Welcome to another edition of my Kulture Kult Ink blog flying solo as a separate feature dealing with somewhat different issues of our life and times! Your regular teacher + union news + views will continue above + below.
Its official! The Conservative Party of Canada is about to widely license ahem ... "medical marijuana". Ostensibly they are against legalization, but that's one helluva lot of marijuana for medical purposes. If elected, Justin Trudeau's federal Liberal is promising to legalize it after the 2015 election! Also known as ganja, weed, grass, pot, or boo,either way it's going to sooner or later become a billion dollar tax bonanza! It'll be as big a cash cow as booze + lotteries! Watch the sin taxes now become the third part of a Holy Trinity tax grab of sorts for whomever wins! Catching the whiff of big profits they have suddenly seen the light + arrived to save the day for pot smokers and the chronically ill. Or have they?
For decades social conservatives were going ape over the alleged ill effects of the devil weed. Marijuana was a harbinger of youth corruption and sexual promiscuity. It was responsible for the decline of Western Civilization into the hellish social and political fires below. Once it was but the lowly purvey of poor rural black Americans who grew it for "cheap thrills" and a tobacco substitute of sorts. Later it became better known as the revered inspiration of crazed negro jazz musicians as they played "race music" on a piano, horn, guitar or drums. Then wouldn't you know it? Guess what happened?
Marijuana: The Devil's weed?!?
Nice white middle class kids who should've know better started to listen and dance to the lure of the devil weed's tune. Terror spread as hopped up youth caught the mad African tribal beat mixing up the races on the dance club floors! Beatniks were soon smoking it in coffee houses, playing African bongos + making up poetry that didn't even rhyme!
Sound frightening! Soon a lot of young people stopped working and started dressing like poor Negros in blue jeans instead of getting a nice office job + a grey suit like dad, or a stay at home kitchen apron like mom! Hippies followed next growing their hair long like wild jungle bush men, always complaining about the ways of the nice, once safe, tranquil white world! They even refused to go fight in Asia or Eastern Europe to save our way of life from the Godless communists who nowadays, wouldn't you know it, our now our trading partners.
It might've seemed like the reefer madness would never end! For much of the mid to late 20th century hair raising exposes about the terrible evils of smoking weed made for screaming headlines on the front covers of the sensation crazed yellow tabloid newspapers crammed full with the devilish details. Crazed hop heads were the horrific villains in countless b-grade Hollywood movies shown on the drive-in theatres big screen. But now in 2013 all of a sudden crossing over to the dark side has been forgiven, or at least forgotten in the new collective amnesiac haze lit by the Canuck politicos psychedelic green dreams!
Behold the mighty dollar! Hallelujah! Pass the pipe around! Marijuana can help balance the budget! Profits can be made! Admit it or not the Harper Conservatives know that there's big business bucks to be made by licensing the devil weed! Also there's a potentially big election advantage for Trudeau of stealing votes from under both the Conservative and NDP election feet too! Hooray Justin! Hooray Steve! Yeah baby! Go man go!
Rest assured "licenced" is just a nice way of inevitably saying "legalization"! Will Harper style legalization prove good news for Canadians? All the eager "Monopoly" game Capitalists, black "Gangsta" rappers, white "Doobie Brother" rock musicians, "Rocky + Bullwinkle" beatniks, "Fabulous Furry Freak Brother" hippies + nice suburban white "Leave it to Beaver" kids alike? Well, it would remove the criminal element from the underworld drug trade so the Canadian government can take its place instead. Hmmm.
Police can now turn their attention to other more pressing problems of the 21st Century like keeping all the communist protesters and union thugs in their place. Young people will avoid criminal records for a dalliance studies show many have at least tried once for over the past half century or so. Everybody can now be finally left alone to enjoy a little boo!
Nothing can stop it now! I'd bet that sooner or later Steven Harper's Conservative party could well be leading the hooray for sweet smelling nicotine free "marijuana cigarettes" at sale in your neighbourhood corner store too! Or a new kind of "herbal tea"! Who knows? Maybe next we'll see "grass cookies" at your local bakery! The dollar possibilities are endless indeed!
Hispanic Percussionist Tito Puente: Corrupter of white middle class youth?
