Opening Statement

Friday 17 July 2015

OECTA Fall WTR Guidelines!

OECTA's latest "secret" missive, outlining it's fall WTR guidelines, has appeared online and was first "exposed" by the Daily Observer [Link]. It is independently reposted here for your teacher free speech info and discussion purposes below:

July 15, 2015
We realize that a labour action is disruptive to teachers and families, and we are working to avoid that possibility. Our goal is to obtain a negotiated settlement and avoid any labour disruption in the new school year.
OECTA’s position as we pursue a new collective agreement is focused on protecting the quality of education in Ontario and standing up for teachers, students and the classroom experience. It’s important that you communicate this position to your friends, families and throughout your communities as we prepare to go back to school.
We will be providing regular updates to ensure you have the information you need. If we are unable to achieve a settlement we will implement a work to rule to call attention to our concerns.
The following are for informational purposes only as OECTA is not yet in a legal strike position. You may want to take this information into consideration as you plan for the coming year.

OECTA Enhanced Work To Rule Guidelines
The following will direct your activity during the work to rule:
OECTA members enter their workplace, as a group, 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day. This entry may be preceded by an information picket.
Within the 300-minute instructional day OECTA members shall do only their scheduled assignments and shall not agree to or participate in any additions to the schedule.
The length of the instructional day for OECTA members not assigned to a school (i.e., consultants, special assignment OECTA members at the Board office) shall be 300 minutes. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT plan or participate in any extra-curricular or voluntary activities that occur outside the regular classroom instructional time whether on or off site. This includes voluntary/extra-curricular activities during lunch, prep time, recess breaks. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT participate in any EQAO related activities including field testing, marking, administrative duties, test preparation, and administration of the test. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT participate in the preparation of report card comments or perform duties such as the inputting of data or duties of a computer site administrator.  OECTA members shall submit marks to administrators for processing.  OECTA members in secondary schools shall not prepare progress report cards. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT collect monies for any reason. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT take work materials home - all marking, planning and preparation shall be done within the 300-minute instructional day including co-op student workplace visits. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT attend meetings or undertake tasks related to any Ministry of Education initiatives. OECTA members will attend PD days in their regularly assigned workplace, during their regularly assigned instructional day, and will utilize the time on that day as they determine to best meet the needs of their students. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT conduct or submit any student assessment data (i.e., OnSis/MISA) for any purpose other than their own personal student assessment. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT act in the capacity of a teacher-in-charge or equivalent, teacher designate or any delegation of authority. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT serve as an associate teacher for faculty of education students. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT attend staff meetings, department meetings, divisional meetings, curriculum night, meet-the-teacher night, parent/teacher interviews or any other such activity. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT participate in offsite certification training for SHSM programs outside of the 300-minute instructional day. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT organize or go on school trips during or outside the school day. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT perform the duties of a “teacher in charge”. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT perform the duties assigned when a teacher is delegated authority in the absence of a principal or vice-principal. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT perform the duties of acting administrators. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT accept co-op students in their classrooms. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT accept student teachers in their classrooms. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT mentor or provide extra help during lunch or prep time, or outside of the regular class schedule. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT do work outside of the 194 school days, even if entitled to/offered lieu days in return. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT fulfil the functions of a school or site first aid provider. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT accept parent or other volunteers in the classroom. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT plan for or participate in any graduation, or transition ceremonies. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT work with prefects at any time. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT participate in “Take Your Kids to Work Day” activities. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT organize or participate in “Swim to Survive” programs. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT organize or participate in “before school breakfast” programs. 
  • OECTA members shall NOT put up bulletin boards in the classroom or elsewhere. 
  • OECTA members who are co-op teachers shall NOT place students in workplaces involved in a work to rule, i.e. another teacher’s classroom. 
OECTA members shall leave the workplace immediately upon the safe dismissal of students, unless there is a normally assigned supervision schedule, which is not changed or augmented as a result of sanctions. OECTA members are encouraged to leave together.

OECTA members can continue to participate in the sacramental preparation of students during the 300-minute instructional day.

More info:

Regular news updates are posted on my Teacher Free Speech Summer News + Views blog below!

Also see my Teacher Free Speech Summer Contract Guide for more resources, downloads, links and to track the larger developments below! 

Thucydides 500 BC: "Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it!" Don't let that be you! Read and think for yourself! [Manifesto] My Teacher Free Speech News Link Archives 2011-15 [Guide] is located top left of your screen! 



Anonymous said...

This email is for OECTA members only and should not be published for all to see. You have no right to share this information with everyone.

Kulture Kult Ink said...

It is available on the internet. It is not secret. Everybody at the MOE, OCSTA and plenty o' others at AEFO, ETFO, OSSTF etc. etc. will all ready know about this too.

As teacher free speech advocates we like to know what is going on and discuss it openly here due to the OECTA 2012 MOU contract strip surprise agreement. Thanks for your input, but whats with all the secrecy? I'm David and all my info is here. Who are you?

Anonymous said...

Well said David. I have the same argument with some of the hard core staff at my school. In this day and age of technology, nothing is secret. And who cares if this info gets out?

Anonymous said...

OECTA President Ann Hawkins said she thought they had an oral agreement on July 7 and 8, then something happened? Anyone know anything about this? Frightening if it is true since we have heard nothing except to be prepared to WTR and strike.

Anonymous said...

Good for you David. Don't let those OECTA Provincial toadies silence you. They want to control the information for the benefit of maintaining their insular privileged empire. The truth must be told!

Anonymous said...

In this day and age, a paper memo mailed to members would probably be easier to keep confidential than an email to all members.

Some suspension of activities on the list were guaranteed to be there, but others certainly look surprising. I will assume that the other federations will have similar things.

Anonymous said...

Social media means that all unions need to find ways to be more open and transparent with both its members and the general public.

Anonymous said...

As an OECTA member, I felt this information should've gone to all three Unions at the same time. To me, solidarity is sticking together as OSSTF, ETFO and OECTA. If posting this here means the other Unions see it too, I'm for it.

Frankly though, would've appreciated this as a joint email from all three Union presidents.

Anonymous said...

I have the same question : what was in the oral agreement that they were close to signing?

Anonymous said...

I have the same question : what was in the oral agreement that they were close to signing?

Kulture Kult Ink said...

Great question! See what Ann Hawkins told the Toronto Star about an OECTA deal in my Summer News y Views blog, and with Comments in my Summer Contract guide! Oh yeah, and support teacher free speech!

Kulture Kult Ink said...

PS: my regrets, but Comments might sometimes inadvertantly get delayed in being promptly posted here on my site during summer hours. Worry not. Check back. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Why r u anti teacher? Why shouldn't teachers get raises ..we as firefighters did and so did police hydro etc

Anonymous said...

Why are you blocking messages and why r u anti teacher

Kulture Kult Ink said...

I am not blocking messages. I have posted all that i have received. Please see my note above on summer hours.

Also, check my archives and do some reading: I am hardly anti teacher. Plus yes, teachers should get a raise.

Must say, this is one of the strangest messages i have received in quite some time.

Anonymous said...

As a retired OECTA dues paying member David has paid at least $20,000.00 plus in union dues to OECTA. David publish what you want when you want. This is Canada. Silence has no place in a DEMOCRACY. The MOU was the result of secrecy. When will union members wake up and see silence equals dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Do the's 16 725.. and teachers need to stick together..we deserve a raise

Anonymous said...

The MOU wasn'tabout sticking together,

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