hEY hO! kEEP ChECKing BAcK! LaTeR AdDITIoNs WiLL bE AddED In LaRgE TYpe SeT! mY Acronym Guide IS @ hErE! ...
RIP: Fidel Castro -PM Trudeau's statement @ GC More links below under "News". Also see my blog @ Here!
Sid Ryan warns that NDP and Labour must beware of the "blue collar fury" that fuelled the Trump win @ Huff
Supreme Court rules in favour of BC teachers' right to negotiate working conditions and class size @ Globe and @ CBC
Read the BCTF [British Columbia Teacher Federation] media release on the court ruling @ BCTF. Their summary of the key points are @ BCTF Find the full text of the ruling @ TEXT
Not Their President: Post US election teacher and student Anti-Trump protests erupt at high schools, colleges and universities across the US @ BI
Student protests continue to spread and grow across US a week after Trump's election victory @ CBC
US teachers face the challenge of providing a safe school space for Mexican American students worried about deportations and hate crimes @ C+L
Follow the comments and news updates on "Not My President Elect" @ Twitter
What does the Trump win mean for education? His policy statements, so to speak, have been vague and contradictory at best @ Politico
US Teachers + Students mobilize for Post Trump Era!
Talks between OSSTF and the Wynne Liberal government seem to be over with no deal over compensation for Bill 115 reached! Meanwhile, ETFO talks continue ...... and the OECTA Code of Silence remains firmly in place! See the Comments bar below this blog ....
A Unifor First Student school bus strike has been averted, as a last minute tentative agreement is reached @ City
School Bus Blues: A looming strike action by First Student's 325 school bus drivers will put service on hold for 8,500 public and catholic school students across Toronto. Regretfully, the drivers horrible working conditions and low pay are absolutely abysmal. Hardly anyone wants the job anymore, resulting in a desperate, ongoing shortage of drivers. Unifor Local 4268 are up against the school board brickbat wall seeking a first collective bargaining contract @ Star
Trump Region North? MOE's Mitzi Hunter is investigating allegations of racism/ Islamophobia and a lack of trustee transparency at the York Region School Board @ Star
Read the OFL letter, signed by 141 community leaders which sparked the investigation @ OFL
Is the EQAO is lying about the October 20th DDoS [Distributed Denial of Services] cyber attack?!? Allegedly, it caused Ontario's big standardized math test failure to launch this fall. However, there were no recorded cyber attacks in our province that day!!! See the Digital Attack Maps for yourself @ LookingUp More @ LookingUp
Opting Out: Here's how parents who object to the standardized tests can opt out of EQAO @ LookingUp
EQAO: Failure 2 Launch!?
Nova Scotia teachers reject any "conditional bargaining". They are flatly refusing any limits being placed upon the talks, unlike .... oh say, in Ontario @ CBC
CB Consideration: How will medical cannabis patients be accommodated at work? In the office? At school? On the workplace floor? If the issues are handled openly and responsibly as cannabis is legalized, that could solve a lot of problems on a go forward basis. If our unions can get it in their medical package, that could benefit workers in every sector! News story @ Globe
Leading the Way: PEI educators are working to incorporate cancer patient and Tragically Hip rockster Gord Downie's truth and reconciliation tale, A Secret Path, into their school curriculum @ CBC
Contrary to popular media misconceptions [or "outright lies"] teachers aren't in it for the money! Far from it! A recent study shows that efficacy, trust and the proper resources usually count for a lot more! It's what makes most of us really tick, as professionals @ Tyee
Stress Factors: Teaching is among the top 3 most stressful jobs because of the hours, workload and government interference @ Tes
Are schools letting our students down when it comes to teaching them about short term discomfort, self-regulation and real accomplishment? Read @ CA
School Sucks? US study shows that lousy organization factors and nincompoop administrators are the key problems in retaining teachers and raising student test scores. Huh! No such thorough study is needed here in Ontario, Canada! Any one of us could've told them @ EurekAlert
A "Feminist Class for Boys" teaches the guys to think outside the restrictive "man box" which can be very healthy and helpful for us as males too @ Vice
Media Lies: The Toronto Trump Protests -Where we Trumped? Punk'd?! Set up?!? Fooled??? See pro Trump "Rebel" reporter Faith Goldy above, with extremists at the November 19th Rally Against Trump. She's wearing a "Leafs" cap in my photo, from just before the scuffle. Now watch her video report about the "Toronto Trump Supporters Attacked at Anti-Trump Rally", and decide for yourself @ Youtube
Manufacturing News: Now read how the Toronto Sun white washes the incident clean, headlines it "Trump Supporters Clash With Protesters at Toronto Rally", and posts it as news @ Sun
See my first hand report of the Rally Against Trump @ HERE!
Oh Cannabis! Toronto's slow burn .....
Oh Cannabis: Trudeau's safety minded approach might go so far overboard that it is going to make legal pot totally unkool, especially from a free market perspective @ Lift
Veteran Affairs: The Canadian government cuts medical cannabis prescription subsidies for our CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] veterans' big time @ CBC
Politics Before Medicine: The federal government's decision to arbitrarily cut cannabis subsidies fails to put the veterans' medical needs first. Many vets require prescription cannabis for PTSD @ CBC
Business reports suggest that the Trudeau government might add a 25% tax to legal Cannabis while marketing it through the liquor control board @ Globe
Adam Vaughan, former Toronto city Councillor, current Federal MP and legalization point man, speaks out against Toronto's aggressive approach toward regulating cannabis dispensaries by busting them @ Lift
A busted Toronto dispensary worker tells us that she's basically screwed. Here's one insider view of what a cannabis dispensary bust is like, from an employee's perspective @ Lift
Toronto City Hall Licensing and Standards Committee cancellation of all 4 of the meetings so far scheduled to deal with the Project Claudia dispensary raids is creating serious medical Cannabis issues. See my interview @ Youtube. Also my blog @ HERE!
Project Claudia's puzzling and quite arbitrary "Whack-a-Mole" dispensary raids are proving highly ineffective while creating big, unnecessary burden for our court system. The workers, many as young as 19 likely only face a small fine. However, they will have a lifetime criminal record for pot and be unable to travel to the US @ Global
Your Weed is in the Mail!?! Just like the licensed producers [LP's], Toronto's cannabis dispensaries are now increasingly switching to online sales in the wake of Project Claudia. Unlike the LP's they offer much better customer service and same day delivery too @ Now
Busted: Ottawa police launch major raid on 6 local cannabis dispensaries. 9 employees arrested @ Citizen
Ottawa police are inviting cannabis dispensary landlords to "turn narc" on their tenants. Meanwhile, it's been a record year of unrelated shootings. Ummmmm ... For safety reasons, mightn't that be better monitored and dealt with instead @ Citizen
Edmonton city council takes a more constructive, forward looking approach by considering how dispensaries will be regulated @ Lift
Vancouver becomes the first Canadian city to licence and regulate the budding marijuana market rather than try to bust it, as we head towards legalization next year @ Guardian
Vancouver Compassion Society's Dana Larsen
What Is To Be Done? Dana Larsen's non profit Vancouver Compassion Society is donating a large portion of it's dispensary revenues to cannabis advocacy! It's a strategy Cannabis Culture's Marc Emery follows too. Such a medical patient focus and generous lobbying/ protest effort puts our own nascent, often politically null and void Ontario legalization movement to shame @ Sun
On Hold -a book deal and movie offer for Canadian High Prince of Pot Marc Emery's autobiography! Marc tells me that he's still waaaaaaay too busy living the story to write about it! Unless of course he ends up back in jail, for his vigorous cannabis advocacy efforts here in Ontario -always a distinct possibility!