Does legalization sound a little too nice and pat? Consider this: Did every so called rebel drug fiend just inhale and eat marijuana, or drank "herbal tea" to get high? Back in the day? Did they just blow their minds imbibing reefer? Hell even Lou Reed and Tito Puente were known to smoke a little boo. Did young leftie minded youth who listened to homosexual or Hispanics sing and play their weed brand of devils music come to think these folk weren't undesirables because they were different? Was everyone just tricked into equal rights because they were high? Or did the act of rebellion itself itself in smoking grass also become a catalyst for change about what one could say, think, feel, or do?
That would sure explain a lot about where our society is at today! Not just negro, Hispanic or gays were apparently corrupting morals + twisting good respectable social standards upside down! Causing the youth to question the safe, expected order of things or .... well who really remembers anymore let alone why? If it really did shake up the status quo, what happens now that the rebellion is taken out of smoking marijuana once it is perfectly legal?
Apparently smoking marijuana is not very good for your memory! Or so I am told. Don't worry! Maybe it's all for the best! Now we can all pretend that it wasn't a challenge to the status quo. That could be good for the social conservatives in Ottawa. And the rest of us can wipe our liberal or progressive slates clean of any trouble making behaviour we wouldn't want our own kids engaging in like we did, that might upset and challenge our own new status quo. Perhaps the biggest upside will be knowing they aren't doing anything terribly illegal that will cause trouble and unrest today?
Yes, how ironic! We baby-boomers are now the establishment we once protested against. No matter. For a middle-aged white guy like myself, it should make no difference. Our idea of a medicinal drug now might often more likely be Scotch or Tylenol, Wellbutin or a Tums instead, to soften the aches and pains of twenty first century life. And a few years from now nobody will even remember when smoking pot was such a big rebellious deal. Even cause for some medical concern when anyone still cared about lung damage or memory loss at all. And of course it will no longer possibly pose a rebellious challenge to the way we run the world according to our own now well established biases and expectations.
I suppose the only things we know for certain is that legalizing marijuana means it will no longer be against the law, Also that it should prove a big source of cash for the government and big business. Interestingly, my good sources, who I fear might still be on the hop, report that there is another way to deal with the terrible reefer menace, corrupter of youth, + once potent cause of decline into political, racial, musical and poetic madness without totally legalizing it. It 's called "decriminalization"!
With decriminalization imbibers can grow their own marijuana at home for free, either hydroponically, or in the garden. Perhaps even a window box. Just enough for themselves, and maybe a little extra for a good friend or two. Anybody so inclined could then just get together on the cheap seeking free love, peace, and understanding in their own home grown reefer way. There'd be no need to buy the big buck taxed weed that the politicos in Ottawa are about to licence, legalize and market instead.
Alas! Growing your own marijuana will still be illegal because .... well, just because! Let's not get paranoid about our new main man in Ottawa though, whoever he is! Don't worry! Our universe is now unfolding as it should. Legalized marijuana won't be part of any social and political upheaval and change as it becomes an acceptable part of our newly established way of life. Just breathe in deep, hold that thought and let's party dude! Welcome to the new, improved Canadian 21st Century high -a happy, profitable and controlled tax on legalized commercial pot!
Oh Cannabis! We stand on guard for thee?
More info:
Legalization will create a billion dollar business @ Toronto Star
Reefer Madness [1937]: See the complete 1 hour 9 minute movie. Watch for the hysterical drug induced jazz piano scene, the driving on drugs + drug dealer in a trench coat scenes @ Youtube
Reefer Jazz
Cab: White folks favourite Harlem bandleader in the 1930's!
Cab Calloway sings "Reefer Man" at a jazz club in Harlem @ Video Clip
A Cab Calloway 59 Song Video Jukebox @Cab Calloway
"Sweet Marijuana Brown" by Mlle Lena + the Ixion Burlesque @ Bizzare Marijuana Burlesque Show [adult content]
Rocky + Bullwinkle
Check out this fan site @ Holy Smokes!
A marijuana medical patient considers the a possible drug subtext in the show @ Mooseberries?
Sixties to Present
7 videos stoners watch for a special high @ Potent + Mind Expanding?
"In A Gadda da Vida" The complete 1968 live performance on video @ Sixties
Other links coming!
Jamaican Reggae
"Harder They Come" Jimmy Cliff 2013 HD movie trailer @ Johnny Too Bad
" Weed Songs" The Jamaican Marijuana Jukebox @ Jah Reggae
Cheech + Chong
Cheech + Chong: 14 comedy videos @ Up In Smoke
"Dave's Not Here!': Cheech + Chong short comedy skit @ Audio Slide Show
"Up in Smoke" Cheech + Chong Low Rider Promo video @ Car Scenes
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Grass Roots Video Collection @ 167 clips
A new sin tax Steve? How quick we forget!
