Opening Statement

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Ontario Interlude: Land o' the Lakes!

There is no place finer, nor more majestic, than Canada in the summertime.  Late spring will also do in a fix. So it is, with our winter travels now over. Cuba? St. Maarten? I find myself back out in Canada cottage country. Most days are a balmy, seasonal 20 degrees Celsius, with perhaps more rain than shine. Night times can be nippy, but so far, not too cold. The weather remains unpredictable. Most everyone has left our trailer park with the forecast of rain. I find myself all but alone at our summer "home away from home" in the woods beside Mississaganon Lake, Land of the Lakes, Lanark County, in south eastern Ontario.

It’s a relaxing respite. A chance to shake off the jet lag. Set up camp for summer. Sunset brings the "Spring Mating Symphony of the Frogs and Toads". It's a thunderous, ageless, repetitious croak emanating from the nearby pond. Echoing back throughout the millennium. Absolutely hypnotic. A reminder that nature was here before us, and might well still be around long after we are gone, if we don't totally destroy the environment first. Mosquito Stutka dive bombers come alive! Sensing our fresh blood, they swoop down in a thick cloud, soon quickly dispersed by the flotilla of dragon flies come to our rescue. Hoovering overhead. A loud buzzing cloud! 

I often paddle out on the lake in my kayak. The trees and brush are a fresh, virgin green, new growth everywhere, still somewhat sparse, not rich and lush like come July, nor tired yet from the heat of August. My kayak drifts lazily far out on the still water, my only companion, the cry of the loons. Later, a crackling campfire. We are peaceful and alone in the starry night.
Empty nesters now, Janet and I have downsized our life to a city condo in Toronto, three hours away. Family and friends abound. Our home is always a busy place, whether I am there or not. Everybody likes to visit the big city, especially as school ends and the summer holidaze schedule begins. I’m glad to share and head off to the country instead. In our best of both worlds, it’s winter in the city, with frequent last minute escapes to warmer climes and summers spent enjoying Canada's rich bounty in the unspoiled countryside. These are the joys of my retirement. But enough, with a cold drink, a good book and my lawn chair, I head back to the beach....

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