future: Check out ETFO's website for "Tell Your Story". Members are asked to explain how Bill 115 affects them, their family and community. It engages the members and gives them a strong sense of self efficacy in the process. These responses will be shared with the MPP's and others. Quite possibly they have all ready considered this: Take it another step further. The best everyday folk replies could make for great radio and TV shorts. Little 15 to 30 second maximum clips. A teacher talks about how they called home, or met with the parents and turned a student's life/ grades around etc. etc. etc. Then your union name and a catchy phrase. It would ideally all be about service, dedication, and teaching as a vocation to helping other folks kids realize their potential. Of course, it has been done before, by other unions with other causes, but to great effect. Anyway, just a thought. See:

Hear CBC Metro Morning interviews with Hammond and Broten on the progress report issue. My best guess? Minister Broten really didn't know the difference between a report card and a progress report nor was she advised properly by her staff.:

OK! OK! I'm not ETFO, but one can only wish OECTA had provided website coverage like this to engage and inform our members since PDT Day 1, rather than play hide + seek. Check the ETFO website out:

NDP comes under tight media + business scrutiny as parties reposition themselves in wake of McGuinty's resignation. Have they wavered in their nuke power policy? See:

Lieutenant Governor David Onley pays tribute to Lincoln Alexander today at Queen's Park:

Here is Premier McGuinty's statement of tribute today to past Lieutenant Governor Lincoln Alexander:

God bless you Lt. Gov. Lincoln Alexander! You will be missed.

October 18 2012:

A Liberal leadership convention Jan 25-27 a possibility. 15 delegates from each riding association will get to vote. Still sounds like a pretty closed shop to me. See:

Surprise front page Globe + Mail editorial says McGuinty should reverse prorogation rather than leave office with a legacy of having "subverted democracy" in Ontario! See:

Facebook "Get MPP's Back to Work" page includes a discussion wall with video of NDP Andrea Horwath's response to prorogation:

Here's an interesting tidbit! The doors to legislature are actually LOCKED! Article speculates prorogation could backfire on Libs rather than buy them more time to win a spring election. No kidding!!! See:

A Bruce-Grey public and separate school board merger? See:

A NDP + PC merger? QP cafeteria cabinet coalition shows it must be true! [just kidding!!!] See:

The ETFO progress "report card" news storm: Here's ETFO's press release on "advice" to it's members. Note the emphasis on real comments during PT interviews. See:

The Education Minister is outraged that ETFO is allegedly taking their dispute out on the students, in an appeal to "deserving" parents. Bemoans ETFO "directive". Woe begotten PC's join in lament. The media stage is set. See:

Toronto Stars jumps on it. Bad teachers to do "bare minimum" on "report cards" now. Oh no! Civilization is about to tilt sideways and fall into oblivion! See:

Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! Don't doubt the National Post has been waiting for a story like this too. See:

ETFO's Sam Hammond goes into spin control mode. Of course this advice doesn't apply to students having trouble. I am so darn glad we don't have to provide those ridiculous additional progress reports in secondary school where there's only 2 mandatory reporting cycles. Like most of my colleagues I always regularly converse with the parents anyway, as need be, but I am not interested in jumping through bureaucratic hoops to prove to the nim-noses of the world what a good teacher I am. The paperwork all ready takes away from my quality teaching time, even if only in leaving me drained from these increasingly numerous brain numbing tasks. It really ticks me off that our teacher professionalism isn't recognized in such matters, rather they are entrusted to the hands of the paper pushing bureaucracy at our school boards and in the ministry, who earn a darn good living just doing that -pushing paper!!!. Grrrrrrr!!! Anyway, enough for today's rant. See:’s%20Needed%20on%20Progress%20Reports%20for%20Students.asp

No matter. The Toronto Star smells blood. This could be a very hard PR battle to win. Bet wishes! See:

No party pooper, Sandra Pupatello is also being promoted as a powerful contender for the leadership race. See:

Is Gerard Kennedy the embattled Liberals best hope? For a fairly cutting and to the point neo real review of each possible candidate see Bob Hepburn's Star column at:

The Canadian Bulldog figures Naqvi's still too green. Thinks Chiarelli would be the best choice. Thank you! Thank you! Heh mean Bob not me?!? Oh well. BTW Bob's no relation though his side of the Chiarellis comes from the Ottawa valley like mine, who first settled in Renfrew. Anyway, see:

BTW: My cousin Steven Chiarelli has a second novel out, The Muckydum [The Story of a Haunted  Man]that is getting some great reviews. He has also written a sci-fi novel, The Connection, about religion and war. A writer with greater scope, depth and less rants than yours truly, he deserves a good read. His photo art is also focused and takes into account things like lighting and so on. No ipad camera here! I've written a few novelettes, travelogues, blank verse poetry, lots of reviews and so on, but never tried to get them published. I just blow my stuff off into cyberspace. Mostly stick to agitprop these days. I am sincere and do write from the heart but it is all political writing. Maybe I should have a chat with him and get my butt in gear. Anyway, support Canadian literature! You can find out more about Steve and order copies of his books directly from him at:

Why would McGuinty suggest he might run federally? See:

Video time with Justin Trudeau: Son of PET explains why he'd welcome a challenge by Doolin'Dalton. Love the trademark shrugs. See:

Ex-Premier John Roberts died 30 years ago today. A "premier's plaque" is added at his gravesite but no flag. A very tragic family tale that still gives one the shivers. His accomplishments in political life were many back in the days when PC wasn't a totally bad name to everybody but the neo-right. See:

October 17th 2012:

A now quiet + empty Queen's Park legislature: Democracy? What democracy? How can you have democracy with all that debating going on. Yack! Yack! Yack! All day? Every day? Harumph!!! :-)

Prorogation is a nasty piece of parliamentary business, or lack thereof:

Here are the Bills that have died on the table without Royal Assent. For shame! See:

Q+A: Everythng you wanted to know about prorogation, but were afraid to ask:

Kathleen Wynne not comfortable with prorogation:

Prorogation is becoming all the rage across Canada! Sigh! Alas! See:

The McGuinty eulogies and post mortems continue:

Teachers McGuinty's undoing? Sounds good right up to the end when the writer throws in a nasty right wing platitude courtesy Conservative Education Critic Lisa MacLeod:

McGuinty and the the arrogance of power:

Did McGuinty become the wrong man for the times? See:

Some interesting union biz:

With McGuinty gone, is there an opportunity for some serious union negotiations? See:

OSSTF think it's a possibility and is willing to extend the olive branch: Also a suggestion on how McGuinty can improve his legacy on the way out. See:

Off we go: A day on the town, a night at the races: 

"So. Who wants to be premier?" "I do!" " I do!" "No, me!" Check out the faces listening very intently to McGuinty's resignation speech. 

McGuinty says his cabinet ministers will need to resign to run for office. Broten's name is added to speculative leadership names. Also, remember my tip about a cabinet shuffle? See:

Will the Liberals lean to the political right or left in the upcoming leadership race? Hmmm. See:

Off to the leadership races with CTV News. Some speculation on Gerard Kennedy now too:

Could someone please tell Bentley he's toast? Sheesh! See:

Is it time for a Liberal "Premier Mom?" Christina Bizzard speculates on Wynne, Broten and Pupatello.
I have great respect for Kathleen Wynne. I couldn't care less what she does in bed. Still one must wonder how her candidacy would be greeted on the provincal back roads far outside Toronto, for an embattled Liberal party? Like to admit it or not, it's a sad question that will need to be considered. With Smitherman too of course. Can Ontario grow up and be mature about sexual orientation? IMHO Blizzard's speculation on Broten running is pure puffery. I asked her step dad Archie once what he thought. He said that isn't why Laurel got into politics. Still, I thought I knew her, but can't for the life of me figure her out anymore. Anyway, see:


Anonymous said...

Hi...Curious George from OECTA ...wondering if anyone has seen OECTA President Kevin O'Dwyer? Any more MOU Question and Answer sessions planned for OECTA members?

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Methinks it's on a need to know basis if it is continuing at all. Perhaps a reader has heard that he's coming or going to some unit or other for the Q+A? If so please let us know!

Anonymous said... your need to post this but it's Lincoln Alexander..not Alexander Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