Its official! The Conservative Party of Canada is about to widely license ahem ... "medical marijuana". Ostensibly they are against legalization, but that's one helluva lot of marijuana for medical purposes. If elected, Justin Trudeau's federal Liberal is promising to legalize it after the 2015 election! Also known as ganja, weed, grass, pot, or boo,either way it's going to sooner or later become a billion dollar tax bonanza! It'll be as big a cash cow as booze + lotteries! Watch the sin taxes now become the third part of a Holy Trinity tax grab of sorts for whomever wins! Catching the whiff of big profits they have suddenly seen the light + arrived to save the day for pot smokers and the chronically ill. Or have they?
For decades social conservatives were going ape over the alleged ill effects of the devil weed. Marijuana was a harbinger of youth corruption and sexual promiscuity. It was responsible for the decline of Western Civilization into the hellish social and political fires below. Once it was but the lowly purvey of poor rural black Americans who grew it for "cheap thrills" and a tobacco substitute of sorts. Later it became better known as the revered inspiration of crazed negro jazz musicians as they played "race music" on a piano, horn, guitar or drums. Then wouldn't you know it? Guess what happened?
Marijuana: The Devil's weed?!?
Nice white middle class kids who should've know better started to listen and dance to the lure of the devil weed's tune. Terror spread as hopped up youth caught the mad African tribal beat mixing up the races on the dance club floors! Beatniks were soon smoking it in coffee houses, playing African bongos + making up poetry that didn't even rhyme!
Sound frightening! Soon a lot of young people stopped working and started dressing like poor Negros in blue jeans instead of getting a nice office job + a grey suit like dad, or a stay at home kitchen apron like mom! Hippies followed next growing their hair long like wild jungle bush men, always complaining about the ways of the nice, once safe, tranquil white world! They even refused to go fight in Asia or Eastern Europe to save our way of life from the Godless communists who nowadays, wouldn't you know it, our now our trading partners.
It might've seemed like the reefer madness would never end! For much of the mid to late 20th century hair raising exposes about the terrible evils of smoking weed made for screaming headlines on the front covers of the sensation crazed yellow tabloid newspapers crammed full with the devilish details. Crazed hop heads were the horrific villains in countless b-grade Hollywood movies shown on the drive-in theatres big screen. But now in 2013 all of a sudden crossing over to the dark side has been forgiven, or at least forgotten in the new collective amnesiac haze lit by the Canuck politicos psychedelic green dreams!
Behold the mighty dollar! Hallelujah! Pass the pipe around! Marijuana can help balance the budget! Profits can be made! Admit it or not the Harper Conservatives know that there's big business bucks to be made by licensing the devil weed! Also there's a potentially big election advantage for Trudeau of stealing votes from under both the Conservative and NDP election feet too! Hooray Justin! Hooray Steve! Yeah baby! Go man go!
Rest assured "licenced" is just a nice way of inevitably saying "legalization"! Will Harper style legalization prove good news for Canadians? All the eager "Monopoly" game Capitalists, black "Gangsta" rappers, white "Doobie Brother" rock musicians, "Rocky + Bullwinkle" beatniks, "Fabulous Furry Freak Brother" hippies + nice suburban white "Leave it to Beaver" kids alike? Well, it would remove the criminal element from the underworld drug trade so the Canadian government can take its place instead. Hmmm.
Police can now turn their attention to other more pressing problems of the 21st Century like keeping all the communist protesters and union thugs in their place. Young people will avoid criminal records for a dalliance studies show many have at least tried once for over the past half century or so. Everybody can now be finally left alone to enjoy a little boo!
Nothing can stop it now! I'd bet that sooner or later Steven Harper's Conservative party could well be leading the hooray for sweet smelling nicotine free "marijuana cigarettes" at sale in your neighbourhood corner store too! Or a new kind of "herbal tea"! Who knows? Maybe next we'll see "grass cookies" at your local bakery! The dollar possibilities are endless indeed!
Hispanic Percussionist Tito Puente: Corrupter of white middle class youth?
Does legalization sound a little too nice and pat? Consider this: Did every so called rebel drug fiend just inhale and eat marijuana, or drank "herbal tea" to get high? Back in the day? Did they just blow their minds imbibing reefer? Hell even Lou Reed and Tito Puente were known to smoke a little boo. Did young leftie minded youth who listened to homosexual or Hispanics sing and play their weed brand of devils music come to think these folk weren't undesirables because they were different? Was everyone just tricked into equal rights because they were high? Or did the act of rebellion itself itself in smoking grass also become a catalyst for change about what one could say, think, feel, or do?
