Opening Statement

Thursday 2 June 2016

CTF: Canadian Teachers Call To Action!

My Acronym Guide is @ hErE!

It is a media lie that our Canadian teacher union movement only cares about our own wages and benefits! We have a strong social justice tradition of standing up for not only for ourselves, as highly trained and educated professionals, but also for the working families and communities whom we serve daily. 

Teachers know best what tools, resources and conditions are needed to do the job right for the sake of our students, schools and profession. Remember, we actually serve in the education "trenches". It's not just for ourselves. Most of the improvements we seek are needed to help them out too! 

The same cannot be credibly said by the self serving Neo Lib Corporate education "reformers".Their business profits are always the bottom line. Nor our unscrupulous Canadian government lackies and boot lickers. They have increasingly been only too happy to help facilitate the Corporate austerity agenda, providing them with their greedy business tax cuts and bailouts at all costs, just like in the U.S. of A.

On June 1st, the Canadian Teacher Federation [CTF], along with our CUPE, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF teachers and education workers called upon the different levels of government [municipal, provincial and federal] across Canada, to express our concern and make a call for action against corporate educational reform, Neo Lib austerity budgets, and the troubling issues undermining inclusive education, and our members' professional capabilities, vis a vis the statement below;

Belief Statement and Call to Action

The Presidents of the Canadian Teachers’ Organizations met in St. John’s, NL on May 29 - June 1, 2016. The Presidents have developed the following Belief Statement and Call to Action due to overwhelming concerns on educational reform, inclusive education, austerity budgets and teachers’ mental health and wellness.

Belief Statement

WE BELIEVE… that austerity budgets undermine the strength of our public education system as students and their teachers lose out, and families are left out.
WE BELIEVE… that publicly funded public education must be fully funded to support student learning.
WE BELIEVE… that a successful inclusive education model requires sufficient funding and teachers/educators to ensure student needs are addressed.
WE BELIEVE… that assessment of students is best left to the professional judgement of teachers.
WE BELIEVE… that fiscal deficits must not be solved at the expense of the public education system or on the backs of our children.

Immediate Call to Action

On behalf of our over 300,000 teacher members, we call on the provincial and territorial governments across Canada to take immediate action to address the concerns expressed by the national presidents of the provincial and territorial teachers’ organizations.

This Belief Statement and Call to Action is supported by the following ....

[You'll find a PDF copy of the CTF Statement, and a complete list of the signatories @ CTF ]

We are all in this together ...


Canada is a diverse, multicultural country, where people come from around the world seeking the good life. We need to make sure we provide the educational opportunities needed for everybody to reach their potential. This is just Basic Social Justice 101! Without the proper resources and conditions, we Canadian teachers cannot help build a peaceful alternative to the exploitation and despair all around us, both within Canada and the world at large. Our students deserve no less, as they are the key to our future. 

As teacher and education worker unionists we each need to support, share and help spread the CTF Belief Statement and Call to Action. Moreover, we need to be eternally vigilant. Our union affiliate's actions must increasingly speak even louder than words. We must continue to proactively fight to build and protect our education system, at the grass root level, for the common good within our own school communities, in the days, months and years ahead!


Guest blog on how the Ontario Wynne government has paid for corporate tax cuts and bailouts on the back of our provinces students and teachers @ Here!

Our teacher unions have also expressed concern over the impact of the so called "Trans Pacific Partnership [TPP] @ Here!

On Why We Need a Teacher Union @ There!

On Teacher Free Speech + Grass Root Renewal @ Here!

Don't believe the Media Lies! Fight the Corporate Agenda! 


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