Opening Statement

Monday 9 June 2014

Election Week Nail Biter!

The latest 308 aggregate poll above shows the Liberals entering the homestretch with a slight lead in the polls, perhaps a larger one in the number of legislative seats they will win. However, as we've seen over the course of the provincial election there have been incredible swings in the polls. Usually its with the OLP + PC's switching positions back and forth, while the NDP continue to flat line or go down

308s latest aggregate poll was updated this Monday morning in advance of the Thursday election date. We can still expect more polls from each of the big pollsters over the next few days. Maybe we might still well see Mr. Hudak form the next government, minority or majority. Indeed still pretty much anything seems possible. You can crunch the 308 numbers some more yourself @ 308

[PS: Keep checking 308. The numbers will change as the latest polls are added!]

It was interesting to hear Mr. Hudak lament that he currently has 19 unions campaigning against him. I suppose if they were pro PC neo con interests campaigning for him that would be okay. Or that it's all right to build an election campaign platform attacking us, threatening to cut jobs and all sorts of horrible other anti union moves but we aren't supposed to say boo or that's wrong. Duh. We can only hope that our teacher unions educational advocacy campaigns succeed in beating Mr. Hudak at his own game. No, it's often not a nice game to play, but sometimes one can only fight fire with fire. Let's hope Mr. Hudak gets burned for wanting to play nasty. Maybe cooler heads will then prevail in the PC party next time around?

The news story appeared this weekend in a Toronto Sun article, spitting out pure hate and venom at us, for purportedly spitting hate and venom at them. Numerous ridiculous allegations of brainwashing, lies and government kick backs were thrown willy nilly. You can read the article @  Toronto Sun 

Working Family court case: Liars! Liars! Your PC pants are on fire!

It is worth knowing that Working Families is all ready taking the PC's to court for defamation. The PC's have previously also made many false claims about Working Families alleged ties with the OLP on their party website. The PC's certainly haven't let up a bit. I would suppose they figure afterwards will be too late, the damage will have all ready been done. The article on the court case is @  Working Families

It certainly has been a dirty election campaign. From my own family events over the last weekend, I suspect many folks have had enough, made up their minds, or are washing their hands of it all and might just not vote at all. Indeed FIFA begins on June 12th! I'd be willing to bet many will go watch the game at home or at a pub rather than vote. We all well might be preaching to the converted in next few days ahead. That's a definite downside to these sort of negative campaigns. Well, we certainly didn't pick or start the fight, but let's hope we can finally end it!

The internet is rife with neo con twitters attacking everybody and anybody in sight. It's definitely overkill. At this late point in the election I can't see what good this will serve. Nor is it worth tweeting back. With a little luck we will have the last laugh on Thursday!

I was surprised when an OSSTF acquaintance in the Kitchener area told me that the union had strongly advised them to vote Liberal, so as not to split the NDP + OLP vote and let the PC's win. Would a teachers union get involved in an NDP/ OLP fight especially in an NDP held riding?!? It would be good to be able to confirm this story which unfortunately I otherwise have no reason to doubt. They were quite earnest and prepared to act accordingly. You will note that all the teacher unions continue to hold their endorsements close to the chest. We won't know the whole story until the elections over.

If I wasn't retired and still on union executive I would be for only providing financial support to a bipartisan group like Working Families. Fight the PC's on the issues rather than aid and abet any specific candidate or party. Also through providing educational advocacy campaigns like OECTA's excellent Speak for Children. Ditto ETFO's Building Better Schools! All three parties have turned on us now. I should think a moratorium on party financial donations and direct endorsements would have been in order this year, especially with the OLP after the MOU!

So how then can we constructively help out individually as teachers without comprimise? Here's one idea: If you want to make a difference volunteer to help out after school on election day for your party in a riding where you can help defeat a Tory! You could work the phones or help provide a drive for those voters who can't make it to the polling booths. It would be a good idea to get hold of the party campaign office now so they can plan accordingly.

Indeed, 308 has also posted the number of people polled who are likely voters. After all is said and done election day might well just go to the party who can get out most of their voters when it's so tight and uncertain like it is now! The fate of education and union rights in our province hangs on a very delicate thread with apathy so extreme. Check out the 308 numbers on those from each party who plan to vote: 


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