Opening Statement

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Wynne Wednesday: An Open Letter to the Premier!

The following guest blog is a redraft of a "no reply" open letter Wendy Goodes has been sharing online. Take it away Wendy ....

Dear Premier Wynne,

I am an elementary school teacher. I have been since 1981. I love this profession, and I love my kids. I've always had a passion for working with young, high needs children, the behavioural ones in particular. For that reason, I have switched from teaching in a regular junior classroom to teaching in a learning and life skills class. 

Why? It's because children are our future. They are without doubt our most precious resource. I'm glad that as an elementary school teacher I've been able to make an important difference, in many types of young children’s lives.

As you know, today is once again "Wynne Wednesday". So, I'm writing to share with you some of the "little" realities of my own classroom in your incredibly underfunded education system. I hope you can appreciate the difference between the needs of an elementary classroom and that of a secondary one. Then return to the negotiating table to meet ETFO with an open mind.

My special needs, elementary class has increased 2.5 times from the size it was last year. However the support staff needed for these most vulnerable, young children remains exactly the same, even though they are among the most neediest in the medical, emotional, social, behavioural, and academic sense. Closing classes and combining students without providing the necessary support staff only badly serves to harm them further!

Last "Wynne Wednesday", provides a typical example. A student whom requires extensive physiotherapy twice daily, only received half a session of therapy because of the crises faced by the other students in my class. One needed to be stopped from running out onto the road during our recess break after he got upset on the bus this morning. I also needed to sit and hold onto another child after he slapped me and had eight seizures in a row. Oh, and please note: he doesn’t qualify for one on one support! Then, on top of all that, another of my behavioral needs children got so upset because he couldn’t play with his favourite toy during break time, that he too ran out of the room crying and screaming.

It goes on! At recess, two of my students didn’t like being separated. They called my support staff some of the most vilest, profane names that you could possibly imagine. Another very quiet but anxious boy was biting himself because two of my autistic students were rocking and keening during story time. Imagine trying to communicate with three little, non-verbal children who don't know how to express their anxieties and upsets! This is a just a regular part of my elementary school day!

Sound rough? Actually, last Wednesday was rather calm, so I was able to able to do some academic teaching. However there still wasn't enough time to work with all of my students. Too many urgent "little" issues just kept popping up. Unfortunately, as a result there were two students whom I was only able to say hello to. 

This is not the environment that any young child should have to face on a daily basis! Our schools should be a safe, secure, and happy place to go each and every day! They shouldn't be a place filled with confusion and uncertainty because there aren’t enough adults to provide them with the proper care and programming they so desperately need!

I seriously urge your government to return to the negotiating table ready and willing to reach a fair agreement that respects the needs of all our many, different, young elementary students. Proper funding of the system is essential for every one of them whom walks through our doors! They are the future of this great province, something you seem to be forgetting nowadays.

Yours in education,

Wendy Goodes


I like Wendy's guest blogs a lot because she expresses so much heart and soul while providing a very grass roots view of what it is like to be out in the real Ontario teaching world these days. However, as we know, there are at least 76,000 more such stories that our ETFO professionals could also tell, as they try to educate the youngest, littlest and often most vulnerable of the students whom it is their special vocation to help as teachers. 

Education is inclusive in Ontario; everybody has a right to an education .... or do they? Without the proper working conditions and supports, signed and sealed in a proper contract, that is all at risk. Let nobody fool themselves, or try to fool others. As Wendy's letter shows, it simply just can't be. 

We are all ETFO teachers, like Wendy and her public elementary colleagues, when it comes to wanting to be able to do our jobs well for even the "littlest", most vulnerable or forgotten of students whom we teach over the course of our careers. When the odds of failure are so high, especially when a student is just starting out in life, well .... one especially hopes that the Premier is really, truly listening. 

A "cookie cutter" approach to meeting our ETFO elementary colleagues challenges isn't a possible solution at all! For shame, Premier Wynne! This is not the Kathleen that we all knew and loved so well as teachers when we once fought the good fight together during the Harris Years! Please reconsider your stand! Let's see some real negotiations start to happen! Ontario just has too much to lose, unless we can get this right, especially for the youngest and most unfortunate among us, as Wendy's open letter to you amply shows!

In teacher solidarity!