Kevin O'Dwyer has been booked for a Q+A with the OECTA-PVNC membership (Peterborough and environs). The details I saw were that he is booked from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday Nov. 8th at Baxter Creek Golf Club, which is on Highway 28 roughly halfway between Port Hope and Peterborough.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Just call him Linc!......not Alex! Egads! I went back to correct. I got it right first time, then backwards next two times I made reference!!! Hmmm.
Thanks 4 pointing this out.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Thanks 4 the Peterborough news! I think the secrecy is the story here. Wow! BTW I hear my blog was mentioned at a recent OECTA presidents meeting and it did not go over well. On the other hand readership is at an all time high. Go figure. One thing especially remarkable: I always make it clear this is my website, not an official OECTA one. It even says so in the top banner, and I have written a well read "Blogspot Manifesto" explaining my rationale. [See archives]. Still this gets missed from on high.
Seems folks either love me or hate me but at any rate I keep getting re-elected every year. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if the Oecta President's meeting doesn't like your blog? You, Richard Brock and anyone else telling the TRUTH are BAD in OECTA today. Only THEIR truth counts! That's why no vote for OECTA members on the MOU and Hammer down all dissent in the union. And no vote for OECTA members on those running for OECTA Provincial office either. Deny membership participation and silence opposition...that's OECTA Provincial Office today.Keep telling the Truth David. Eventually the Truth always wins! But you are BAD for questioning what they say and do. Keep questioning and soon change will happen! Voting reform is needed for OECTA members to ever again trust Oecta Provincial Office....let's see if they support it.

angryoectateacherOTTAWA said...

What happened to the "Outrage at Ottawa
meet" at the sidebar? Please don't tell me that you had to take it down. There is l
outrage and even more here!

Anonymous said...

This comment was posted on the Facebook Page of We Are The Front Lines of Education about the Liberal government and Bill 115 but also applies to our No Vote on the MOU for you union...

"Saw Barbara Coloroso speak today at my board's PA Day. Taken from her handout about the bully "Bullying is not about anger, or even about conflict. It's about contempt a powerful feeling of dislike toward
someone considered to be worthless, inferior or undeserving of respect. Contempt comes with three apparent psychological advantages that allow others without feeling, empathy, compassion or shame. These are:
1. A sense of entitlement—the right to control, dominate, subjugate, and abuse another human being
2. An intolerance toward difference
3. A liberty to exclude, to bar, isolate, and segregate a person deemed not worthy of respect or care YMMV but aspects of this definition feel very real to me as a teacher in Ontario with the comments made by the Liberal Party re: Bill 115, the media and the public. While being bashed in the media, by the Liberal Party and the public as being part of those greedy teachers I ask everyone before they speak. 1. Is it true? 2. Is it necessary and 3. Is it kind?
Friday at 11:28pm · Edited · Like · 20...

Congrats to those who voted NO on the MOU...James Ryan, Julie P.,Sonia D. It took great courage on your part to STAND UP and be HEARD!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

I update the News Flash sidebar to keep it current. If anybody ever tries to censor my blog you can bet everybody will hear about it el pronto in no uncertain terms!!!

Anonymous said...

Will OECTA leadership ever officially publish how our individual Provincial Executive members voted on the MOU? What about a unit by unit rundown on how the Unit Presidents voted in the endorsement vote? On another note, I noticed on Twitter that OECTA Provincial's Communication Committee met this past week. Must have been a pretty quiet meeting - the cone of silence reigns.

Anonymous said...

Hey David. I heard a sad rumour today. Thought I would ask you what you thought of was mentioned that Sudbury is taking a collection or looking for money to fight OECTA because OECTA will not foot the bill for their request to the Ontario Labour Board for an internal investigation. If true this disgusts me... now OECTA is dicatating when to provide support in the form of legal representation. I feel we should all demand WE NO LONGER PAY UNION DUES UNTIL OUR VOICES ARE HEARD! What the HE*& do we pay union dues for? If we think there was a wrong done - OECTA should be obliged to foot the legal costs - no matter if they are the ones being questioned! If this is true, someone should begin collecting funds, start a trust fund or something - don't give up SUDBURY - don't let them get to you. THEY KNOW THEY ARE WRONG!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Yes, sadly it is true. The money, of course, does come from our fees too! Legal costs include advice for properly writing up the specific complaint, and in pursuing it through. The cost is quite onerous if not possible 4 many of our smaller units, of which there are many. One can request their own unit executive to make a donation to help them. Sudbury elementary quickly comes to mind as a unit that might need such help right away.

angryoectateacherOTTAWA said...

How sad and pathetic is this? And why is this NOT making National News? Get the press involved . This ABUSE and bullying/dictatorship MUST stop! HOW can it?

Anonymous said...

You are correct. Enough is enough. It is up to the larger units to do something. I would love to see a proteset on the weekend in front of provincial office. I would organize a bus from Northern Ontario to make damm sure we had our people there. Everyone I speak to is pissed at OECTA...but OECTA published roses and sweet bullsh*& in their latest newsprint. David you hit the nail right on the head when you made an earlier comparision ...Hilter was mentioned. UNITED WE STAND - REMEMBER KEVIN SHI# STICKS TO SHI#!!!!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Wow! An OECTA provincial office protest? I don't think anybody has considered that yet, from a logistical and planning point of view, but you do put it on the table for our teachers to comment on. As for the comparison you mention, I think that must be my Vichy Mentality blog from last month. It is a reference to the Vichy attempts at appeasement during the German invasion of France in WW2. A caution about blaming Kevin for the MOU. One very much senses it was/ is a group effort, but you are right in that he is the prez. What do you think of James Ryan's candidacy?