Makes too Much Sens-imilla? Get this -Non Profit "compassion" societies are running much of Vancouver's multi-million dollar retail weed market for it's med pot patients @ Sun
LP's [Licensed Producers] = Dispensary Snitches?!?
Are the licensed producers [LP's] like Tweed Inc behind the cannabis dispensary raids sweeping across Ontario? Unable to fill pre$crition$ and orders, they don't want anyone else to do it either @ CD Also see my blog @
Instant Karma: Now here's a really excellent review of the 2016 Toronto Karma Cup. Puts the rest of us to shame @ Now My blog is @
Project Claudia busts threaten to dry up Toronto's supply of cannabis edibles @ Now
Saturday in Toronto at the Green Market....
Green Market Toronto provides a ready source of Cannabis medibles for the cities hard pressed medical patients and recreational users. Details @ Civilized
Um Um Good! Green Market Toronto holds another successful market day featuring a wide variety of cannabis edibles, topicals and booty, if not so much buds. Knowledgeable producers were readily available to answer questions! Lots of free samples too! Fritz's gummies and Eyebake Medibles baked goods were strictly two thumbs up, but hardly alone in that department. Plenty of choices! The good folks from Alair and Toko let folks try out their kool, disposable vapor pens. Refill batteries/ liquid cartridges are available by mail order, or at their booth, for now. Overall: Reasonable access! Very informative! Lots of fun! Next really big show is in December!
Canadian flyer's are now being told to bring the medical paperwork and be prepared to talk with police before boarding a flight with their prescription pot. Sigh! Alas! It only took the government a decade to come up with these "directions" @ CBC
Reality Fix Coming: Low income voters who thought Trump can help them are in for a big surprise. Many of the changes will probably impact negatively on them at the grass root level, for example with healthcare. More @ Nation
Trump wins surprise landslide victory taking presidency, house and senate @ NYT
The Media Is Not A Reflection of Reality: As often happens in Canada as of late, the US election polls turn out to be wrong @ Globe
Clinton narrowly won the popularity vote. However, 43.2% of eligible voters didn't cast a ballot @ Heavy
Surprisingly a lot of middle and upper income earners supported Trump, in addition to those in the more economically challenged US "rust belt". Clinton, the establishment candidate, also fared a lot poorer than expected with the black, Latino and women's vote. Some helpful charts further break down the election results for us @ Globe
He is the Establishment Stupid: Robert Reich views the US election within the framework of a rigged political system ruled over by a billionaire oligarchy. Alas, many voters were fooled, by Trump, an authoritarian demagogue supposedly leading a political revolution on their behalf against the "establishment" @ Reich
Looks like President Obama's vision of the "Way Ahead" to an inclusive and tolerant United States has been relegated to some other universe, for the next four years at least. Read the text @ Economist
Making America Grope Again: Sexual violence survivors are shocked, disturbed and very worried about the US election results @ Medium
Why'd he do it? Here's Julian Assange's statement on the Wikileaks released during the homestretch of the US election @ Wikileaks
Sidelined former Democratic Presidential Contender Bernie Sanders views Trump's landslide victory as the frustrated, misguided result of a declining US middle class. Unfortunately, he was ignored and pushed aside by the Democrats. So were they. Sanders vows to continue to fight Trump's racism and Xenophobia @
No Exaggerations: A new interview with Noam Chomsky on Trump's landslide win! What it means @ TO
CNN's Van Jones describes Trump's victory as a racist "white-lash" against a black president and a fear of change within the US status quo @ CNN
Here's Black Lives Matter's statement on the Trump win! Steady as she goes @ Telesur
Making Amerika White Again: White folks thinking Trump's racist and misogynist statements were just election talk, have just been scammed "bigly" by the man himself @ Affinity
History Repeats Itself: North American media tried to downplay Hitler's anti-semitism and bigotry during his rise to power @ Snope
The Crucible: Newt Gingrich wants to reactivate the notorious House Committee of Un-American Activities to question Muslim citizen's allegiances and "weed out" ISIS @ CNN
Final Solution? A Trump Great American PAC surrogate speculates on Fox News about using Japanese WW2 internment camps as the model for rounding up US Muslims as a first step to their removal @ Telesur
Trump victory debunks the myth of a "Post Racial America" @ Huff
More on the sexist and elitist underpinnings of the 2016 US election results @ CBC
Trumps victory now definitively exposes the deep misogyny and racial fault lines in the US for all to see @ Globe
Watch Trump's victory "unity" speech! Slim pickings @ Times
You Are There: Enjoy this first hand review of his oddball, rather troubling victory party @ NR
Understatement of the Year: Clinton belatedly admits that the US is "more deeply divided" than the Democrats thought in her concession speech. Duh @ WP
Birther Trump meets President Obama for the very first time at the White House! Obama emphasizes a peaceful transition of power to Trump, who would now seem to be on a Charm Offensive, minding his manners @ NYT
Trump's upset victory now threatens to destroy the Obama legacy, creating much unrest and uncertainty in the US and abroad @ Politico
No Disclosure: Trump's potential conflict of interest as a business tycoon who's tax records and worldwide investments remain mostly unknown, give pause for grave concern @ CBC
Michael Moore's 5 point "Morning After To Do List" includes re-taking the Democratic party, restoring it to the people, and firing the mainstream media @ Huff
Moore's "Day Two To Do List" includes organizing a major protest movement along the lines of Occupy Wall St and BLM. As for the Clinton Wikileaks about how badly Bernie Sanders was treated, Moore claims the Democrats now owe him an apology. He also says to be prepared to "Impeach Trump". Lots more! Follow Michael Moore @ Facebook
A new progressive anti-Trump movement will need to be re-imagined and carried out differently than the political protests of year's past. Latin and South American activists have a lot of experience with what is to be done @ Telesur
Not My President: Thousands protest the Trump win in cities across the US @ Telesur and @ WP
Mexico informs President Elect Trump that they won't be paying for the wall @ Telesur
Mexico meets with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, it's Central American neighbours, to co-ordinate a Trump response @ Telesur
Rotten Apples: A Trump trade war with China risks losing access to the economic giant's huge Smartphone market. China is also a huge manufacturer of electronic goods in general. Local manufacturing lacks the capacity to make up the difference anytime soon. Meanwhile China could continue to produce and market these goods for themselves on their own, sans the belligerent US @ Verge
Trump seems to narrow Clinton's lead as the US election looms with but days to spare @ CBC Electoral Tracker
Whoa! FBI announces they will, then that they won't be investigating/ laying charges in the Clinton email Wikileaks during the final daze of the US election. Meanwhile, the damage is done! Clinton's commanding lead in the polls is whittled own, perhaps denying her a majority win in the house and senate. Strictly procedural? An accident? Happenstance? You'd think there'd be an major investigation of how this all happened @ CBC
From Russia With Love? The 2016 US Election and the Russia Connection -Assange? Clinton? Trump? More @ Vice
Oligarchy Rigging 101: Forget Trump's bogus charges of a fixed election, if he loses. Conveniently overlooked among all the ensuing madness however, is a "perfect storm" of voter suppression, looming in North Carolina and some other states! The NAACP reports on the rampant discrimination and intimidation practices @ Telesur
An Interesting Profile: 1 in 4 Americans reports having a health problem, disability or handicap. 5% less of them voted in 2012. Difficulties with reading, filling out the forms and following the procedures are often cited @ FactTank
Trying to Buy the Election?!? Seems Clinton and Trump, two of the most despised presidential candidates in living memory, are spending billions on TV ads, especially as election day approaches. Details @ AdWeek
US Cannabis Election Results: California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada voted to fully legalize recreational weed! Although Arkansas, Florida, Montana, North Dakota only voted to legalize medical cannabis, it's an important first step. The only state where a legal cannabis referendum was defeated is in Arizona @ MassRoots
Legalization: It might not turn out to be all it's cracked out to be. The powers that be are still arbitrarily tossing about your "legal rights" as they see fit, to manipulate and control you @ ActivistPost
Smokin': many states have legalized cannabis, but with Trump as president, users had still better know their rights and exercise them carefully, especially if you are from a racial minority group @ MJ
Prepare to Meet Your Maker?!? Some musings on the Far Christian Right: Forget Trump, or for that matter climate change -legalized cannabis has now helped bump the biblical rapture index for the impending apocalypse up to an all time high @ Vice
The Rockets Green Glare: A state by state guide to the 2016 US election cannabis vote @ High Times
The LGBTQ Vote: Here's a rundown of each presidential tickets' position and track record on LGBTQ rights @ Ballotpedia
Surprise! Trump has made a financial killing from this run at the presidency, at the expense of others. The corporate agenda @ ShareBlue
Are Trump and Clinton's 2016 election campaigns programming American's to hate? @ Corbett
Tattoo Fail: "Kids -don't try this at home!" or "Stop White People Now!"
