This earlier blog is now being reposted here for your convenience! Guest blogs are, of course, still most welcome! Details below!
Ever wanted to write a well read article on an interesting topic for teachers? It could be about anything really. You know I rant a lot about teaching, school and politics. Over the past year I've had a number of guest blogs that have been very well received by thousands of readers across Ontario, Canada, the USA + abroad. Mr. John Cafferky has written a series of articles challenging the imposition of the OECTA MOU. Rob Scott has written some challenging OSSTF's political strategy. Maybe you'd like to write about something too?
Remember that mild mannered Clark Kent was a superman writer in disguise!
Keep it interesting. On my blogsite I like to post a wide variety of points of view + insights, pro and con on topics and issues. Make us think twice about what we believe by daring to challenge the status quo, whatever that might be. In short, your perspective does not have to agree with mine or whatever the current trends in thought are here or elsewhere. The best writing can make us think with interesting insights into the assumptions of the day.
If you'd like to submit a guest article blog it should be written in MS Word. Send it as an email attachment to my gmail address. Include any photo's or pictures you'd like posted with it. Please edit and do your own spelling + grammar check. I am not good at this. [ed: No! No! ..... It's true! ;-] I prefer to post "as is" except for when I have to otherwise readjust the type size or spacing. You can choose whether to highlight keywords and phrases in bold or not yourself.
I will not negatively editorialize nor frame your piece in a critical manner. It stands on it's own merits or it falls under it's own weight or lack thereof. Our readers are of course welcome to comment or reply. There is a Comments bar below each blog. We often have some very interesting reactions, discussions, and debates. You are of course taking responsibility for your own words. But worry not, you won't get flamed, or burnt like toast for giving it a try.
Taaa! Daaa! Super woman comes to save the day!
So, if you'd like to write a guest blog on a topic or insight you think we should know about or consider at greater depth as teachers, educators +/or enlightened thinkers, please submit it to:
The sooner the better, I especially appreciate holiday time guest blogs. Holidays are sometimes a good time for writers with something important to say, but so little time during the regular hectic workday to do so. By posting then you might get less reads per day but also there's more exposure for a greater length of time. During the school year you will gets lots of readers all once,but then the audience will quickly move on according to the news of the day + it's easier to get dated. Currently my blog has had 528,000 readers as per the little counter near the top right of my site reader visits. Consider writing a guest blog article about something important you'd like to say!
Pax/ Solidarity!
David C
PS: Ladies + grrrrrls! A special challenge: More female blogger contributions can help provide a wider more nuanced range of perspectives. Please don't just leave it up to the guys to say what needs to be said!
Ever wanted to write a well read article on an interesting topic for teachers? It could be about anything really. You know I rant a lot about teaching, school and politics. Over the past year I've had a number of guest blogs that have been very well received by thousands of readers across Ontario, Canada, the USA + abroad. Mr. John Cafferky has written a series of articles challenging the imposition of the OECTA MOU. Rob Scott has written some challenging OSSTF's political strategy. Maybe you'd like to write about something too?
Guest bloggers: Come challenge our assumptions about the status quo!
Cyberspace does not limit how many words your article contains, or how much space it takes up. It will however get boring if it's too long. Sometimes these articles are best written as a series. Paragraphs should be kept short so they are easier to read and follow on a computer screen. You can also use the Comment button below each blog for open forum discussions on your topic. Otherwise? Don't worry about the length.
Keep it interesting. On my blogsite I like to post a wide variety of points of view + insights, pro and con on topics and issues. Make us think twice about what we believe by daring to challenge the status quo, whatever that might be. In short, your perspective does not have to agree with mine or whatever the current trends in thought are here or elsewhere. The best writing can make us think with interesting insights into the assumptions of the day.
If you'd like to submit a guest article blog it should be written in MS Word. Send it as an email attachment to my gmail address. Include any photo's or pictures you'd like posted with it. Please edit and do your own spelling + grammar check. I am not good at this. [ed: No! No! ..... It's true! ;-] I prefer to post "as is" except for when I have to otherwise readjust the type size or spacing. You can choose whether to highlight keywords and phrases in bold or not yourself.
I will not negatively editorialize nor frame your piece in a critical manner. It stands on it's own merits or it falls under it's own weight or lack thereof. Our readers are of course welcome to comment or reply. There is a Comments bar below each blog. We often have some very interesting reactions, discussions, and debates. You are of course taking responsibility for your own words. But worry not, you won't get flamed, or burnt like toast for giving it a try.
Taaa! Daaa! Super woman comes to save the day!
So, if you'd like to write a guest blog on a topic or insight you think we should know about or consider at greater depth as teachers, educators +/or enlightened thinkers, please submit it to:
The sooner the better, I especially appreciate holiday time guest blogs. Holidays are sometimes a good time for writers with something important to say, but so little time during the regular hectic workday to do so. By posting then you might get less reads per day but also there's more exposure for a greater length of time. During the school year you will gets lots of readers all once,but then the audience will quickly move on according to the news of the day + it's easier to get dated. Currently my blog has had 528,000 readers as per the little counter near the top right of my site reader visits. Consider writing a guest blog article about something important you'd like to say!
Pax/ Solidarity!
David C
Interesting idea for guest bloggers. Some of the best blogging sites have more than one writer.
Sure! It would be great to have writers from each of the affiliates bringing us up to speed with insights on the their union. Also on issues somebody might have particular knowledge or expertise with. Of course, political punditry is always fun especially when we can get some diffferent points of view. And so on. I hope I get some responses. Last year I picked up the two guest bloggers mentioned above who went to town on OECTA + OSSTF. The more different interesting + thought provoking contributions the better! If anybody is thinking of it, well give it a try. It really is a lot of fun too.
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