David Chiarelli


Tuesday 29 September 2015

CUPE WTR Phase 2: Custodians/ Maintenance!

Reprinted courtesy the Cupe website @ Here!My blogsite acronym guide is @ Here! 

Instructions for ALL Custodial and Maintenance members!

NOTE: CUPE'S complete Phase 2 WTR sanctions for custodians, and educational assistants, library technicians, instructors and clerical staff are @ Doc

Effective September 29, 2015, please follow the new work-to-rule instructions and the previously issued instructions:

Here are the new work-to-rule instructions:

o Wear black t-shirt on Friday instead of uniform shirt
o Don’t do school compost programs
o Take breaks/lunch together with other CUPE Members
o Seek medical attention immediately for any workplace injuries
o Carefully follow all school board regulations and Health and Safety procedures
o Refuse to handle chemicals if any of the following is not in place 
o Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training
o Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) posted for each chemical
o All safety equipment required for handling the chemical
o Calling the MOL hot line for H/S Infractions
o Submit a travel time payment voucher when you are required by your supervisor to travel
o Wear a work to rule wrist band and display work to rule materials
o Do not sign in when you report to work unless you are the only one in the building – Health & Safety
o Do not attend Caretaker training sessions
o Do not cut grass, tree trimming, fall clean up leave pick up unless health &Safety Risk
o do not clean chalkboards/white board or empty pencil sharpeners
o For health and safety reasons, school yard buckets should be emptied when ¾ full
o Do not attend Head caretaker/caretaker custodial meetings
o Do not unlock doors for staff who are supplied their own keys
o Do not carry or transport photocopy paper or deliver teaching supplies to classrooms
o Get detailed requests for work in writing
o Only check email once a day (morning)
o In Accordance with Safe Drinking Water Act 2002, Reg. 243/07 No one under the age of 18 in the    building prior to the completion of the water flush.
o Maintenance vehicles should be picked up and returned to the employers property daily
o Ensure any temporary assignment changes or shift changes are done in compliance with the Collective Agreement
o No work without a work order
o Do not replace bulbs and ballast unless it is a health and safety risk
o No minor maintenance (ie. minor repairs, pencil sharpeners, bulletin boards, painting, drywall, etc.) unless it is a health & safety risk
o Do not sweep entrances
o No irrigation system maintenance including seasonal shut down
o Do not set up or take down for Federal Elections
o Do not clean the offices of Principals, Vice-Principals or other Managers.
o Do not set up for Staff functions
o Do not participate in Parent Councils
o No changing of messages on the outside signs of schools
o No meetings with school administration
o Do not drop the normal duties of your workload to cover for absences
o No sweeping hallways

For more info, updates, and downloads of all documents related to Phase 1+2 of the WTR, please visit CUPE's 1022 website @ LINK!

Fred sez: OK OK Look! You clean your own blackboard like this ....


Teachers take note! These sanctions will NOT be easy, for anybody, including teachers .....BUT they will require complete teacher co-operation to be effective! 

Nope! Our custodians and maintenance workers will NOT be cleaning your blackboards, unlocking doors when you forget your keys, carrying about photocopy paper and school supplies, sweeping entrances + hallways, doing odd jobs without a work order, replacing light bulbs, doing minor thingies, setting up for staff functions, etc. etc. etc .....UNLESS, [Please see above: they will NEED to nitpick!!!] in some very SPECIFIC case, it poses a definite, official HEALTH + SAFETY RISK!!! 

YE-OUCH! Noooooo .....just because YOU are having a real bad day or are soooo busy or .....or .....or .....Hey! We know -slash- remember what it's like when folks get mad when we NEED to WTR!!! It is NOT EASY, and let's face it, we might get grumpy too sometimes when .....when .....Eh?!?!?! 

No! No! C'mon! You know it's true ..... and CUPE's got some mighty BIG FISH to FRY, so let's not get in the way of their COMPLETE and UNHINDERED success!!!!

Like the button says; our schools work BECAUSE they do, and everybody needs to get with the CUPE WTR program above by showing our colleagues the UTMOST in SOLIDARITY by SUPPORTING their sanctions ALL THE WAY. 

God speed CUPE! Now go kick a little MOE/ OPSBA/ OCSBA butt!!!

In solidarity!