"Oligarchy Rigging 102" or "Democracy in Action?" Trump verses Clinton? Trudeau verses Harper? Wynne verses Hudak? Hmmmmm! Ever notice how we are always voting for the lesser of two evils? This article also has an interesting Cuba angle @ Telesur
La Cucaracha/ The Cockroach: Trump's threats to build a wall and tear up it's free trade deals with Mexico have created a very rocky ride for the Mexican peso. Now the Mexican Central Bank is busy creating an emergency contingency plan for what happens next, if he is elected @ Guardian
No DAPL! Here's an interesting perspective on racism and the militarization of the police viewed through the Sioux stand off at Standing Rock North Dakota. Especially when it comes to Big Oil verses our dwindling water supply @ IndianCountry
"Home of the Free?" or "Irony of Ironies": a UN advisory group on human rights is investigating US police abuse of protesters at Standing Rock @ Telesur
Worse Case Scenario? Armed US domestic militia groups, not to be confused with Islamic terrorist groups .... er .... er .... are reportedly ready to act if Clinton wins the US election @ Telesur
Trump + Cuba: What will he do?
Cuba Si! For the first time, the US has abstained from voting against a UN resolution condemning it's illegal half century economic blockade of Cuba. Will Obama take it one concrete step further and lift it? More @ Telesur
Cuban President Raul Castro congratulates US President Elect Trump. Here's how the Cuban media is reporting Trump's election win @ Granma
Cuba release 787 more inmates in addition to the 3,552 granted clemency during the Pope's September visit to Havana @ Reuters
Cuba Plans Kaput?!? The rogue socialist state announces new defensive military exercises following the US election. Although no particular reason has been given, in the past these were common whenever tension arises with the US. Alas! Trump's landslide election victory now pretty much gives him an "executive free hand" to do as he pleases with the Cuba portfolio. Obama's olive leaf to "normalize relations" with Cuba did not prove popular with many Florida expatriate voters. Trump's threatened to get tough @ Telesur
Back to the Beach! What can Canucks expect this winter on the beach in Cuba? Not the Americans! Our US neighbours might be coming back some day soon, or maybe not. Their government still officially bans beach travel to Cuba. More chairs @ CBC
The Zombie Apocalypse? Welcome to Fall 2016!
Legendary Zombie film producer George Romero laments the genre's tragic decline via "Walking Dead" and the recent rash of hit Zombie movies. In his landmark "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" foundation flicks, the focus was on the socio political message, not just the blood, violence and gore @ Vulture
Possible spoiler Alert ...
"Welcome to Fall 2016!" Or "Walking Dead 7:1"! In the season premier, arch villain Negan brutally and very graphically beats Glen to certain death using a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire to the head. The macabre and quite grizzly prime time event is very long, and drawn out. Few of the gory, explicit details are spared. Glenn was a big favourite of the shows millions of fans. Much beloved! Sob! He's also one of the very few big Asian stars on the tube. A new level of ultra violence is set for mainstream TV! Think about it .... You can see for yourself @ Youtube
King Ezekiel -losing his ... ummm ... mind?!?
Hooray 4 King Ezekiel!?! What a pleasant surprise after the trouble with Glen! But hang on just a minute, before we get too delighted ... The "Walking Dead" TV series only loosely follows the original graphic novel, where he hitches up with Michonne and then very ummm ... animatedly er .... er ... loses his head! A spoiler???? Well, who knows?!? Sometimes the book and TV show are alike, other times they're different! Kinda sorta. Meanwhile, oooooh Carol! What to do?!? Hmmmm @ PS
Is "Breaking Bad's" Walter White responsible for the zombie apocalypse in "Walking Dead"?!? Think Blue Meth ..... and never, ever cross a chemistry teacher!!! Perhaps it's a bit of a stretch but here's an interesting fan theory connecting the two shows @ Net Flix
What A Horror Show?!? "Horror" is a genre that is based upon our deepest emotions, providing excellent fodder for the entertainment industry @ CBC
Borat Revisited: 10 years later, Kazakhstan is still dealing with the fallout from the hit comedy mockumentary. Is it deserved? More @ Vice
Yer November Kulture Kult Ink Jukebox:
Dream on! Here are some offbeat links to a lot of great, old school, stoner tunes! Are they all about pot? Well, maybe that's pushing it a bit, but what a kool video list all the same! Check out the Chordette's Mr. Sandman an the Electric Prune's Too Much 2 Dream Last Night or Fleetwood Mac's Dreams Plus: How does cannabis affect your sleep life?!? See @ StonedInsdier
How the Spice Girl's commercialized version of "Girl Power" destroyed the term's radical roots @ Vice
Iconic Canuck poet, singer and songwriter Leonard Cohen dies at age 82! Younger folk will perhaps be most familiar with his Nevermind, the intro song used in Season 2 of True Detective, and Hallelujah, a big hit for k.d.lang among others @ RollingStone
Here are links to 20 essential Leonard Cohen songs from Suzanne onward @ Rolling Stones
"You Want It Darker": Many consider Cohen's final album, released only weeks before his death, a major tour de force, from a visionary who continued giving right up to the very end @ Review
RIP: Field Commander Cohen signs off: Over + Out!
Trump Win - American's Defecting To Canada: Snoop Dogg says he's moving to Toronto! Good! Maybe he can kick Tweed Inc's irresponsible medical cannabis butt from real up close and hard! As for Project Claudia? Make Tweed get their friggin' "Big 6" house in order! Other celebrities who've considered moving to Canada include Miley Cyrus, Barbara Streisand, Bryan Cranston, Stephen King, Ne-Yo etc. etc. etc. @ Global
Boycott Trump: Here's a list of companies selling Trump products @ Spreadsheet
More "marijuana slang"? As legalization looms in Canada, and even the US, the list of vocabulary words is always growing and changing. Note! Weed wordsmiths! New submissions are being sought @ Ganjapreneur
Vaporization: the "Science of Harm Reduction" explained! A vapor pen or volcano can be more clean, convenient, discreet, effective, and healthy than smoking a joint. Plus there is little or no waste! Personally, I enjoy a good hit from the bong .... when I'm outdoors at the trailer. But for everyday city life? My Pax for sure! More @ Whaxy
Hi! Is the Donald home?!? Watch Michael Moore try to meet up with the Donald at home in Trump Towers NYC! Funny as hell, and insightful @ Huff
Donald: Hello New Order! Hurry up Mel! Hop in my car!
