Opening Statement

Thursday 28 February 2013

ETFO: No to Extracurriculars!

Regular updated  news links + important stories are postd below this blog! More news on this story too!

ETFO doesn't back down!

ETFO released the following announcement at approximately 4:30 this afternoon: 

Message to Members re Government Discussions 
In January, ETFO made a commitment to revisit its advice on participation in voluntary/ extracurricular activities by March 1st. 
As you know, ETFO has been engaged in provincial discussions with the government since Premier Wynne took office. The tone and nature of these discussions has been respectful and positive.
ETFO remains committed to working with the government to find meaningful ways to address the current issues facing the education sector. Working with a government team that understands the education sector, we are hopeful that the goodwill extended by the government to date will result in concrete solutions.  
Beyond the initial commitments made by the government team to listen, engage in positive dialogue and explore a more inclusive process for future bargaining rounds, it is going to take real actions to regain the confidence of members in light of the very flawed process during 2012 that resulted in the loss of their fundamental democratic rights. 
ETFO will continue to participate in these positive discussions. We look forward to responses from the government team that address the key issues that ETFO has brought to the table on behalf of members.
In these circumstances, ETFO's advice regarding voluntary/ extracurricular activities remains unchanged.
ETFO's announcement, as reprinted above, can be found at: Control Your Own Future

MOE Liz Sandal's reply: MOE

A phone call conference was held this afternoon with the local ETFO presidents. It is a firm and understandable position I'm sure many of us in the other affiliates can well respect. Quite simply: the elementary public teachers affiliate will continue it's EC [extracurricular] and voluntary activity boycott until they see some some concrete action on the government's part. Duh!

A negative social media backlash against OSSTF's recommendation that it's public secondary school teachers resume extracurriculars has been cited as a deciding factor in ETFO's decision. It is not believed that the ETFO rank + file members would be in favour of such a move either. The Toronto Star reported earlier todayETFO says No!

The Globe + Mail reports on this latest set back for Premier Wynne in the battle between the embattled OLP government and their once erstwhile allies, the Ontario teacher unions. See: Globe + Mail


You can read OSSTF President Ken Coran's letter to his membership explaining why he recommended ending the boycott as a good will gesture to the government below. You can also read the response from the "We are the 80%" OSSTF  member group expressing much the same discontent as is noted by the Star. So far only OECTA has managed to keep the "lion in the cage". It's members attempt to complain against the teacher unions ratification of the OECTA MOU agreement on July 5th was dismissed by the OLRB due to it's inability to rule on the case, a key argument of the province executive in response to the members concerns. OECTA members will vote on a new executive during the first weekend of March Break, perhaps a good indication of the members support or lack thereof for the provincial Executive's actions..

A Local postscript on Social Media

Social media has clearly demonstrated this week that the union powers, or "bosses" in the worst case scenarios, of which their is no shortage, can no longer bend our member will or manipulate us through their control of communications. Well now we know why OECTA TSU is so vehemently opposed to my blog! It could be very interesting to watch how it works out if the current conspiracy plans for removing me from office to silence me are attempted in our upcoming local TSU unit election. 

Sometimes, the truth just needs to be told in full explicit detail. I hope whoever is trying to set me up has a pretty thick skin. I hear it's you GV. You have got to watch your mouth. Every time you say something about me everybody comes running to tell me. Tut tut. But there are others too. Right BH? Do you know how many supporters I have out there in TSU cyberland? No, I don't think any of you even grasp the situation. You are still thinking like in the old days

Quite frankly this blog often gets more readers in one day than your silly Highlight's magazine gets in a month or two. Few of us are interested in being hoodwinked anymore. We are not buying into the the OECTA "code of silence" either. I would strongly suggest you reconsider the folly of your ways before it is too late, but have it your way ...

Stay Tuned More To Come!

Post "Comments" below:


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Sam
- who in their right mind would trust any Liberal statements of intent

- when they've taken steps to correct their mistakes , then it is time to re-examine the ETFO position
- Coran sold his teachers down the river

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Only ETFO has continued to stand on principle + respect it's membership's wishes rather than make a backroom deal.

Anonymous said...

David, whoever this GV person is, you need to file grievances or slander against this person. You and maybe James Ryan are the only OECTA member trying to tell the truth. Many ETFO and OSSTF members are regular readers and have learned so much from you. WE value you, your dedication on presenting the truths and your links. ETFO would welcome you with open arms, I am sure!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

I am truly honoured to be of service to any and all of our teacher affiliates. I think I would be mighty tempted to jump ship any day if I could. We are all teachers.

Unfortunately my opposition is on my very own local unit turf with the executive I sit on! Grievances? Complaints? Think of it this way: What use was it for our members to go to OECTA for help against them at the OLRB?