David C


Monday 28 September 2015

Queen's Park Rally Review!

We are all ETFO + CUPE!

On Saturday September 26, grass root teacher activists from ETFO OECTA and OSSTF, with our CUPE education support workers, held a "do it yourself" indie rally out front of the provincial parliament at Queen's Park Toronto. We marched under the banner that "The Crown Can't Divide Us!". Afterwards, we formed a defacto "Central Table", well actually a couple of pub tables. Fortunately, we managed to solve all our collective union problems during the latest round of contract talks. Unfortunately it won't be binding

Beating the war drums!

Regretfully, the original and official ETFO and CUPE organized mass rally that was scheduled, needed to be cancelled about a week or so ago. Our numbers were reduced into the dozens, rather than the thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of protesters attending our collective, all affiliate Queens Park protests of year's past. Enough buses weren't available to transport all of the concerned teachers and workers who would've liked to come! Unfortunately, they were already booked for the US papal visit! No matter, this was democracy too, at it's most basic, activist, hands on, dissident level.

The rally "Central Table" and .....

Usually, the Ontario teacher union movement has held at least one all affiliate, mass solidarity rally at Queen's Park, when so much is at stake. One would've thought that would be the case with the recent round of government and trustee orchestrated teacher bashing and demands for contract strips. Few of us would argue that the Neo Liberal Wynne government hasn't stepped up to fill the shoes of the province's Neo Conservatives vis a vis Mike Harris, Ernie Eves, Tim Hudak and their ilk. Sadly such collective "leadership" did not materialize, at least from our provincial union leaders during the current attacks and OECTA/OSSTF negotiations. 

More of the rally "Central Table"!

However, I am happy to report that "solidarity forever" is still alive and well at the grass roots level, when it came to walking the walk rather than just talking the talk, at least at the Queen's Park rally on Saturday. ETFO was well represented by the activist wing of the Elementary Teachers of Toronto [ETT]. Their teachers seemed confident and charged, with a notable sense of self efficacy, that their union would still fight to see their protests through to a fair deal. The OSSTF and OECTA dissidents, on the other hand, were unwilling to allow their own unions' collaboration with the Wynne Neo Libs to keep them from rallying in solidarity with ETFO and CUPE in their troubled contract talks, as push comes to shove. 

Still fighting the good fight!

None present seemed to think it was such a great idea to take the 1.5% in table crumbs that were offered and run, as often seems so en vogue this year! It was great to meet teacher free speech guest blogger Peter Hasek still beating the protest drum, among others including Wendy Goodes, and Tim Heffernan. Our retired teachers were agreed that the current status quo does not represent the strong, member orientated union movement we fought so long and hard to build throughout our teacher activist careers. Our REWT protesters, like the rest of us, know that we will all need to think outside the box about what is to be done as the post mortum begins!

Saying what needs to be said ....

My special thanks to those of you who sent their regrets because you were unable to attend the Queens Park rally on such short notice, and without the proper transportation arrangements. However, our teacher free speech grass roots are widespread across the province and between our different affiliates, whatever else our union "powers that be" might or might not be prepared to do, so that the Crown doesn't divide and conquer the teacher union movement. One hopes you can find your own ways at the local level to also show your solidarity support for our ETFO and CUPE colleagues, and continue to speak out using the growing tide of teacher social media tweets, blogs and websites in the difficult, ongoing struggle ahead!

In Solidarity!

David C


Wednesday 23 September 2015

Come 2 the Grass Roots Sat. Sept. 26 QP Rally!

Peter Hasek [ETFO Member, Toronto] writes;

Teachers and education workers are being divided and conquered by the crown.  They figure that if we are fighting among ourselves we are not capable of demanding they fund our schools properly.  This Saturday, on September 26 education workers from OECTA, ETFO, OSSTF, CUPE and AEFO (and their supporters) will stand together in defiance of the crown.  We will assemble on the lawn in Queen's Park at 2pm, and demand that our classrooms be safe and properly equipped for our students.  Please join us and make your voice heard.

NOTES: As I understand it, the rally was originally planned by ETFO and CUPE but has been cancelled due to transportation issues, after the original notice already went out. Many of you would've received it then, if you subscribe to my Twitter feed [#davechairelli].