"Meet Amerika's New First Lady" or "Getting to Know Melania Trump": Was she an escort, or a model? What's the Donald like in bed? All this and more @ Bloomberg and @ GQ
How did the Donald and Melania actually meet?!? Paolo was there! Feel your skin crawl! Read @ NYT
Hey Donald -Nice Tie! [Not!] A "deep analysis" of Trump's sit down with Obama at the White House to plan for the transition @ Vice
The lack of diversity in our mainstream media leads to an oppressive and biased brand of news coverage that usually goes unquestioned @ Star
What Is Truth: Will Facebook and Google be the new arbitrators deciding what is true or not in the War on Fake News?!? @ ActivistPost
Racism in the media and in everyday life needs to be recognized for the negative, divisive and hateful force that it is. It can't just be ignored @ Vice
Good 2 Know: Avoid being defrauded when you go to withdraw cash from an ATM machine @ NP
Good 2 Know 2: Only 30% of the pedestrian cross walk buttons in Toronto and many other big cities are actually functional. However if you press them for 3 or more seconds, you will hear bird noises! Here's why @ CBC
Mr. C's Tip 4 Teachers: Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Free Speech: why it's very important and necessary that we learn, consider and debate many different points of view, to better understand the pressing, often very controversial issues of our life and times @ BigThink
Are our life and times getting you down these daze?!? Let Monty Python shine some light on the "Meaning of Life" ... so to speak .... @ Galaxy Song!
RIP: Fidel Castro -PM Trudeau's statement @ GC More links below under "News". Also see my blog @ Here!
Sid Ryan warns that NDP and Labour must beware of the "blue collar fury" that fuelled the Trump win @ Huff
Supreme Court rules in favour of BC teachers' right to negotiate working conditions and class size @ Globe and @ CBC
Read the BCTF [British Columbia Teacher Federation] media release on the court ruling @ BCTF. Their summary of the key points are @ BCTF Find the full text of the ruling @ TEXT
Not Their President: Post US election teacher and student Anti-Trump protests erupt at high schools, colleges and universities across the US @ BI
Student protests continue to spread and grow across US a week after Trump's election victory @ CBC
US teachers face the challenge of providing a safe school space for Mexican American students worried about deportations and hate crimes @ C+L
Follow the comments and news updates on "Not My President Elect" @ Twitter
What does the Trump win mean for education? His policy statements, so to speak, have been vague and contradictory at best @ Politico
US Teachers + Students mobilize for Post Trump Era!
Talks between OSSTF and the Wynne Liberal government seem to be over with no deal over compensation for Bill 115 reached! Meanwhile, ETFO talks continue ...... and the OECTA Code of Silence remains firmly in place! See the Comments bar below this blog ....
A Unifor First Student school bus strike has been averted, as a last minute tentative agreement is reached @ City
School Bus Blues: A looming strike action by First Student's 325 school bus drivers will put service on hold for 8,500 public and catholic school students across Toronto. Regretfully, the drivers horrible working conditions and low pay are absolutely abysmal. Hardly anyone wants the job anymore, resulting in a desperate, ongoing shortage of drivers. Unifor Local 4268 are up against the school board brickbat wall seeking a first collective bargaining contract @ Star
Trump Region North? MOE's Mitzi Hunter is investigating allegations of racism/ Islamophobia and a lack of trustee transparency at the York Region School Board @ Star
Read the OFL letter, signed by 141 community leaders which sparked the investigation @ OFL
Is the EQAO is lying about the October 20th DDoS [Distributed Denial of Services] cyber attack?!? Allegedly, it caused Ontario's big standardized math test failure to launch this fall. However, there were no recorded cyber attacks in our province that day!!! See the Digital Attack Maps for yourself @ LookingUp More @ LookingUp
Opting Out: Here's how parents who object to the standardized tests can opt out of EQAO @ LookingUp
EQAO: Failure 2 Launch!?
Nova Scotia teachers reject any "conditional bargaining". They are flatly refusing any limits being placed upon the talks, unlike .... oh say, in Ontario @ CBC
CB Consideration: How will medical cannabis patients be accommodated at work? In the office? At school? On the workplace floor? If the issues are handled openly and responsibly as cannabis is legalized, that could solve a lot of problems on a go forward basis. If our unions can get it in their medical package, that could benefit workers in every sector! News story @ Globe
Contrary to popular media misconceptions [or "outright lies"] teachers aren't in it for the money! Far from it! A recent study shows that efficacy, trust and the proper resources usually count for a lot more! It's what makes most of us really tick, as professionals @ Tyee
Stress Factors: Teaching is among the top 3 most stressful jobs because of the hours, workload and government interference @ Tes
Are schools letting our students down when it comes to teaching them about short term discomfort, self-regulation and real accomplishment? Read @ CA
School Sucks? US study shows that lousy organization factors and nincompoop administrators are the key problems in retaining teachers and raising student test scores. Huh! No such thorough study is needed here in Ontario, Canada! Any one of us could've told them @ EurekAlert
A "Feminist Class for Boys" teaches the guys to think outside the restrictive "man box" which can be very healthy and helpful for us as males too @ Vice
Media Lies: The Toronto Trump Protests -Where we Trumped? Punk'd?! Set up?!? Fooled??? See pro Trump "Rebel" reporter Faith Goldy above, with extremists at the November 19th Rally Against Trump. She's wearing a "Leafs" cap in my photo, from just before the scuffle. Now watch her video report about the "Toronto Trump Supporters Attacked at Anti-Trump Rally", and decide for yourself @ Youtube
Manufacturing News: Now read how the Toronto Sun white washes the incident clean, headlines it "Trump Supporters Clash With Protesters at Toronto Rally", and posts it as news @ Sun
See my first hand report of the Rally Against Trump @ HERE!
Oil's Not Well to the North: 85 indigenous nations denounce Canada's role in backing DAPL @ Telesur
Will Canada's First Nation pipeline fury here result in another Standing Rock?!? @ Telesur
More Blood On Our Hands? Guatemalan farmers are ready to take on Canadian mining giant Tahoe Resources over grave human right abuses in their country @ Telesur
For Shame: Toronto has Canada's highest child poverty rate at 27% @ Globe
Little Said: Canada commits to a three year military deployment in Africa @ Star
PM Justin Trudeau will visit Cuba next week. The Obama administration had been moving towards normalizing US relations with Cuba, though it remains unclear what Trump will do now @ CBC
Trudeau the Elder paid a controversial visit to Castro's Cuba in 1976, despite the US blockade @ Youtube
Yesterday + Today: Pierre, Fidel, Raul y Justin......
