My "OECTA Me Too!" blog follows below!
Art rocks! Read about the Sunnybrook Hospital Art Program Benefit below.
Finally! The May 8 MOE Deputy Ministry B9 Memo on the implementation of the OSSTF MOU is available @ here! A full report including the OECTA "Me too" clause implications has been reposted in my "OECTA Me Too or Me No?" blog above.
The Fair Hiring Practice clause of the Education Act has been amended. Now a full time teacher transferring to another board "shall" be given a full time job interview [ or is it for a long term OT position?] after their 10 months as an OT [Occasional Teacher]. Few of us were aware about the transfer implication of the clause before or after OECTA Provincial Executive unilaterally ratified the OECTA MOU. See @ 10 month wait
Toronto Star reminds folks to stock up on liquor in case the LCBO workers go on strike next Friday. Certainly shows their priorities @ Strike?
OECTA Provincial Executive meets today [Friday] to deliberate over the LTD stink. Some units had a great LTD program of their own. Others nada. Now everyone faces a one size fits all LTD plan with two lesser options! Also, the "process" [what process!] from the OECTA MOU 120 [SDP] sick day plan to LTD requires a giant leap in faith that the member won't end up on an unpaid leave for awhile at least. Start saying your Hail Mary's [or 2 or 3 or ...] if you will be making a claim! If so, you will even be advised to apply for UIC [Unemployment Insurance] while you await a decision from Great West Life.
How to win friends + influence people?!?
So then, will OECTA stay the course or take advantage of the OSSTF MOU sick day/LTD options vis a vis the "me too" clause? It might not even be an advantage with all the paperwork and decision making now required for everyone who gets sick. The Catholic school boards are often nowhere near as compassionate or accommodating as their public school board counterparts. The OSSTF plan assumes a goodwill relationship exists with your board. Ha! Good luck with many if not most of the Catholic boards! More to come as we receive directions from on high! Meanwhile see my blog below with the OSSTF and OECTA MOU's comparison chart to fill in more big secret blanks for yourself. Ta!
The new OECTA Provincial Agenda newsletter is posted online. In the page 2 "Hot Talk" President Kevin O'Dwyer is still touting the OECTA MOU as a great idea. Seems everything is actually hunky dory. Whew! Could've fooled me! Well I guess that settles that ... @ OD on MOU!
OECTA Waterloo unit's "Chalk Talk" goes on line. Dunno how many more photos of outgoing President Kevin O'Dwyer [5] one can squeeze in without any of our incoming President James Ryan [0]. However, it is a very detailed local OECTA Newsletter, much moreso than most and they are not afraid to share it publicly on line. Greetings to my PAC colleague of long standing, John Kearns, who is still at it with his PAC report! See @ OECTA Waterloo Chalk Talk
Here's my favourite OECTA local unit website: St. Clair is open and posts even "sensitive" info so it's members are in the know. It's not all top secret so others can't see either. You know what I mean; no big OECTA "cone of silence". When you get a chance go check it out to better grasp what OECTA's up to @ Excellent!
OECTA TSU President Rene Jansen has made sure the UAGM [Unit Annual General Meeting] agenda, resolutions and other related materials are up on the units on line site. He was still at work writing up a members newsletter when Janet + I left 4 the art show [see below]. His office light was still on when we went back to pick up my car much, much later that night. Whew! What dedication! I'm will miss working with him and the executive.
Not unexpectedly, I wasn't nominated for the unit's distinguished service award this year. I'm sure I royally P.O'ed off way too many people at OECTA with my blog ;-} Today's probably won't have everyone cheering and clapping either. No matter, that's not why I got active in the union anyway. I've said what needed to be said, done what's needed to be done ....
Now, I wonder if someone will erase me from all the exec photos on our office wall?! Maybe glue on somebody else's head instead? Ha ha. My regrets for joking around. I still love the TSU executive team for all the great things we have accomplished for the members since we first started out together despite the later differences. However, as of midnight June 30th, I'm done this chapter of my life. It feels so liberating!
Don't forget to check out the unit's website. My controversial blog has certainly challenged TSU to get it's online butt in gear as of late. Not exactly prize material on my behalf but still ... Hey! Maybe OECTA Provincial will give me a Communications award?!? Ho ho! Nope! I don't think so! See @ TSU Website
Meanwhile ....
