Opening Statement

Sunday 3 March 2013

OECTA: James Ryan Speaks!

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Next weekend James Ryan is running for the position of OECTA Provincial President at our Spring 2013 AGM . We thank James for taking the time to reply. Here are his answers to the"School Edition Blog" questionnaire:

1] Why did you vote for/against the OECTA MOU?

I voted against the MOU ratification primarily because of the government’s stripping of the salary grid. The Council of Presidents had made it clear that this was a non-negotiable item. Dwight Duncan had made a commitment in July 2010 than any wage freeze would not affect movement up or along the salary grid.  I also knew how divisive the compromising of the grid had been during the Social Contract years.

Because of the delay until the 97th school day for grid payments, on-grid teachers are forced to pay twice.  Like all other Ontario teachers in 2013-14, they will have their salary reduced by 1.5% to accommodate three unpaid days.  In addition because of the delay in receiving their grid increase they will lose a further sum of money that will amount to at least half a grid step (more if they are moving categories).

This happened so Laurel Broten could extract $500 million from the education sector. This will help pay for the completion of FDK ($500 million), the re-located natural gas plants ($600 million), and the $1.4 billion in uncollected business taxes.

2] Do you believe it is still the right decision you made? Why or why not?

Yes.  The government needed an agreement as much as we needed an agreement. I think had we sent our team back into the PDT talks, improvements could have been obtained. Let me say however, I do think the OECTA worked very hard to mitigate some of the damages that were planned by Minister Broten and her team of management lawyers for Ontario’s teachers. My vote in favour of endorsement at the COP was a recognition of the hard work done by the PDT team in getting at deal which had already been ratified by the Provincial Executive which is the governing body of the Association between AGM’s.

3] What would you do to improve OECTA’s communications with our membership?

As President from 2009-2011 I had a very strong record of communications with local units.  I would resume the use of informational media such as the weekly President’s Updates and further explore the use of electronic and social media.

4] Would you support “one member one vote” for executive elections + union referendums on other issues besides contract ratification?

First of all I support the PDT Task Force’s recommendation for an all member vote for all PDT Agreements.  In terms of PE/OTF Governor elections, it is a concept worthy of exploration.  It is used in Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador as well as a few other provinces/territories.  Ultimately this is a decision for the AGM.

5] How has our solidarity with the other affiliates been affected over the past year?  Does the situation pose a future danger?  What can OECTA do to foster union solidarity in the next 2 years ahead?

The 2012-13 bargaining challenges have been a great source of disunity between the federations.  This is not healthy for teachers or the educational system.  We must all endeavour to rebuild solidarity between the affiliates and other education unions.

6] How can we protect and enhance local Collective Bargaining if the government wants to move towards a Provincial Bargaining model?

The government will move toward provincial bargaining whether we like it or not.  We can do a number of things to protect local bargaining within this model.  We must first ensure that we have democratic provincial bargaining structures in place.  I believe the PDT Task Force Report does this.  Second any PDT table should work toward the creation of funding frameworks as we did in 2005 and 2008 rather than a final deal as was the case in 2012.  It would also be wise for any future PDT agreement to allow some financial latitude for the bargaining of local issues.

7a] What do you think is the greatest problem OECTA faces today?

Our greatest challenge is currently unity.

b] What strengths do you bring to helping solve it?

I have always had a leadership style involves working collaboratively with others, and seeks to build consensus through participation and active listening.  I have also worked to build strong external relationships. 

c] How do we know that you are committed to working for us, the membership, if we elect you to represent us?

I have a track record as President of our Association and as a provincial executive member since 2002.  I am seeking the office of President to serve OECTA members and defend Catholic education.  These are my only interests in seeking the position.

Optional: Is there anything else you would like to add? If so please comment.

This is a very challenging and difficult time for all of us as Catholic teachers. Most of the Provincial Executive positions at this year’s AGM are being contested.  I know all of the candidates seeking election.  While I may or may not agree with them on some issues, I have much respect for their personal integrity and thank them all for standing as candidates.

COMING UP: Who's Next?

Here's a list of the election candidates, last year's Provincial Executive, the COP Presidents, + how they voted on the OECTA MOU: Election Candidates + MOU Info

NEXT: Chris Karuhanga 4 the Treasurer position

REGRETS: Andrew Donilee 4 the 2nd VP Position

Best wishes to all! Thanks for your replies!

Comments link below! Kindly note that personal attacks on any of the candidates' good character + intent cannot be posted. Thanks + Solidarity!


Anonymous said...

Sorry OECTA but it doesn't matter who you get. The choice between Ryan and O'Dwyer is like the choice between Liberal lite or Liberal strong. Both subscribe to the philosophy that teachers must cut off their arms (support Liberals) to avoid cutting off their heads (support Conservatives) Either way teachers lose.

Anonymous said...

Some other questions to ask candidates: If elected...

Will you immediately work to enact that every OECTA member be given an individual vote on all candidates running for OECTA Provincial President/Executive office?

Will you immediately establish an OECTA Sunshine List sent to all OECTA members fully disclosing the salaries/benefits paid to all OECTA Provincial Executives and Staff? If it's good enough for teachers, Unit Presidents, Senior Board Officials-why not Provincial office?

Will you immediately establish an OECTA OMBUDSMAN OFFICE?

Will you immediately give every OECTA member an individual vote on all Political Party Contributions that OECTA is planning on? Financial Accountability and transparency. Also, these contributions should be reduced in line with current financial constraint/austerity/contract strips.

Anonymous said...

OSSTF and the government are presently, to my understanding, working out the details of how the bargaining process is to occur leading into the next round of contract discussions. Now, having said that, what this past round of discussions have shown me is that almost anything can be changed with the stroke of a pen on legislation and that anything hashed out now may be disregarded anyway given a change of government, etc. Nevertheless, is OECTA involved at all in these discussions?

Anonymous said...

No way can do those things. You can't govern by referendum. If you want to participate in decision making process you get involved in the process.

Anonymous said...

David thanks for doing what you do. You must feel like screaming out of frustration sometimes. Did you notice that James Ryan did not fully answer your one vote for one member question? What hope does this union have when leaders won't give members basic democratic rights like the right to vote? And the other candidates?

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