That would sure explain a lot about where our society is at today! Not just negro, Hispanic or gays were apparently corrupting morals + twisting good respectable social standards upside down! Causing the youth to question the safe, expected order of things or .... well who really remembers anymore let alone why? If it really did shake up the status quo, what happens now that the rebellion is taken out of smoking marijuana once it is perfectly legal?
Apparently smoking marijuana is not very good for your memory! Or so I am told. Don't worry! Maybe it's all for the best! Now we can all pretend that it wasn't a challenge to the status quo. That could be good for the social conservatives in Ottawa. And the rest of us can wipe our liberal or progressive slates clean of any trouble making behaviour we wouldn't want our own kids engaging in like we did, that might upset and challenge our own new status quo. Perhaps the biggest upside will be knowing they aren't doing anything terribly illegal that will cause trouble and unrest today?
Yes, how ironic! We baby-boomers are now the establishment we once protested against. No matter. For a middle-aged white guy like myself, it should make no difference. Our idea of a medicinal drug now might often more likely be Scotch or Tylenol, Wellbutin or a Tums instead, to soften the aches and pains of twenty first century life. And a few years from now nobody will even remember when smoking pot was such a big rebellious deal. Even cause for some medical concern when anyone still cared about lung damage or memory loss at all. And of course it will no longer possibly pose a rebellious challenge to the way we run the world according to our own now well established biases and expectations.
I suppose the only things we know for certain is that legalizing marijuana means it will no longer be against the law, Also that it should prove a big source of cash for the government and big business. Interestingly, my good sources, who I fear might still be on the hop, report that there is another way to deal with the terrible reefer menace, corrupter of youth, + once potent cause of decline into political, racial, musical and poetic madness without totally legalizing it. It 's called "decriminalization"!
With decriminalization imbibers can grow their own marijuana at home for free, either hydroponically, or in the garden. Perhaps even a window box. Just enough for themselves, and maybe a little extra for a good friend or two. Anybody so inclined could then just get together on the cheap seeking free love, peace, and understanding in their own home grown reefer way. There'd be no need to buy the big buck taxed weed that the politicos in Ottawa are about to licence, legalize and market instead.
Alas! Growing your own marijuana will still be illegal because .... well, just because! Let's not get paranoid about our new main man in Ottawa though, whoever he is! Don't worry! Our universe is now unfolding as it should. Legalized marijuana won't be part of any social and political upheaval and change as it becomes an acceptable part of our newly established way of life. Just breathe in deep, hold that thought and let's party dude! Welcome to the new, improved Canadian 21st Century high -a happy, profitable and controlled tax on legalized commercial pot!
More info:
Legalization will create a billion dollar business @ Toronto Star
Reefer Madness [1937]: See the complete 1 hour 9 minute movie. Watch for the hysterical drug induced jazz piano scene, the driving on drugs + drug dealer in a trench coat scenes @ Youtube
Reefer Jazz
Cab: White folks favourite Harlem bandleader in the 1930's!
Cab Calloway sings "Reefer Man" at a jazz club in Harlem @ Video Clip
A Cab Calloway 59 Song Video Jukebox @Cab Calloway
"Sweet Marijuana Brown" by Mlle Lena + the Ixion Burlesque @ Bizzare Marijuana Burlesque Show [adult content]
Rocky + Bullwinkle
Check out this fan site @ Holy Smokes!
A marijuana medical patient considers the a possible drug subtext in the show @ Mooseberries?
Sixties to Present
7 videos stoners watch for a special high @ Potent + Mind Expanding?
"In A Gadda da Vida" The complete 1968 live performance on video @ Sixties
Other links coming!
Jamaican Reggae
"Harder They Come" Jimmy Cliff 2013 HD movie trailer @ Johnny Too Bad
" Weed Songs" The Jamaican Marijuana Jukebox @ Jah Reggae
Cheech + Chong
Cheech + Chong: 14 comedy videos @ Up In Smoke
"Dave's Not Here!': Cheech + Chong short comedy skit @ Audio Slide Show
"Up in Smoke" Cheech + Chong Low Rider Promo video @ Car Scenes
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
Grass Roots Video Collection @ 167 clips
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