Teachers and education workers are being divided and conquered by the crown. They figure that if we are fighting among ourselves we are not capable of demanding they fund our schools properly. This Saturday, on September 26 education workers from OECTA, ETFO, OSSTF, CUPE and AEFO (and their supporters) will stand together in defiance of the crown. We will assemble on the lawn in Queen's Park at 2pm, and demand that our classrooms be safe and properly equipped for our students. Please join us and make your voice heard.
NOTES: As I understand it, the rally was originally planned by ETFO and CUPE but has been cancelled due to transportation issues, after the original notice already went out. Many of you would've received it then, if you subscribe to my Twitter feed [#davechairelli].
I am glad to see that dedicated teacher activist troopers like Peter, Tim H. and the Keep North are still running with this, to demand that classrooms be safe and properly equipped. That is certainly not a given for our ETFO and CUPE colleagues, nor for that matter with the contract deals ratified by OECTA and OSSTF!
The Saturday, September 26 grass root rally will also provide us with an excellent opportunity to independently and informally meet in the good fight for teacher free speech and union renewal, with an eye to the many different challenges that lie await in the days, months and years ahead, as frequently discussed here on this site. I am pleased to support it!
The Saturday, September 26 grass root rally will also provide us with an excellent opportunity to independently and informally meet in the good fight for teacher free speech and union renewal, with an eye to the many different challenges that lie await in the days, months and years ahead, as frequently discussed here on this site. I am pleased to support it!
We can do better! We deserve better! Think about it: 1/5 of teachers voted against the OECTA/OSSTF contracts while ETFO and CUPE are still without one! Like with the proverbial mustard seed, from small beginnings can come great things. As concerned grass root teachers, educators, workers, retirees, parents, students and friends, we CAN still make an important difference, if we get off our butts, speak out, and take action. Hope you all make it to the Saturday, September 26th, grass root rally!
David C
PS: Please share widely!
Please tell me how it is possible to verify that the on-line/phone voting procedure is honest, reliable and transparent. Would also like to know the voting results, in detail.
Impossible as far as I can tell. Anybody else .....
Hi David - thank you for all you do? I was just wondering, in the past teachers/unions negotiated benefits with the board and/or the ministry. Who do we negotiate benefits with once OECTA takes over? Interesting isn't it?
This is all new. I dunno. Anone?
But wait....will we have a say in premiums? NO! All this will be handled with the same honesty, integrity, and transparency as the MOU, and the recent contract. FEAR NOT - I am sure they have our best interest at heart I am told. Wait until government reduces funding for benefits - can't negotiate this (just like GSN the board receives is not negotiable). The cost will be passed on to the members - with increase admin. costs as well I am sure.
Should we consider going from a union to an Association such as that found in Alberta? All this dues money is not advancing the needs of the members. It seems to be going to fuel the amazing salaries and benefits of those in provincial.... Members grievances, as evidenced by OLRB cases, do not seem to be addressed. DFR's, if they make it past "consultation" tend to be dismissed. There looks to be a bias against the employee. The union knows this. It would be nice for the members to realize that they will most likely not be represented should they have need of representation and due process. Paying dues seems to be money down the drain.
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