Canuck Cuba Redux: OK OK. It's an old joke. Let's get Cuba to join Canada -then we'll have the US surrounded! Anyway .... PM Justin Trudeau's Cuba trip was quite different than PET's 1976 visit during the Cold War. Still, it could help to reaffirm and bolster Canada-Cuba ties as Trump prepares to take office. BTW: the lack of comprehensive CBC news coverage this time around was a down note. Maybe just trying to play it low key? More @ Star
Here's why Americans and new immigrants might prefer to live in Canada after the Trump win @ Economist
Premier Wynne expresses concern over the ill effect the Trump win could have on our province's trade with the US. Trump's concerns over the NAFTA free trade agreement are that it isn't favourable enough for the US. From a Canadian perspective, we often see it as quite the opposite; it favours the US too much @ Star
Goodbye To Cheri DiNovo: The Toronto NDP MPP was out to speak and help at the "Rally Against Trump"! She confirmed to me that she's dropping out of the federal leadership race. She won't be running provincially at Queens Park again either. Cheri cited health reasons. She's been a real trooper, and will be sadly missed. There's more @ My Blog
Ontario's PC and NDP opposition are accused of using a variation on Trump's vague "truthiness" against the Wynne Liberal government @ Star
Nov. 12th Toronto Trump Protesters
Federal PC Leadership contender Kellie Leitch extols the many virtues of the Donald! Gets all warm inside dreaming about Keystone and screening for Canadian values @ Star
Canadian news reports on the November 12th Toronto Anti Trump rally downplay it moreso as a copy cat imitation of the American protest movement, rather than a very heartfelt expression of the fears of our own local LGBTQ'ers, racial minorities, Muslim community and abused women! See @ CBC @ Global @ Star and @ Sun
See my firsthand blog report on the Toronto Trump protest @ HERE!
A rash of racist incidents have occurred across Canada, as reported in the news, since the Trump election @ Vice
Toronto citizens intervene in disturbing racist incident on TTC streetcar @ Video
Busted: Toronto protesters video tape and expose fascist recruitment/ "info" meeting in the Bloor Annex @ TrackingHate
Very disturbing racist recruitment posters show up outside a Toronto elementary school after Trump is elected US president @ Huff
The little known but grim history of the KKK in Toronto @ SP
Canadian dollar initially hits an 8 month low on news of the Trump election victory @ Financial Post
Anti Trump protests spill over into Canada, where a large crowd rocks Vancouver BC @ Star
Toronto commuters are involved in a silent "Love Trumps Hate" anti Trump "post it note" protest @ CityNews
Can PM Justin Trudeau work with Donald Trump? Inquiring minds need to know! Multiculturalism? Environmentalism? Globalism? Feminism? They are hardly on the same page @ Vice
After talking to each other first, Canada and Mexico agree to discuss NAFTA with Trump @ Global
Trump's anti Mexican NAFTA rhetoric might equally provide a glimpse of his aggressive plans for Canada as the trade deal is re-opened @ CBC
What does President Trump mean for Canada? The Keystone XL Pipeline? Taxes? Real estate? Trade? The stock market? The environment? International relations? Defence? More @ Huff and @ CTV and @ Globe @ Global
What me worry?!?
Black Lives Don't Matter?!? A Toronto Police Tribunal into Officer Adam Lourenco's alleged assault of 4 black teens heading to an after school tutoring program turns into a complete farce. Note how dubious the tribunal is to start with! If the chief doesn't like the hearing officer's ruling, he can be removed @ Post
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti -Mayor Tory's Toadie?! Giorgio certainly never fails to astound! Toronto's Wild West Licensing and Standards committee cancels depositions on the Project Claudia cannabis dispensary raids by it's concerned citizens, to discuss pressing issues like the viability of perhaps licensing snakes and ferrets as service animals instead @ Youtube
Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss: The deadlock over CETA [The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement] between the Europe Economic Union and Canada is broken. Our illustrious "Heave Steve" PM Justin Trudeau then signs the Harper free trade agreement, making it official for our corporate bosses @ Telesur
LEGALIZE! REGULATE! EDUCATE! MEDICATE!Will Canada's First Nation pipeline fury here result in another Standing Rock?!? @ Telesur
More Blood On Our Hands? Guatemalan farmers are ready to take on Canadian mining giant Tahoe Resources over grave human right abuses in their country @ Telesur
For Shame: Toronto has Canada's highest child poverty rate at 27% @ Globe
Little Said: Canada commits to a three year military deployment in Africa @ Star
PM Justin Trudeau will visit Cuba next week. The Obama administration had been moving towards normalizing US relations with Cuba, though it remains unclear what Trump will do now @ CBC
Trudeau the Elder paid a controversial visit to Castro's Cuba in 1976, despite the US blockade @ Youtube
Yesterday + Today: Pierre, Fidel, Raul y Justin......
Canuck Cuba Redux: OK OK. It's an old joke. Let's get Cuba to join Canada -then we'll have the US surrounded! Anyway .... PM Justin Trudeau's Cuba trip was quite different than PET's 1976 visit during the Cold War. Still, it could help to reaffirm and bolster Canada-Cuba ties as Trump prepares to take office. BTW: the lack of comprehensive CBC news coverage this time around was a down note. Maybe just trying to play it low key? More @ Star
Here's why Americans and new immigrants might prefer to live in Canada after the Trump win @ Economist
Premier Wynne expresses concern over the ill effect the Trump win could have on our province's trade with the US. Trump's concerns over the NAFTA free trade agreement are that it isn't favourable enough for the US. From a Canadian perspective, we often see it as quite the opposite; it favours the US too much @ Star
Goodbye To Cheri DiNovo: The Toronto NDP MPP was out to speak and help at the "Rally Against Trump"! She confirmed to me that she's dropping out of the federal leadership race. She won't be running provincially at Queens Park again either. Cheri cited health reasons. She's been a real trooper, and will be sadly missed. There's more @ My Blog
Ontario's PC and NDP opposition are accused of using a variation on Trump's vague "truthiness" against the Wynne Liberal government @ Star
Nov. 12th Toronto Trump Protesters
Federal PC Leadership contender Kellie Leitch extols the many virtues of the Donald! Gets all warm inside dreaming about Keystone and screening for Canadian values @ Star
Canadian news reports on the November 12th Toronto Anti Trump rally downplay it moreso as a copy cat imitation of the American protest movement, rather than a very heartfelt expression of the fears of our own local LGBTQ'ers, racial minorities, Muslim community and abused women! See @ CBC @ Global @ Star and @ Sun
See my firsthand blog report on the Toronto Trump protest @ HERE!
A rash of racist incidents have occurred across Canada, as reported in the news, since the Trump election @ Vice
Toronto citizens intervene in disturbing racist incident on TTC streetcar @ Video
Busted: Toronto protesters video tape and expose fascist recruitment/ "info" meeting in the Bloor Annex @ TrackingHate
Very disturbing racist recruitment posters show up outside a Toronto elementary school after Trump is elected US president @ Huff
The little known but grim history of the KKK in Toronto @ SP
Canadian dollar initially hits an 8 month low on news of the Trump election victory @ Financial Post
Anti Trump protests spill over into Canada, where a large crowd rocks Vancouver BC @ Star
Toronto commuters are involved in a silent "Love Trumps Hate" anti Trump "post it note" protest @ CityNews
Can PM Justin Trudeau work with Donald Trump? Inquiring minds need to know! Multiculturalism? Environmentalism? Globalism? Feminism? They are hardly on the same page @ Vice
After talking to each other first, Canada and Mexico agree to discuss NAFTA with Trump @ Global
Trump's anti Mexican NAFTA rhetoric might equally provide a glimpse of his aggressive plans for Canada as the trade deal is re-opened @ CBC
What does President Trump mean for Canada? The Keystone XL Pipeline? Taxes? Real estate? Trade? The stock market? The environment? International relations? Defence? More @ Huff and @ CTV and @ Globe @ Global
What me worry?!?
