Opening Statement

Friday 7 December 2012

Teacher Weekend News Links!

December 9 2012

ETFO's Lisa M is busy all ready getting a head start Sunday night retweeting all the strike notices up until Wednesday! Hi Lisa! Best wishes and solidarity to all our ETFO colleagues this week!  Show us how it's done! You can see all the ETFO media strike notices at a quick glance to keep up and be in the know at: ETFO Media Strike Releases

Best wishes and solidarity for ETFO this week!

PC MPP Frank Klees, a Tory's Tory announces ETFO strikes in York on Thursday. Sometime I will have to tell you the story of when he showed up rip roaring drunk at our teachers hospitality suite wanting to hug everyone. I've got photos to prove it! He's a lovable buffoon in his own way but he just totally doesn't get it, and it's not from not trying. See: ETFO Strikes Thursday

Wednesday ETFO strike at Lakehead added to roster: ETFO Lakehead Strikes

Local Timmin's Daily News coverage of tomorrows ETFO strike with comments from union local, NDP's Gilles Bisson, school board director etc. See:  Timmins

Gilles Bisson picks up NDP northern mantle to hammer OLP leaders debate "northern" visions. Andrea has been off sick, which can't be helped, but I hope the rest of the party isn't going to miss the plethora of news opportunities zipping by most everyday now to score points. See: NDP on OLP North

The big question from teachers and education workers at todays OLP leaders debate!

ETFO, OSSTF and CUPE ask the big question while waiting outside the northern OLP leaders race today. See: Bill 115 banner

More photos at: OSSTF

MOE buys unions a slushy?! Apparently teachers should be punished instead for exercising the democratic right to strike. [i.e. no slushy!] This really is becoming Wisconsin North what with all the mushy union busting thinking! Wow! See: Mushy Slushie

Martin Regg Cohn makes reference to internal union strife at OECTA, OSSTF and ETFO. Warns the unions could be playing into Hudak's hands by irritating public and "disemboweling" McGuinty. See: PC Apocalyso?

Tim: Of course I must be real smart! Mike Harris told me so!

Ottawa Sun drools over Tim Hudak. Pure drivel but read to know how they think. The Ontario right is very busy lining up it's ducks for the spring election: Sun Hysteria

Ditto. Toronto Sun joins PC drool-fest over Hudak's "conservative vision". See: PC drool fest

Politics and Discontents Blog examines the negative public response to many of Tim's neo con policy announcements last week. See: Harris Retreads

Hudak gloats over trading in perennial cash cows like the LCBO and gaming for short term budget gain. Remember Highway 400? here we go again. See: Very stupid bright ideas

Windsor Star columnist provides an overview of Hudaks Ontario Neo Con makeover plans, though not about to place any bets on it. See: vision of future past

Doug Little Report explains 4 union points McGuinty does not get: Doug Little

More to come. More below...................

December 8 2012

John Lennon D: December 8 1980

Ottawa Citizen poll: Do you support the teacher walkout on Wednesday? Vote here: Ottawa Strike Poll

OSSTF photo album from Friday Dec 7th protest outside Minister Broten's office. See: Dec 7 Broten Protest

OPC: Enuff is enuff!

Open [OPC] Principals Council letter directs admin they can't continue extracurriculars, school trips, concerts etc, even with parent's help, at OSSTF + ETFO schools, despite union arguments otherwise. But ... but ... aren't these voluntary activities not in a teachers contract?!? Who's zooming who??? See: Principals letter

Yesterday in review: Broten and McGuinty's strike statements and reactions. McGuinty pats OECTA on the head pointing out we reached an agreement. How incredibly embarrassing! What a position to be in! #@$#%^$#%! See: Friday news review

Brain Teaser 4 2day: Guess how many times the word "student" appears in the title and text of the Putting Students First Act? How about "restraint"? Then go see: Putting student first act quiz

Retired OSSTF teacher who continues to fill in with school extracurriculars faces social opprobrium [this earns the big word of the day award!]. She publicly states that a lot of OSSTF teachers are on her side. OSSTF disagrees. See: Fall from grace

MOE threatens to take control of TDSB over financial woes. See: MOE TDSB?

OLP Leadership candidate Kathleen Wynne plans to continue McGuinty austerity plans for foreseeable future. See: Wynne budget plan

Kindly know that any info I have posted recently on my blog about the first OECTA OLRB meeting came directly from multiple first hand sources.

In other news

Sex ed: Does the male penis have a mind of it's own? Sex Health Expert Trina Read tells all: Pet Peeves   [No! No funny pictures this time!]