Ironically OECTA TSU very badly does not understand nor appreciate the power of the new social media. We saw it demonstrated very forcefully this week against OSSTF. ETFO provincial listened very carefully and did the right thing reading + respecting their members diverse wishes. The old guard at OECTA just likes to mushroom farm, as the saying goes [ie Keep us in the dark and fed us shit].

I can take pretty good care of myself with this blog. I could blow the local clownshow wide open if need be in our upcoming executive election.So far I have just found the thought upbecoming here on my blog when we are dealing with other so much more important issues in a principled manner. But if I have to fight fire with fire, then that is what I am going to do. Perhaps there will even be some perverse pleasure in it after 2 years of this nonsense. They were such great people, but I suppose everything changes in time, often for the worse.

Thanks 4 your care + consideration.I really appreciate it.

In solidarity!

David C

ETFO Steve said...

I so want to climb up on my roof top and scream, "I AM ETFO!!!" There were hints that we would stand our ground, but as many rumours that we too would cave. Oh man! Vive a la resistance!

David, there has to be some way we can join together under one flag. There is so much more that makes us the same than that which divides us. We need to take our federations into the 21st century and become one. God save the union!

Anonymous said...

ETFO has kept the line in the sand. OSSTF erased it with the beautiful hug (see Coran and Sandals). A Judas traitor you are Ken. One fully expects that you will get a plum position somewhere down the line. Thank you Sam for having my back. You are right" having a good tone is not enough", we need to see real reasons to go back. I am proud to be an ETFO member today. Our union is protecting us. I'd hate to think the government and the union (see OSSTF) both jerked me around. I'd be one bitter man tomorrow.
David: my wife loves your blog. She's a retired teacher, I have a year to go. We would break bread with you any day. I'd take you to war with me any day. Keep up the great work

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Greeting to you and your wife! Today was all ETFO's, and I'd say that after all that has been said + done it is the finest moment in the teacher struggle. I for one salute you all today. Please know I would gladly break bread + go into battle with you + all of the rest of your ETFO brothers + sisters then suffer the humiliation the rest of us have been through any day! In solidarity!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Hello ETFO Steve! In solidarity!

Anonymous said...

Chiarelli, Hammond and Horwath = Heroic truth speakers. Pay attention Coran and O'Dwyer this is what you could be.

Anonymous said...

Hey OECTA members! Look at how ETFO works! They ask their members for input! They let members vote on everything! They openly communicate with members! They actually REPRESENT their members! Looking forward to all these NEW CHANGES in OECTA after the AGM 2013! If not, I'll be back to remind you!...signed One Hopeful OECTA Member Expecting The Same as ETFO! ME TOO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the brave souls who are keeping up the resistance to tyranny!Let's hope we will be able to oust the evil MOU doers soon!From my mouth to God's ears!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ken Coran:
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist. OOPS I mean I was/ am a trade unionist but why interfere with what I've got going. I'll just hug the enemy (Sandals)

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. "

Thanks Kenny for having our backs at OSSTF. When Bill 116 comes along where will you be? Oh! probably in some appointed plum position.

Anonymous said...

I am a member of the OSSTF and as much as I believe in solidarity, I also recognize that we need to get media attention away from union activities. The public is losing support for unions. My fear is that come election time, votes may be handed over to the Conservatives and their union busting policies. Should that happen, we all know that the Liberal attack on teachers will look like a minor battle.

Anonymous said...

In response to the OSSTF member who suggests we get away from union activities I say get your head out of your sweaty extra curricular jock strap. Do I read you correctly? You want to stay with the Liberals who just stripped your contract like it has never been stripped before. Do you not understand that Bill 116 will now go with further strips irregardless of who is in power. To lie down with the Liberals again is akin to the wife who has been beaten but keeps going back. Stand up for the here and now. Stand behind the line in the sand. That basketball that bounced off your head means you need your head examined. Kudos to ETFO. Bring on Hudak. He'll destroy education but his term will be short lived. We as citizens (not just educators) cannot forget ORNGE, E-Health, Gas plants. Surely to good God we cannot give the Liberals another mandate.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous is correct. Teachers will never win this battle in the media. Our leadership needs to stay out of the spotlight. As for the OECTA AGM, I unfortunately won't be there, but O'Dwyer has my support. The government has proven that they can and will do anything they want and, while disappointed with the MOU, I believe O'Dwyer got us the best deal he could. The NDP supported that budget, which guaranteed our sick days gone. Would the outcome have been different if he held out like Coran? What exactly did Coran gain? Did we not already have a process in place for respectful discussions that the government threw out the window? I am very confused about the OSSTF "deal".

Kulture Kult Ink said...

A thoroughly interesting + worthwhile debate everyone, still let's not attack each other but focus on the issues! In solidarity!

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