I am glad to see that dedicated teacher activist troopers like Peter, Tim H. and the Keep North are still running with this, to demand that classrooms be safe and properly equipped. That is certainly not a given for our ETFO and CUPE colleagues, nor for that matter with the contract deals ratified by OECTA and OSSTF! 

The Saturday, September 26 grass root rally will also provide us with an excellent opportunity to independently and informally meet in the good fight for teacher free speech and union renewal, with an eye to the many different challenges that lie await in the days, months and years ahead, as frequently discussed here on this site. I am pleased to support it!

We can do better! We deserve better! Think about it: 1/5 of teachers voted against the OECTA/OSSTF contracts while ETFO and CUPE are still without one! Like with the proverbial mustard seed, from small beginnings can come great things. As concerned grass root teachers, educators, workers, retirees, parents, students and friends, we CAN still make an important difference, if we get off our butts, speak out, and take action. Hope you all make it to the Saturday, September 26th, grass root rally!


David C

PS: Please share widely!


Sunday 20 September 2015

On The OECTA + OSSTF Ratification Votes!

Meanwhile at OECTA/ OSSTF Provincial ....

OECTA and OSSTF membership have voted to ratify "sell short" contracts after being bullied and bashed by the MOE and trustees in the latest round of contract negotiations! [#1] Their union leaders are now sporting black eyes though, with reportedly over 20% [or 1/5] of the members voting no! The final results, which are usually released; that is, the percentage who voted yes, if not how many members actually cast a ballot, currently remain under wraps, to hide their shame. We are not fooled!

A very dangerous precedent has been set. How do you get the teacher unions to do as you please? Here's the new formula for the OLP's Neo lib education austerity agenda: Threaten strips, bash the teachers good name relentlessly in the nightly news, and then call it all off in exchange for a few bargaining crumbs from the CB table. With the current exception of CUPE and ETFO, it has only worked too well. Consider this, in the not so distant future, we might be facing a hostile PC government sitting down with the trustees to finish off the job. If they begin negotiations with a laughing fit, you will understand why!

Regretfully, teachers know we need improvements in our students learning conditions. Also, without a COLA [cost of living allowance] increase, you are facing a defacto long term, pay cut, despite being among the most highly trained and qualified teacher professionals in the world! The removal of the threatened strips was not a gain! Far from it! Matter of fact, despite having promised not to remove class caps, this year we are faced with the spectre of overcrowded kindergarten classes, to name but one boon doggle of many that will become increasingly apparent in the daze ahead. Fool us once, shame on you! But fool us twice and ...... 

Meanwhile at the grass roots ....

Our teachers know we should not be funding corporate tax cuts on the back of our students, our schools, and our once proud teacher profession. We know that we should be actively fighting for full funding for our education system. [#2] However, that isn't what you are defacto doing now that our "leaders" have secured these ratified sell out deals for us. Unfortunately their union "code of silence" has not been your friend!

OECTA and OSSTF members: have you ever actually seen or looked at your affiliates "Initial Proposals"?!? Oh yeah: you couldn't see these for "strategic reasons"? And now you can't compare them with what our "leaders" achieved either ..... [#3] Remember all the other secret memos and directives you were the last to see, if you were directly given them at all? Or how about the cries of outrage every time the misplaced ones turned up for our open forum all affiliate discussions here on this site? Then there was the tightly scripted "ratification meetings" with the ridiculous, childish charts, and the attendant highly controlled but "open" "staff " directed and "members only "discussions"? 

It is truly, most regrettable that this is how our highly educated, professional teacher union corps are treated! Or rather let themselves be treated! Unfortunately, OECTA members should all ready be quite familiar with the plutocratic "manufacturing consent" strategy throughout the CB talks. [#4]. Then, of course, there's the old OECTA jack boot that routinely crushes any real criticism or possible dissent that threatens the sacred status quo for the powers that be. Add a coalition of small units whom stand to gain from the new "provincial health benefits" plan, and one enables them to continue to rule the roost unchallenged. Nope. There will be no alternative to the God the Father top down Catholic decision making "methods" we have suffered under our publicly funded separate, locally "pontifical" school boards, coming to the Catholic teacher union level anytime soon! But good luck OECTA! Next: Welcome unhappy OSSTF members! Is it your turn to get the executive boot to the teeth silence treatment now too? For more info, just ask dismissed OECTA's Halton President/ dissident Richard Bad Boy Brock! [#4b]

Meanwhile at QP ....

