Notes + Links on the ongoing provincial negotiations between the teacher affiliates and the Ministry of Education will now continue on this blog. You are encouraged to forward info, links and Comment below to aid in our understanding of what transpires!
[Your teacher free speech all affiliate self directed study guide has a plethora of info and links to documents + pretty much everything else you will need to make any sense of what's going on yourself @ Here! ]
December 17 2014
OECTA OLRB hearing dates are set for January 9 + 19th 2015. The hearings are due to a lack of agreement upon whether these items are to be bargained provincially:
Board attendance management programs
health and safety
Seniority as basis for transfers
IEP workload and teaching conditions
Staffing provisions
Stay tuned! I will confirm the time and location.
OCT 31 2014
The Association is referring the matters in
dispute to the Labour Relations Board. Provincial bargaining will not resume
until all matters included in the scope of central bargaining have been
OCT 07 2014
The Ontario government and teacher unions seem to be playing the current round of teacher contract negotiations pretty close to their chest. Each of our affiliates have a "members only" access area on their provincial website for contact updates. How insightful a lot of these often are is something else again. Suffice to say the OLP has let it be known they don't want to negotiate in public this time, so I suppose that will be as good as any reason for all parties to say as little as possible. From a teacher free speech point of view this most definitely warrants cause for vigilance at the grassroots level. We have been broadsided before.
Apparently the contract talks might have hit a snag, depending upon whom you talk to. OSSTF has asked the Ontario Labour Relations Board to clarify what issues should be on the provincial bargaining table. ETFO has expressed concern at the move. OSSTF claims its just following the new process under Bill 122 and there is no cause for concern. They continue to hold local strike votes which they also seem to be claiming are just part and parcel of the bargaining process @ Snag?
Is there a provincial government and Catholic trustees split? From the local affiliate newsletters: OECTA and the OCSTA met with the government Sept 5 and 16 to began discussing the ground rules for this round of provincial bargaining. OCSTA and the Crown now comprise a joint employer bargaining team with a common front under the terms of Bill 122. The OCSTA chief spokesperson clearly stated that they didn't agree with OECTA or the Crown that the current collective agreements would form the basis for this round of bargaining. This includes the terms and conditions of the 2008-2012 OECTA collective agreements as modified by the July 5 2012 MOU [Memorandum of Understanding], its attendant updates, regulations, and any locally agreed-upon terms.
Although the existing contract expired Aug 31, under Bill 122 and the Ontario Labour Relations Act (OLRA), collective agreements will continue until amendments, if any, are achieved through the bargaining process.The OECTA bargaining process will be finalized with it's members having the right to vote on their collective agreement this time around. OECTA met with the MOE on Sept 22 and provincial negotiations again on Sept 23 + 24.
[Your teacher free speech all affiliate self directed study guide has a plethora of info and links to documents + pretty much everything else you will need to make any sense of what's going on yourself @ Here! ]
December 17 2014
OECTA OLRB hearing dates are set for January 9 + 19th 2015. The hearings are due to a lack of agreement upon whether these items are to be bargained provincially:
Board attendance management programs
health and safety
Seniority as basis for transfers
IEP workload and teaching conditions
Staffing provisions
Stay tuned! I will confirm the time and location.
OCT 31 2014
On October 22, 23 and 24, OECTA's provincial
bargaining team met with the employer side of the provincial bargaining
table. Although the three parties reached agreement on 17 items, they failed to reach agreement on all matters to be included in the scope of central
bargaining. Specifically, the employer side did not want to include the
following five items in the scope of central bargaining:
1. All matters relating to sick leave (the employer insists
on excluding attendance management programs);
2. Seniority as the basis for all teacher transfers;
3. Teacher working conditions and workload as they relate to
Individual Education Plans (IEPs);
4. All matters relating to health and safety issues; and
5. All matters relating to staffing provisions.
OCT 07 2014
The Ontario government and teacher unions seem to be playing the current round of teacher contract negotiations pretty close to their chest. Each of our affiliates have a "members only" access area on their provincial website for contact updates. How insightful a lot of these often are is something else again. Suffice to say the OLP has let it be known they don't want to negotiate in public this time, so I suppose that will be as good as any reason for all parties to say as little as possible. From a teacher free speech point of view this most definitely warrants cause for vigilance at the grassroots level. We have been broadsided before.