Black Lives Don't Matter?!? A Toronto Police Tribunal into Officer Adam Lourenco's alleged assault of 4 black teens heading to an after school tutoring program turns into a complete farce. Note how dubious the tribunal is to start with! If the chief doesn't like the hearing officer's ruling, he can be removed @ Post
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti -Mayor Tory's Toadie?! Giorgio certainly never fails to astound! Toronto's Wild West Licensing and Standards committee cancels depositions on the Project Claudia cannabis dispensary raids by it's concerned citizens, to discuss pressing issues like the viability of perhaps licensing snakes and ferrets as service animals instead @ Youtube
Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss: The deadlock over CETA [The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement] between the Europe Economic Union and Canada is broken. Our illustrious "Heave Steve" PM Justin Trudeau then signs the Harper free trade agreement, making it official for our corporate bosses @ Telesur
Oh Cannabis! Toronto's slow burn .....
Oh Cannabis: Trudeau's safety minded approach might go so far overboard that it is going to make legal pot totally unkool, especially from a free market perspective @ Lift
Veteran Affairs: The Canadian government cuts medical cannabis prescription subsidies for our CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] veterans' big time @ CBC
Politics Before Medicine: The federal government's decision to arbitrarily cut cannabis subsidies fails to put the veterans' medical needs first. Many vets require prescription cannabis for PTSD @ CBC
Business reports suggest that the Trudeau government might add a 25% tax to legal Cannabis while marketing it through the liquor control board @ Globe
Adam Vaughan, former Toronto city Councillor, current Federal MP and legalization point man, speaks out against Toronto's aggressive approach toward regulating cannabis dispensaries by busting them @ Lift
A busted Toronto dispensary worker tells us that she's basically screwed. Here's one insider view of what a cannabis dispensary bust is like, from an employee's perspective @ Lift
Toronto City Hall Licensing and Standards Committee cancellation of all 4 of the meetings so far scheduled to deal with the Project Claudia dispensary raids is creating serious medical Cannabis issues. See my interview @ Youtube. Also my blog @ HERE!
Project Claudia's puzzling and quite arbitrary "Whack-a-Mole" dispensary raids are proving highly ineffective while creating big, unnecessary burden for our court system. The workers, many as young as 19 likely only face a small fine. However, they will have a lifetime criminal record for pot and be unable to travel to the US @ Global
Your Weed is in the Mail!?! Just like the licensed producers [LP's], Toronto's cannabis dispensaries are now increasingly switching to online sales in the wake of Project Claudia. Unlike the LP's they offer much better customer service and same day delivery too @ Now
Busted: Ottawa police launch major raid on 6 local cannabis dispensaries. 9 employees arrested @ Citizen
Ottawa police are inviting cannabis dispensary landlords to "turn narc" on their tenants. Meanwhile, it's been a record year of unrelated shootings. Ummmmm ... For safety reasons, mightn't that be better monitored and dealt with instead @ Citizen
Edmonton city council takes a more constructive, forward looking approach by considering how dispensaries will be regulated @ Lift
Vancouver becomes the first Canadian city to licence and regulate the budding marijuana market rather than try to bust it, as we head towards legalization next year @ Guardian
Vancouver Compassion Society's Dana Larsen
What Is To Be Done? Dana Larsen's non profit Vancouver Compassion Society is donating a large portion of it's dispensary revenues to cannabis advocacy! It's a strategy Cannabis Culture's Marc Emery follows too. Such a medical patient focus and generous lobbying/ protest effort puts our own nascent, often politically null and void Ontario legalization movement to shame @ Sun
On Hold -a book deal and movie offer for Canadian High Prince of Pot Marc Emery's autobiography! Marc tells me that he's still waaaaaaay too busy living the story to write about it! Unless of course he ends up back in jail, for his vigorous cannabis advocacy efforts here in Ontario -always a distinct possibility!
Makes too Much Sens-imilla? Get this -Non Profit "compassion" societies are running much of Vancouver's multi-million dollar retail weed market for it's med pot patients @ Sun
LP's [Licensed Producers] = Dispensary Snitches?!?
Are the licensed producers [LP's] like Tweed Inc behind the cannabis dispensary raids sweeping across Ontario? Unable to fill pre$crition$ and orders, they don't want anyone else to do it either @ CD Also see my blog @
Instant Karma: Now here's a really excellent review of the 2016 Toronto Karma Cup. Puts the rest of us to shame @ Now My blog is @
Project Claudia busts threaten to dry up Toronto's supply of cannabis edibles @ Now
Saturday in Toronto at the Green Market....
Green Market Toronto provides a ready source of Cannabis medibles for the cities hard pressed medical patients and recreational users. Details @ Civilized
Um Um Good! Green Market Toronto holds another successful market day featuring a wide variety of cannabis edibles, topicals and booty, if not so much buds. Knowledgeable producers were readily available to answer questions! Lots of free samples too! Fritz's gummies and Eyebake Medibles baked goods were strictly two thumbs up, but hardly alone in that department. Plenty of choices! The good folks from Alair and Toko let folks try out their kool, disposable vapor pens. Refill batteries/ liquid cartridges are available by mail order, or at their booth, for now. Overall: Reasonable access! Very informative! Lots of fun! Next really big show is in December!