Moreover, as we know, a successful government attack strategy will be routinely replicated elsewhere, as in our case, putting other workers in Ontario and across Canada at risk. Most unfortunately, OECTA and OSSTF have now also placed our fellow teachers, educators and support staff at great risk! Can you spell OLP "d-i-v-i-d-e + c-o-n-q-u-e-r" strategy?!? Will the OLP and trustees now put the screws to ETFO and CUPE to accept OECTA/ OSSTF style "cookie cutter" contracts? Remember the 2012 OECTA MOU Road Map? Do you think the Wynne government will forget when push comes to shove? October 2015, has not been our Ontario teacher union movements finest hour -far from it!

The need for teacher free speech and grass root renewal is a long and winding road. I have posted my own blogsite manifesto [#5]. I continue to welcome and share other grass root initiatives, be they blogs, emails, missives, memes and tweets. These also present different, constructive points of view and encourage open, free and thoughtful discussions of saving our once proud and historied union movement from itself. My Teacher Free Speech Archives 2011-15 [#6] also keeps track of the news links from our last 4 years of union "activities" for your erudition. Regretfully, those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it, as Thucydides once said, and as we have seen proven once again with the ratification votes last week.

Eyes wide shut ......

The struggle to get our members to think with their eyes wide open is an unending task! I heartily suggest you start up your own grass root initiative, and let me share it here! More teachers have been independently using the social media than in ages, as a result of the "OSSTF Vote No!" campaign! Our grassroots ARE strong. So far there are over 760,000 reader site hits. And of course, guest blogs [#7] and your Comments are always very welcome here too, in the good fight!

Most regretfully, our teachers were all but mobilized across Ontario for province wide strike actions, but it was not to be. Our members might've experienced a political awakening, and indeed until recently had a sense of self efficacy, that they could truly make a difference again. And now? That has now all but been squandered by OECTA and OSSTF, no doubt with great relief for the Wynne government. However, the ratification vote "black eyes" looks good on them, truth be told, a visible reminder that all is still not well. "1/5" might be a humble beginning, but a definite "line in the sand" has finally been clearly drawn! CUPE and ETFO continue to fight, but for how long they can now hold out, nobody knows. I suggest it is our responsibility, as teachers, active and retired, to support them in every way we can, to still have an effect, or at the very least, to let them and the OLP know we are still here and quite pissed!

For what it is worth, this site will continue to make information available, share different views and encourage open constructive discussion on the challenges at hand. For the short term, I'd also like to suggest the following "watch fors" in the immediate days ahead:

-will our OECTA and OSSTF leaders now also show up at the ETFO and CUPE rallies and pickets, or with media releases beating their traitor chests with ludicrous claims of "solidarity forever"? If so, what would an appropriate response be? How can that be used to educate members about their betrayal of our progressive, teacher member, union movement?

-will there finally be an open debate on the dubious wisdom of still having amateur teachers, be they well intentioned members, or self serving Secretariat plutocrats and union career politicians, negotiating on our behalf? Instead of hiring professional negotiators, like the big boys and girls do? The stakes are too high to continue ignoring the problem and be silent without considering our other options! 

-will there finally be an open debate on moving towards a powerful, more cohesive "one province wide teacher union" to better utilize our collective strength, vis a vis a teacher style UNIFOR structure? To curtail the OLP arrogance and effectiveness in playing divide and conquer with their new "CB negotiating" act? The stakes are too high to continue unquestioningly footing the bill for numerous self serving and impotent affiliates with your hard earned dues!

-will the Secretariats of our different affiliates now reward themselves for the sell out deals? With fat, generous contracts like the teachers deserve? Ironically, paid for by the very teachers they helped sell out, for them to enjoy instead? The stakes are too high not to force them to lead by example, like the teachers are expected to do! [#8]

-are the persistent rumours of a modest OECTA strike fund, and of OSSTF's being tied up in real estate deals, true? If so, what does this tell us about the true nature of all their lofty missives and exaltation about what was to be done? And what will you do now? The implications of a boon doggle are too much for even the most trusting and appreciative of all but our union toadies to accept uninvestigated and unchallenged!