Apparently the contract talks might have hit a snag, depending upon whom you talk to. OSSTF has asked the Ontario Labour Relations Board to clarify what issues should be on the provincial bargaining table. ETFO has expressed concern at the move. OSSTF claims its just following the new process under Bill 122 and there is no cause for concern. They continue to hold local strike votes which they also seem to be claiming are just part and parcel of the bargaining process @ Snag?
Is there a provincial government and Catholic trustees split? From the local affiliate newsletters: OECTA and the OCSTA met with the government Sept 5 and 16 to began discussing the ground rules for this round of provincial bargaining. OCSTA and the Crown now comprise a joint employer bargaining team with a common front under the terms of Bill 122. The OCSTA chief spokesperson clearly stated that they didn't agree with OECTA or the Crown that the current collective agreements would form the basis for this round of bargaining. This includes the terms and conditions of the 2008-2012 OECTA collective agreements as modified by the July 5 2012 MOU [Memorandum of Understanding], its attendant updates, regulations, and any locally agreed-upon terms.
Although the existing contract expired Aug 31, under Bill 122 and the Ontario Labour Relations Act (OLRA), collective agreements will continue until amendments, if any, are achieved through the bargaining process.The OECTA bargaining process will be finalized with it's members having the right to vote on their collective agreement this time around. OECTA met with the MOE on Sept 22 and provincial negotiations again on Sept 23 + 24.
Local bargaining is clearly dead. Killed by the school boards associations and the complicity of the provincial teacher unions. You should publish the OECTA list of agreed to items for Central bargaining...which of course will set a precedent that all teachers will have to live with. Once OECTA announces that it accepts the Liberal net zero agenda we can all just sit back and watch the concessions roll in!
If you have the list please forward so I can publish.
October 31, 2014 - Issue 10
Further to yesterday’s Provincial Bargaining Update, your bargaining team and the employer side of the provincial bargaining table, which consists of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA), have come to agreement that the following matters are within the scope of central bargaining:
1. All matters relating to monetary compensation.
2. All matters relating to Pregnancy/Parental Leave including Maternity Leave/SEB plans.
3. All matters relating to WSIB top up.
4. All matters relating to Benefits.
5. All matters relating to Hiring Practice including the July 5, 2012 MoU and Regulation 274.
6. All matters relating to a VLAP type program.
7. All matters relating to paid leaves.
8. Teacher working conditions and workload as they relate to the following*:
o Supervision and on-calls;
o class structure;
o assessment and reporting;
o professional and staff development;
o prep and planning time provisions;
o board-level staff advisory committees.
*Note that teacher working conditions and workload as they relate to Individual Education Plans (IEPs) has not been agreed upon and will be referred to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB).
10. All matters relating to teacher professional judgment.
11. Protection of teacher bargaining unit work.
12. All matters relating to Ministry of Education Initiatives and the implementation thereof.
13. All matters relating to the creation of a central issues dispute resolution and grievance process and the role of the Crown therein.
14. All matters relating to the length of term, notice to bargain and renewal.
15. The structure and organization of collective agreements.
16. All matters relating to how to incorporate into the collective agreement the content/language of the July 5, 2012 MoU as modified by the May 16, 2013 MoU update, unless excluded, modified or added to during these negotiations for a central agreement.
17. Return to teacher bargaining unit of Principals and Vice-principals.
18. System Principals.
19. All matters relating to information requests relating to all issues identified above.
Once the OLRB has made a determination on the five items in dispute, the provincial bargaining table will begin negotiating any items deems provincial matters, including the aforementioned already agreed-upon items.
We will continue to keep our members informed through regular and timely updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local bargaining unit president. .
Thanks OECTA for screwing us all yet again! Your complicity with successive provincial governments has left collective bargaining and many of our collective agreements in tatters! You're a disgrace to the fabric of unionism!
"To the fabric of unionism"
Oh my gosh! What a travesty! How about those magic Persian flying rugs? OECTA, damaging even a single thread could pose a serious safety risk. Do we need to continue the illiterate constructivist nonsense?
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