Ontario nurses health is being put at risk to balance the Ontario budget @ Health risks!
Suddenly every one is very interested in what Andrea has to say!
Toronto Star editorial says the NDP should take what they got in the budget, rather than make more demands, risking a spring election. The NDP's Andrea Horwath has been withholding the parties necessary support for the budget with a new list of demands this week. The NDP wants an accountability office and public ombudsman to make the government more responsible. IMHO this certainly seems to counter PC Leader Tim Hudaks claim that the NDP is supporting corruption, while holding the OLP to their promises, another longtime PC complaint. She also reinforces the NDP as being responsive to the average persons needs. Politically rubs the NDP balance of power in Wynne's face while also stealing Tim's thunder. Read what the Star thinks @ Enough is enough?
Oh Canada! Ditto the Globe and Mail which is worried her "crass opportunism" [sic] creates problems for taxpayers and corporations. Primarily corporations I'd bet @ Corporate headaches!
Premier Wynne says she won't agree to the NDP's time frame demand for auto insurance cuts. Bet those poor old insurance companies are royally p.o'ed! Boo hoo! See @ Stop car insurance rip offs!
Read the media release on car insurance cuts from the Premiers office @ Other side of the story.
The Toronto Star reports on this past week's Wynne + Horwath brouhaha @ Duking it out QP style!
UN human right groups to investigate Canada's treatment of our aboriginal people! If we found out people were treated like this elsewhere in the world most Canadians would be morally outraged. So how can we turn a blind eye to what's going on in our own backyard? Hopefully we won't for much longer with the whole world watching! See @ For shame!
Meanwhile high above planet Earth ...
NASA TV: Here's a live video stream from the ISS [International Space Station] where a space walk is happening today to fix the dangerous ammonia leak before the crew is scheduled to return to earth on Monday. Check the NASA TV schedule for show time of the upcoming events. Seems to take awhile to load but it can be a fascinating steam @ Space Walk
The next May 11th Saturday morning space walk will be streamed live beginning at 7am EST. They still haven't fixed that ammonia leak. Chris + the lads are going back to work at it some more. Astronauts will head outside the ISS at 8:15 EST. See the link above! Tres cool!
Hanging in tight!
Toronto beats Boston 2-1. Trail Boston 3-2 but next game in Toronto 7:30 pm Sunday May 12. Here's a good shot by shot account of the game @ Toronto beats Boston 2-1!
Art 4 fun and therapy! Last night Janet and I attended a fundraiser for the Sunnybrook Hospital Art Program. Talk about a great idea! Hospital patients are offered an art option during their long stays, especially for cancer and leukaemia. It can be dull and very scary lieing in bed very worried about what happens next. A chance to draw, paint etc doesn't just provide something to do. It can be expressive, therapeutic, and let's admit it, just plain fun. Hooray 4 art!
The thriving young arts community around Bathurst St. and Queen St. West Toronto donated some great art for sale. A speed painter did a portrait of Marilyn Monoe while folks bid on it! Queen St. West at Bathurst reminds me of Queen St. West at Spadina 20 or 30 years ago before it became gentrified. The small kool indie shops + community atmosphere eventually gave way to the big box name stores as it became well known. First nice day I get I'm going for a walk through the neighbourhood for sure! Highly recommended.
Queen St. West @ Bathurst by night
Toronto is known for its patchwork of little community neighbourhoods. Sooner or later they get bought out and become all haughty tauty like Yorkville at Yonge St. and Bloor. I lived on Queens St. West when it was a university and college student grass roots punk new wave scene. Later it became corporate chi chi. Check out the Bathurst + Queen hood now! Anyway, I've posted some photos from last night in my slide show and about my blogsite. Might do a write up if I get a chance.
What's with all the people getting shot in the head with a harpoon?!? The latest is also expected to survive but .... Harpoons?!?
Man in Red Deer Alberta is strangled to death with his underwear during a drunken spat. He hit his drinking buddy in the head with a whiskey bottle. Then she hit him with the sugar jar and well .... See @ Troubling
Kidz think they got it tough today?!?