Canadian flyer's are now being told to bring the medical paperwork and be prepared to talk with police before boarding a flight with their prescription pot. Sigh! Alas! It only took the government a decade to come up with these "directions" @ CBC
Trump wins surprise landslide victory taking presidency, house and senate @ NYT
The Media Is Not A Reflection of Reality: As often happens in Canada as of late, the US election polls turn out to be wrong @ Globe
Clinton narrowly won the popularity vote. However, 43.2% of eligible voters didn't cast a ballot @ Heavy
The Trump win highlights a nation sharply divided by race, gender and education level @ PEW and @ PGW
Surprisingly a lot of middle and upper income earners supported Trump, in addition to those in the more economically challenged US "rust belt". Clinton, the establishment candidate, also fared a lot poorer than expected with the black, Latino and women's vote. Some helpful charts further break down the election results for us @ Globe
He is the Establishment Stupid: Robert Reich views the US election within the framework of a rigged political system ruled over by a billionaire oligarchy. Alas, many voters were fooled, by Trump, an authoritarian demagogue supposedly leading a political revolution on their behalf against the "establishment" @ Reich
Looks like President Obama's vision of the "Way Ahead" to an inclusive and tolerant United States has been relegated to some other universe, for the next four years at least. Read the text @ Economist
Making America Grope Again: Sexual violence survivors are shocked, disturbed and very worried about the US election results @ Medium
Why'd he do it? Here's Julian Assange's statement on the Wikileaks released during the homestretch of the US election @ Wikileaks
Sidelined former Democratic Presidential Contender Bernie Sanders views Trump's landslide victory as the frustrated, misguided result of a declining US middle class. Unfortunately, he was ignored and pushed aside by the Democrats. So were they. Sanders vows to continue to fight Trump's racism and Xenophobia @
No Exaggerations: A new interview with Noam Chomsky on Trump's landslide win! What it means @ TO
CNN's Van Jones describes Trump's victory as a racist "white-lash" against a black president and a fear of change within the US status quo @ CNN
Here's Black Lives Matter's statement on the Trump win! Steady as she goes @ Telesur
Making Amerika White Again: White folks thinking Trump's racist and misogynist statements were just election talk, have just been scammed "bigly" by the man himself @ Affinity
History Repeats Itself: North American media tried to downplay Hitler's anti-semitism and bigotry during his rise to power @ Snope
The Crucible: Newt Gingrich wants to reactivate the notorious House Committee of Un-American Activities to question Muslim citizen's allegiances and "weed out" ISIS @ CNN
Final Solution? A Trump Great American PAC surrogate speculates on Fox News about using Japanese WW2 internment camps as the model for rounding up US Muslims as a first step to their removal @ Telesur
Trump victory debunks the myth of a "Post Racial America" @ Huff
More on the sexist and elitist underpinnings of the 2016 US election results @ CBC
Watch Trump's victory "unity" speech! Slim pickings @ Times
You Are There: Enjoy this first hand review of his oddball, rather troubling victory party @ NR
Understatement of the Year: Clinton belatedly admits that the US is "more deeply divided" than the Democrats thought in her concession speech. Duh @ WP
Birther Trump meets President Obama for the very first time at the White House! Obama emphasizes a peaceful transition of power to Trump, who would now seem to be on a Charm Offensive, minding his manners @ NYT
Trump's upset victory now threatens to destroy the Obama legacy, creating much unrest and uncertainty in the US and abroad @ Politico
No Disclosure: Trump's potential conflict of interest as a business tycoon who's tax records and worldwide investments remain mostly unknown, give pause for grave concern @ CBC
Michael Moore's 5 point "Morning After To Do List" includes re-taking the Democratic party, restoring it to the people, and firing the mainstream media @ Huff
Moore's "Day Two To Do List" includes organizing a major protest movement along the lines of Occupy Wall St and BLM. As for the Clinton Wikileaks about how badly Bernie Sanders was treated, Moore claims the Democrats now owe him an apology. He also says to be prepared to "Impeach Trump". Lots more! Follow Michael Moore @ Facebook
A new progressive anti-Trump movement will need to be re-imagined and carried out differently than the political protests of year's past. Latin and South American activists have a lot of experience with what is to be done @ Telesur
Not My President: Thousands protest the Trump win in cities across the US @ Telesur and @ WP
Mexico informs President Elect Trump that they won't be paying for the wall @ Telesur
Mexico meets with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, it's Central American neighbours, to co-ordinate a Trump response @ Telesur
Rotten Apples: A Trump trade war with China risks losing access to the economic giant's huge Smartphone market. China is also a huge manufacturer of electronic goods in general. Local manufacturing lacks the capacity to make up the difference anytime soon. Meanwhile China could continue to produce and market these goods for themselves on their own, sans the belligerent US @ Verge
Trump seems to narrow Clinton's lead as the US election looms with but days to spare @ CBC Electoral Tracker
Whoa! FBI announces they will, then that they won't be investigating/ laying charges in the Clinton email Wikileaks during the final daze of the US election. Meanwhile, the damage is done! Clinton's commanding lead in the polls is whittled own, perhaps denying her a majority win in the house and senate. Strictly procedural? An accident? Happenstance? You'd think there'd be an major investigation of how this all happened @ CBC
From Russia With Love? The 2016 US Election and the Russia Connection -Assange? Clinton? Trump? More @ Vice
An Interesting Profile: 1 in 4 Americans reports having a health problem, disability or handicap. 5% less of them voted in 2012. Difficulties with reading, filling out the forms and following the procedures are often cited @ FactTank
Trying to Buy the Election?!? Seems Clinton and Trump, two of the most despised presidential candidates in living memory, are spending billions on TV ads, especially as election day approaches. Details @ AdWeek
US Cannabis Election Results: California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada voted to fully legalize recreational weed! Although Arkansas, Florida, Montana, North Dakota only voted to legalize medical cannabis, it's an important first step. The only state where a legal cannabis referendum was defeated is in Arizona @ MassRoots
Legalization: It might not turn out to be all it's cracked out to be. The powers that be are still arbitrarily tossing about your "legal rights" as they see fit, to manipulate and control you @ ActivistPost
Smokin': many states have legalized cannabis, but with Trump as president, users had still better know their rights and exercise them carefully, especially if you are from a racial minority group @ MJ
Prepare to Meet Your Maker?!? Some musings on the Far Christian Right: Forget Trump, or for that matter climate change -legalized cannabis has now helped bump the biblical rapture index for the impending apocalypse up to an all time high @ Vice
The Rockets Green Glare: A state by state guide to the 2016 US election cannabis vote @ High Times
The LGBTQ Vote: Here's a rundown of each presidential tickets' position and track record on LGBTQ rights @ Ballotpedia
Surprise! Trump has made a financial killing from this run at the presidency, at the expense of others. The corporate agenda @ ShareBlue
Are Trump and Clinton's 2016 election campaigns programming American's to hate? @ Corbett
Tattoo Fail: "Kids -don't try this at home!" or "Stop White People Now!"
"Oligarchy Rigging 102" or "Democracy in Action?" Trump verses Clinton? Trudeau verses Harper? Wynne verses Hudak? Hmmmmm! Ever notice how we are always voting for the lesser of two evils? This article also has an interesting Cuba angle @ Telesur
La Cucaracha/ The Cockroach: Trump's threats to build a wall and tear up it's free trade deals with Mexico have created a very rocky ride for the Mexican peso. Now the Mexican Central Bank is busy creating an emergency contingency plan for what happens next, if he is elected @ Guardian
No DAPL! Here's an interesting perspective on racism and the militarization of the police viewed through the Sioux stand off at Standing Rock North Dakota. Especially when it comes to Big Oil verses our dwindling water supply @ IndianCountry
"Home of the Free?" or "Irony of Ironies": a UN advisory group on human rights is investigating US police abuse of protesters at Standing Rock @ Telesur
Worse Case Scenario? Armed US domestic militia groups, not to be confused with Islamic terrorist groups .... er .... er .... are reportedly ready to act if Clinton wins the US election @ Telesur
Trump + Cuba: What will he do?
Cuba Si! For the first time, the US has abstained from voting against a UN resolution condemning it's illegal half century economic blockade of Cuba. Will Obama take it one concrete step further and lift it? More @ Telesur
Cuban President Raul Castro congratulates US President Elect Trump. Here's how the Cuban media is reporting Trump's election win @ Granma
Cuba release 787 more inmates in addition to the 3,552 granted clemency during the Pope's September visit to Havana @ Reuters
Cuba Plans Kaput?!? The rogue socialist state announces new defensive military exercises following the US election. Although no particular reason has been given, in the past these were common whenever tension arises with the US. Alas! Trump's landslide election victory now pretty much gives him an "executive free hand" to do as he pleases with the Cuba portfolio. Obama's olive leaf to "normalize relations" with Cuba did not prove popular with many Florida expatriate voters. Trump's threatened to get tough @ Telesur
Back to the Beach! What can Canucks expect this winter on the beach in Cuba? Not the Americans! Our US neighbours might be coming back some day soon, or maybe not. Their government still officially bans beach travel to Cuba. More chairs @ CBC
The Zombie Apocalypse? Welcome to Fall 2016!
Legendary Zombie film producer George Romero laments the genre's tragic decline via "Walking Dead" and the recent rash of hit Zombie movies. In his landmark "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" foundation flicks, the focus was on the socio political message, not just the blood, violence and gore @ Vulture
Possible spoiler Alert ...