Anonymous said...

I wholly support the idea of the protest, and would attend an OECTA provincial protest. That would send a unified, coherent and unequivocal message that the membership is disgruntled with our provincial 'leaders'. As for James Ryan - I have serious questions about his motivation for running for president again. Was it his idea alone, or was this something that was floated amongst the provincial group? I would need official confirmation that he opposed, and voted against the MoU. In general, his candidacy strikes me as a step back, rather than a step forward towards renewal, which this union desperately (obviously) needs. To me, there is already enough of a 'Provincial Oligarchy' mentality at the St. Clair Animal Farm. As Mr. Cafferky noted in his excellent piece on your blog, Provincial took it upon themselves to decide who the 'winners' and 'losers' of the MoU were. On the OECTA Animal Farm, "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other animals". Gotta love Orwell in times like these.

Anonymous said...

I'm an OECTA member and would never attend a protest in front of the provincial office. I don't think any successful organization has come out for the better when its internal strife has been carried out in public view.

angryoectateacherOTTAWA said...

That's the point, anonymous poster above mine. This union is
corrupt on many levels. Bring on a W5 expose!
As for a demonsfration, who will organize it? Details...and if this indeed occurs,
every unit office should send people. To the Sudbury poster, is this bus organization a go?

Anonymous said...

OECTA has done many good things for teachers and the profession. It is their hard work, and the hard work of the "losers" in the MOU that, I believe, have made the profession so attractive to people today. The corruption in the provincial government and the school boards themselves should be far more concerning to everyone. Instead, they're probably laughing at how they've successfully turned us on ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the above post is just a blatant attempt to shift responsibility away from where it lies. It is flawed logic to blame the provincial government and/or the school boards for 'turning us on ourselves'. The OECTA leadership have no one to blame but themselves for this internal strife. They took it upon themselves to decide the winners and losers in this deal. Had they consulted the membership and allowed us to either endorse or reject such a controversial PDT framework, there would have been little or even no blowback. Consequently, they need to take on the responsibility for their actions. The leaders of the other affiliates bluntly said the deal was not good enough for their members. That there is strife within OECTA now is the result of the actions of OECTA leadership and NOT the 'fault' of the government or the school boards.

Anonymous said...

How sad that OECTA members have been betrayed by the Ontario government and their OWN union. But the saddest part of this, very few OECTA members have the guts to voice their displeasure, excluding Halton and Sudbury. The MofU was the stepping stone to harm 1000s of Ontario workers in all public sectors. Shame on the Ontario government and shame on the OECTA provincial bargaining unit. You are both equally guilty of setting unions, bargaining rights and democracy in this province back 100 years.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

The silence is deafening!

Anonymous said...

My comment was not meant to shift the responsibility for the divide between the OECTA executive and it's membership to the government or school boards. I just think a protest in front of the provincial office is not a good idea. People had the opportunity to protest at the many QandA's across the province. I attended the August one in Toronto and out of a potential 5000 members (between TECT and TSU), the hundred or so that showed up did protest. Is the idea if we protest in public view somehow more effective than doing it in O'Dwyer's face?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is, David. Many ETFO members were sending messages of support on our 2 FB pages to your members. I truly do not understand it. Why is the silence do deafening? Do OECTA members understand this goes way further than education. This legislation will affect ALL public and private sectors including their families and children. How selfish! I think it is the "ME" syndrone has infected the membership of OECTA.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Hmm. Read John Cafferky's guest blog from this week: OECTA:None Dare Call It Betrayal. What are FB pages by the way? I am hoping to get all the OSSTF/ETFO/ and OFL protest notices to post here on my blog in advance for our members, so they can plan accordingly. Not easy, and am sure provincial isn't about to help me with this;-)

Anonymous said...

You are doing a fabulous job. In fact I have to admit I check you out first before going to any ETFO sites! You seem to publish the links faster. BTW, pretty silent on both sites this week. Hmmmm, according to twitter ETFO is in the "bad books" and OSSTF seems to be "foraging right on" according to 2 Broten tweets today.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Thanks! Am glad to be of service!

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Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

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Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

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Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!