Art rocks! Read about the Sunnybrook Hospital Art Program Benefit below.
Finally! The May 8 MOE Deputy Ministry B9 Memo on the implementation of the OSSTF MOU is available @ here! A full report including the OECTA "Me too" clause implications has been reposted in my "OECTA Me Too or Me No?" blog above.
The Fair Hiring Practice clause of the Education Act has been amended. Now a full time teacher transferring to another board "shall" be given a full time job interview [ or is it for a long term OT position?] after their 10 months as an OT [Occasional Teacher]. Few of us were aware about the transfer implication of the clause before or after OECTA Provincial Executive unilaterally ratified the OECTA MOU. See @ 10 month wait
Toronto Star reminds folks to stock up on liquor in case the LCBO workers go on strike next Friday. Certainly shows their priorities @ Strike?
OECTA Provincial Executive meets today [Friday] to deliberate over the LTD stink. Some units had a great LTD program of their own. Others nada. Now everyone faces a one size fits all LTD plan with two lesser options! Also, the "process" [what process!] from the OECTA MOU 120 [SDP] sick day plan to LTD requires a giant leap in faith that the member won't end up on an unpaid leave for awhile at least. Start saying your Hail Mary's [or 2 or 3 or ...] if you will be making a claim! If so, you will even be advised to apply for UIC [Unemployment Insurance] while you await a decision from Great West Life.
How to win friends + influence people?!?
So then, will OECTA stay the course or take advantage of the OSSTF MOU sick day/LTD options vis a vis the "me too" clause? It might not even be an advantage with all the paperwork and decision making now required for everyone who gets sick. The Catholic school boards are often nowhere near as compassionate or accommodating as their public school board counterparts. The OSSTF plan assumes a goodwill relationship exists with your board. Ha! Good luck with many if not most of the Catholic boards! More to come as we receive directions from on high! Meanwhile see my blog below with the OSSTF and OECTA MOU's comparison chart to fill in more big secret blanks for yourself. Ta!
The new OECTA Provincial Agenda newsletter is posted online. In the page 2 "Hot Talk" President Kevin O'Dwyer is still touting the OECTA MOU as a great idea. Seems everything is actually hunky dory. Whew! Could've fooled me! Well I guess that settles that ... @ OD on MOU!
OECTA Waterloo unit's "Chalk Talk" goes on line. Dunno how many more photos of outgoing President Kevin O'Dwyer [5] one can squeeze in without any of our incoming President James Ryan [0]. However, it is a very detailed local OECTA Newsletter, much moreso than most and they are not afraid to share it publicly on line. Greetings to my PAC colleague of long standing, John Kearns, who is still at it with his PAC report! See @ OECTA Waterloo Chalk Talk
Here's my favourite OECTA local unit website: St. Clair is open and posts even "sensitive" info so it's members are in the know. It's not all top secret so others can't see either. You know what I mean; no big OECTA "cone of silence". When you get a chance go check it out to better grasp what OECTA's up to @ Excellent!
OECTA TSU President Rene Jansen has made sure the UAGM [Unit Annual General Meeting] agenda, resolutions and other related materials are up on the units on line site. He was still at work writing up a members newsletter when Janet + I left 4 the art show [see below]. His office light was still on when we went back to pick up my car much, much later that night. Whew! What dedication! I'm will miss working with him and the executive.
Not unexpectedly, I wasn't nominated for the unit's distinguished service award this year. I'm sure I royally P.O'ed off way too many people at OECTA with my blog ;-} Today's probably won't have everyone cheering and clapping either. No matter, that's not why I got active in the union anyway. I've said what needed to be said, done what's needed to be done ....
Now, I wonder if someone will erase me from all the exec photos on our office wall?! Maybe glue on somebody else's head instead? Ha ha. My regrets for joking around. I still love the TSU executive team for all the great things we have accomplished for the members since we first started out together despite the later differences. However, as of midnight June 30th, I'm done this chapter of my life. It feels so liberating!
Don't forget to check out the unit's website. My controversial blog has certainly challenged TSU to get it's online butt in gear as of late. Not exactly prize material on my behalf but still ... Hey! Maybe OECTA Provincial will give me a Communications award?!? Ho ho! Nope! I don't think so! See @ TSU Website
Meanwhile ....