-is there a "conflict of interest" with our General Secretariat's all sitting on the OTIP board of directors while they secured and will now be managing the new provincial health benefit plan? If so, what is to be done! Surely, there must be a straight answer to this most disturbing question, and we need it now!

-our provincial Liberal government has unequivocally turned its back on it's once staunch teacher allies to buy into the corporate Neo Lib austerity agenda. Are the persistent stories of a Liberal federal election back room deal to quiet us down with a last minute "deal" credible? If so, do we want a Liberal stronghold on the government levers of power at both the federal and provincial level come October 19th? It is mighty important to send out a strong message that at least some of us were not fooled when it comes time to mark your next "X" at the ballot box! Moreover, is your union affiliate still making any donations to them or offering teacher help? For shame!

In Solidarity!

David C


#1: "Teacher Sept. Free Speech News + Views" links on the ratification votes @ Link!

#2: Open up yer wallets folks! Teachers + students are now paying for Ontario's corporate tax cuts @ Link!

#3: Umm, the OECTA initial proposal?!? Oh wait .... you weren't shown it?!? It was posted here .... Compare it with the "gains" that were shared!  Read + weep now @ Link!

#4: "OECTA: On Manufacturing Consent!" Another must read @ Link!

#4b: Or read "Brock Dismissal: The OECTA Canadian Civil Liberties Letter" Link!

#5: "On Teacher Free Speech and Grass Root Renewal" blogsite manifesto @ Link!

#6: Guide to my "Teacher Free Speech Archive 2011-15" is @ Link!

#7: Speak out! Guest Blogs Welcome! Details @ Link!

#8: Oh the hypocrisy! Secretariats? Boards? The MOE? Leading by example?!? More @ Link!

Additional links can be found in the Spring thru Sept Teacher Free Speech News + Views. Also elsewhere in the related blogs and reader Comments!

Don't let this be you!


Friday 18 September 2015

ETFO WTR Phase 3!

My blogsite acronym guide is @ Here!

ETFO soldiers on, with the exception of the CUPE education support workers, all but alone, abandoned by OECTA and OSSTF, who have taken the 1.5% contract table crumbs, and run for cover. Here are the details of ETFO WTR Phase 3, as released by the CTV and the Toronto Sun. See below:

·  Not fill in for an absent teacher or take on additional students if a class is collapsed because an occasional teacher has not been retained

·  Not take on additional duties during regularly scheduled preparation time (including teaching in another class)

·  Not participate in teacher performance appraisal meetings, unless the member is on an improvement plan or long-term occasional assignment

·  Not respond to email, electronic or phone communication from administrators unless it involves the safety of others, absences, day plans or occasional teacher assignments

·  Not update classroom websites, blogs or newsletters

·  Not submit any long-range or short-range plans, or literacy and numeracy block plans

·  Not update Individual Education Plans (IEPs) after the 30th day of school deadline

·  Not participate in any in-school meetings or professional learning activities on PA days, opting instead to use the time for their own professional development within the classroom

·  Not prepare report card comments or complete or package progress reports, though they will provide administrators with a hard copy list of learning skills and work habits ratings

·  Not conduct parent interview related to the progress report cards, unless there are concerns identified by the teacher about a child's progress

·  Not act as division chairs or team leads

Hooray 4 Wynne Wednesdays: Make a statement!

Furthermore, on Wynne Wednesdays each week, the teachers will:

Refrain from any activities that take them away from their classrooms

·  Demonstrate union solidarity by wearing ETFO buttons, caps or T-shirts, or a union colour

·  Send messages to the Minister of Education or the Ontario Public School Board Association (OPSBA) about the importance of "fair and reasonable collective bargaining"

·  Engage in planned lobbying activities including pickets, rallies and letter-writing campaigns.

COMING: ETFO Phase 4 WTR will be announced in October, "if sufficient progress has not occurred."

NOTES: Teacher free speech salutes and encourages all affiliate solidarity with ETFO's plans. All teachers, especially the over 20% [1 in 5] of OECTA and OSSTF members who did not vote yes to ratify their contracts might now consider supporting ETFO in all their future rallies and picket activities as you consider how to straighten out the mess and deal with the CB betrayal within your own so called "teacher unions".

ETFO: the real deal?


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!