December 7 2012

ETFO threatens strikes lasting more than one day. Chest beating or are they looking for a showdown? Let the OLP figure out this nail bitter! See: More than 1 day

Here's a handy ETFO strike schedule projection chart based upon the dates when the units would be available to strike: Strike agenda

Protest weather forecast? Expect a long cold Liberal winter ahead!

Here's the immediate ETFO strike schedule for next week: Avon Maitland + Ontario North East on Monday, Niagara on Tuesday and Ottawa-Carleton on Wednesday.  After that?

Toronto Sun wants a showdown! Columnist critizes OLP for backing down on strikes:

OSSTF D4 rejects contract. Definitely looks like a trend when members get to vote [note to OECTA Provincial: Hint! Hint! Hint!] See: OSSTF D4 No

Kelly Lynne Mills Blog has a heartfelt posting written like a letter to her students about things she'd like to share with them during the job actions but can't. This seems to be the only posting and info on the blog to date. I wonder what affiliate she is with? Poor Kelly. This is such a nice letter. Are OSSTF and ETFO members not allowed to discuss the situation at school?!? Or is it just too stressful for Kelly under the circumstances? I know I wouldn't be able to shut up but that's just me come hell or high water. The students know that too and would just keep asking and asking and asking until I did. Well not my autistic classes but you probably get my drift. See: A Letter

Steve Paikin grills OLP leadership candidates on the teachers strike during the latest debate. How many ways can you say "no comment"? Check this article out. It also purports that the MOE statement yesterday is a compromise to stop the situation from escalating during the leadership race. Good luck. See: OLP debate 2 teachers issue

Apparently Hoskins distanced himself somewhat on the OLP teacher debacle during the debate. Otherwise the news highlight seems to be Pupatello telling everybody they are "too Toronto" to be Liberal leader. Psst! Sandra! Do you even know how many Liberal ridings there are in T.O.?!? At least for now ... See: Pupatello criticizes Torontonians

See Steve Paikins full Q+A with all 7 OLP leadership candidates7 OLP Candidates on TVO

Minister of Woman Issues Laurel Broten speaks on Day of Action and Remembrance of Violence Against Women. This is Laurels other portfolio and by most accounts she seems to have done well here. She has a lot of personal interest and involvement in the issue from before she entered politics when she helped set up women shelters in Etobicoke Lakeshore. Too bad Dalton didn't let her be. Education was not the same fit. She is a popular local MPP. She enjoyed a lot of teacher support.Now? See: Broten Women's Issues

Oh Brave New World! Now you can teach him to drive his own car!

In Other News 

OK! OK! This has nothing to do with teaching people but somebody has invented a car that birds can learn to drive, or so it seems. As if there isn't enough traffic congestion as it is! What will they think of next?!? Go figure! Check this out: Bird Cars

Walking Dead? They just keep coming at you like the MOE!

Zombie Apocalyse: Unless you are a fan of the "Walking Dead" t.v. series you do not want to  see this. I am a big zombie fanatic from way back. Collect the movies, books etc. etc. etc. I figure Zombies are very much a metaphor for the human condition. There are so many people in the world today who for all intent purposes are dead from the neck up. You can outsmart them. You can walk circles around them. But they just keep coming at you until you wear out or make a dumb mistake. Then that's it. They pull out your guts or eat your brain, and you become a zombie too! There is a very excellent manual I will post a link to sometime called the Zombie Survival Guide which is sort of like the bible on zombie attacks. Anyway, here's a collage of the "Walking Dead" zombie killings to date this season. Rick holds the record at 74. There's also a trailer for the next show in February. Seriously, if you are not a fan do not go here. Otherwise see:  Walking Dead Site


Anonymous said...

Gotta laugh at the retired teacher continuing with extracurriculars. It's not her nature to leave people "high and dry". Well, she's leaving thousands of young teachers high and dry that can't get a job because people like her choose to "double dip". If volunteering is so important to her she has more than plenty of time to do that as she's a "retired" teacher! She's "retired" with a good pension because so many before her fought the good fight. The hypocrisy is unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Cover story in The Citizen today. I agree with the above poster on the double dipping. I personally do extra -c's. it's a personal decision and one that changes over your career and where you are in your life. She does have a point though, but yes, could and should free up her job for others who are starting out. Also, slightly off topic, is she paying hommage to Sonny with that whatchumacallit that she is wearing? Ouch, I know, but could not resist. Apologies.

Chris said...

David here is a great column that sums up the bill 115 situation nicely. Keep up the good work!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Thanks I'll post it!

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Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!