Ontario nurses health is being put at risk to balance the Ontario budget @ Health risks!
Suddenly every one is very interested in what Andrea has to say!
Toronto Star editorial says the NDP should take what they got in the budget, rather than make more demands, risking a spring election. The NDP's Andrea Horwath has been withholding the parties necessary support for the budget with a new list of demands this week. The NDP wants an accountability office and public ombudsman to make the government more responsible. IMHO this certainly seems to counter PC Leader Tim Hudaks claim that the NDP is supporting corruption, while holding the OLP to their promises, another longtime PC complaint. She also reinforces the NDP as being responsive to the average persons needs. Politically rubs the NDP balance of power in Wynne's face while also stealing Tim's thunder. Read what the Star thinks @ Enough is enough?
Oh Canada! Ditto the Globe and Mail which is worried her "crass opportunism" [sic] creates problems for taxpayers and corporations. Primarily corporations I'd bet @ Corporate headaches!
Premier Wynne says she won't agree to the NDP's time frame demand for auto insurance cuts. Bet those poor old insurance companies are royally p.o'ed! Boo hoo! See @ Stop car insurance rip offs!
Read the media release on car insurance cuts from the Premiers office @ Other side of the story.
The Toronto Star reports on this past week's Wynne + Horwath brouhaha @ Duking it out QP style!
UN human right groups to investigate Canada's treatment of our aboriginal people! If we found out people were treated like this elsewhere in the world most Canadians would be morally outraged. So how can we turn a blind eye to what's going on in our own backyard? Hopefully we won't for much longer with the whole world watching! See @ For shame!
Meanwhile high above planet Earth ...
NASA TV: Here's a live video stream from the ISS [International Space Station] where a space walk is happening today to fix the dangerous ammonia leak before the crew is scheduled to return to earth on Monday. Check the NASA TV schedule for show time of the upcoming events. Seems to take awhile to load but it can be a fascinating steam @ Space Walk
The next May 11th Saturday morning space walk will be streamed live beginning at 7am EST. They still haven't fixed that ammonia leak. Chris + the lads are going back to work at it some more. Astronauts will head outside the ISS at 8:15 EST. See the link above! Tres cool!
Hanging in tight!
Toronto beats Boston 2-1. Trail Boston 3-2 but next game in Toronto 7:30 pm Sunday May 12. Here's a good shot by shot account of the game @ Toronto beats Boston 2-1!
Art 4 fun and therapy! Last night Janet and I attended a fundraiser for the Sunnybrook Hospital Art Program. Talk about a great idea! Hospital patients are offered an art option during their long stays, especially for cancer and leukaemia. It can be dull and very scary lieing in bed very worried about what happens next. A chance to draw, paint etc doesn't just provide something to do. It can be expressive, therapeutic, and let's admit it, just plain fun. Hooray 4 art!
The thriving young arts community around Bathurst St. and Queen St. West Toronto donated some great art for sale. A speed painter did a portrait of Marilyn Monoe while folks bid on it! Queen St. West at Bathurst reminds me of Queen St. West at Spadina 20 or 30 years ago before it became gentrified. The small kool indie shops + community atmosphere eventually gave way to the big box name stores as it became well known. First nice day I get I'm going for a walk through the neighbourhood for sure! Highly recommended.
Queen St. West @ Bathurst by night
Toronto is known for its patchwork of little community neighbourhoods. Sooner or later they get bought out and become all haughty tauty like Yorkville at Yonge St. and Bloor. I lived on Queens St. West when it was a university and college student grass roots punk new wave scene. Later it became corporate chi chi. Check out the Bathurst + Queen hood now! Anyway, I've posted some photos from last night in my slide show and about my blogsite. Might do a write up if I get a chance.
What's with all the people getting shot in the head with a harpoon?!? The latest is also expected to survive but .... Harpoons?!?
Man in Red Deer Alberta is strangled to death with his underwear during a drunken spat. He hit his drinking buddy in the head with a whiskey bottle. Then she hit him with the sugar jar and well .... See @ Troubling
Kidz think they got it tough today?!?
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