"Welcome to Fall 2016!" Or "Walking Dead 7:1"! In the season premier, arch villain Negan brutally and very graphically beats Glen to certain death using a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire to the head. The macabre and quite grizzly prime time event is very long, and drawn out. Few of the gory, explicit details are spared. Glenn was a big favourite of the shows millions of fans. Much beloved! Sob! He's also one of the very few big Asian stars on the tube. A new level of ultra violence is set for mainstream TV! Think about it .... You can see for yourself @ Youtube
King Ezekiel -losing his ... ummm ... mind?!?
Hooray 4 King Ezekiel!?! What a pleasant surprise after the trouble with Glen! But hang on just a minute, before we get too delighted ... The "Walking Dead" TV series only loosely follows the original graphic novel, where he hitches up with Michonne and then very ummm ... animatedly er .... er ... loses his head! A spoiler???? Well, who knows?!? Sometimes the book and TV show are alike, other times they're different! Kinda sorta. Meanwhile, oooooh Carol! What to do?!? Hmmmm @ PS
Is "Breaking Bad's" Walter White responsible for the zombie apocalypse in "Walking Dead"?!? Think Blue Meth ..... and never, ever cross a chemistry teacher!!! Perhaps it's a bit of a stretch but here's an interesting fan theory connecting the two shows @ Net Flix
What A Horror Show?!? "Horror" is a genre that is based upon our deepest emotions, providing excellent fodder for the entertainment industry @ CBC
Borat Revisited: 10 years later, Kazakhstan is still dealing with the fallout from the hit comedy mockumentary. Is it deserved? More @ Vice
Yer November Kulture Kult Ink Jukebox:
Dream on! Here are some offbeat links to a lot of great, old school, stoner tunes! Are they all about pot? Well, maybe that's pushing it a bit, but what a kool video list all the same! Check out the Chordette's Mr. Sandman an the Electric Prune's Too Much 2 Dream Last Night or Fleetwood Mac's Dreams Plus: How does cannabis affect your sleep life?!? See @ StonedInsdier
How the Spice Girl's commercialized version of "Girl Power" destroyed the term's radical roots @ Vice
Iconic Canuck poet, singer and songwriter Leonard Cohen dies at age 82! Younger folk will perhaps be most familiar with his Nevermind, the intro song used in Season 2 of True Detective, and Hallelujah, a big hit for k.d.lang among others @ RollingStone
Here are links to 20 essential Leonard Cohen songs from Suzanne onward @ Rolling Stones
"You Want It Darker": Many consider Cohen's final album, released only weeks before his death, a major tour de force, from a visionary who continued giving right up to the very end @ Review
RIP: Field Commander Cohen signs off: Over + Out!
Trump Win - American's Defecting To Canada: Snoop Dogg says he's moving to Toronto! Good! Maybe he can kick Tweed Inc's irresponsible medical cannabis butt from real up close and hard! As for Project Claudia? Make Tweed get their friggin' "Big 6" house in order! Other celebrities who've considered moving to Canada include Miley Cyrus, Barbara Streisand, Bryan Cranston, Stephen King, Ne-Yo etc. etc. etc. @ Global
Boycott Trump: Here's a list of companies selling Trump products @ Spreadsheet
More "marijuana slang"? As legalization looms in Canada, and even the US, the list of vocabulary words is always growing and changing. Note! Weed wordsmiths! New submissions are being sought @ Ganjapreneur
Vaporization: the "Science of Harm Reduction" explained! A vapor pen or volcano can be more clean, convenient, discreet, effective, and healthy than smoking a joint. Plus there is little or no waste! Personally, I enjoy a good hit from the bong .... when I'm outdoors at the trailer. But for everyday city life? My Pax for sure! More @ Whaxy
Donald: Hello New Order! Hurry up Mel! Hop in my car!
"Meet Amerika's New First Lady" or "Getting to Know Melania Trump": Was she an escort, or a model? What's the Donald like in bed? All this and more @ Bloomberg and @ GQ
How did the Donald and Melania actually meet?!? Paolo was there! Feel your skin crawl! Read @ NYT
Hey Donald -Nice Tie! [Not!] A "deep analysis" of Trump's sit down with Obama at the White House to plan for the transition @ Vice
The lack of diversity in our mainstream media leads to an oppressive and biased brand of news coverage that usually goes unquestioned @ Star
What Is Truth: Will Facebook and Google be the new arbitrators deciding what is true or not in the War on Fake News?!? @ ActivistPost
Racism in the media and in everyday life needs to be recognized for the negative, divisive and hateful force that it is. It can't just be ignored @ Vice
Good 2 Know: Avoid being defrauded when you go to withdraw cash from an ATM machine @ NP
Good 2 Know 2: Only 30% of the pedestrian cross walk buttons in Toronto and many other big cities are actually functional. However if you press them for 3 or more seconds, you will hear bird noises! Here's why @ CBC
Mr. C's Tip 4 Teachers: Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Free Speech: why it's very important and necessary that we learn, consider and debate many different points of view, to better understand the pressing, often very controversial issues of our life and times @ BigThink
Are our life and times getting you down these daze?!? Let Monty Python shine some light on the "Meaning of Life" ... so to speak .... @ Galaxy Song!
Talks with government and osstf over Bill 115 settlement and contract extensions are over. No results.
ETFO has told its members that it will blindly continue to pursue extension and remedy talks...how low will they settle?
The fact that talks are off is a good thing. All teaching unions should be demanding the moon and not settling for less. We got screwed big time with Bill 115. Give teachers evrything they lost (including my $40 000.00 gratuity). Please, no negotiating with the Fiberals. Wynne the Pooh has to feel the pain. McGuinty and her have mismanaged everything. To think we voted her in a second time had to be because Ontarians had their heads buried in the sand. I will be shocked to see Americans vote in Hillary and continue with the failed policies of Obama (a great diplomat, an awful leader and administrator). Where are the great leaders in our world?
I would like to know what the new OECTA Provincial Benefit plan looks like. Even though the first phase of units have been transferred over this is for some reason being kept under lock and key for the rest of the members. ETFO has their published and easily accessed on their website? Why are all OECTA members not entitled to this information???
The abused middle class has spoken. Donald Trump has said he will build a physical wall on the USA Mexico border. Folks, that wall is no where near as large as the economic wall the Washington establishment (both Democratic and Republican) has built up in the past 50 years. The media supported Hilary Clinton in her pursuit of a continuation of pandering to the elites. Drive through Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and one can see the devastating effect of lost jobs (all under Obama's leadership). The Donald may not be able to do anything about that but he sure struck a nerve during the election; enough so that the middle class has nothing to lose. Drain the elite swamp was his motto. I'm not holding out much hope that things will change. The middle class has spoken that they have had enough of the establishment. I would love to see it happen in Canada because the elite here are very much the same. Ask a teacher if their salary has kept pace with the administrator's salaries. Not a chance. Ask our social programs about the number of immigrants still living on social assistance years after coming to Canada. Our Liberal swamp needs to be drained and soon. Hopefully, the selfies will wash away with the drainage.
What's so horrible about being a receptionist?
Dr. Fagelman Assault Receptionist
Can we get the OECTA Benefit Plan details? Why the secerecy? What is being hidden? What happens now if the govt does not increase funds for benefits in the next round?
Will OECTA get the same remedies as ETFO and OSSTF in the Bill 115 victory even though we actually sponsored and supported that bill? Has anyone ever found out who in OECTA asked for Bill 115? I think we should only get a remedy if the person or persons that asked for Bill 115 get fired. Even then it is very problematic to make a case that we are deserving of anything, me too clause or not.
Anybody got any insights on this ......?!
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