Still keepin' an eye on things during summer at the lake!
Summertime finds Janet y I tripping back and forth between town and country; our Toronto home and our countryside summer place near Bon Echo Park, Land o' Lakes. With friends and family dropping by all the time at both locales, I'm taking care of the summer festivities out here on the shores of Lake Mississaganon.
Hard work but somebodies got to do it! I'm retired, so to speak .... Since Victoria Day, I've been busy here cleaning, setting up, kayaking and getting ready. Yup! It's time for another trez kool summer tripping and grooving out by the lake!
As a result, this blogsite will be on reduced hours as we slip into our summer mode until autumn rolls around again. As much as Janet and I love to travel, there's nothing finer than a Canadian summer. We plan to enjoy it fully!
Fortunately, we've got internet here now! Yup! Our trailer's finally "on the grid". So this year I'll still be online, if not as much as usual as during the rest of the year, to attend to the following regular site features:
Summer Daze!
Twitter: Check me out for my regular blogsite updates, lotsa extra news links, pix, and kool tunes etc. etc. at @davidchiarelli
New Blogs: These will become available, as different issues and events warrant, throughout the summer.
Oh Cannabis News + Views -My Stoner Newz Feature: I'm starting a new summer edition, which will be updated on a regular/ fairly regularly basis during the daze ahead. Stay tuned! @ HERE!
Teacher Free Speech News + Views -The Straight Goods: Ditto. My new Summer Edition will continue to keep an eye on the world at large, in all it's folly. Be sure to check it out for updates too! @ HERE!
Wood Shedding: Rainy days can find me busy typing away. Some of my more lengthy features [The "Bob Marley" series, some of my backgrounders on medical cannabis, legalization and on Cuba etc. etc. etc.] get knocked off this way to post later. I also want to update you a bit on my site's new "Oh Cannabis" focus, as it continues to evolve, since I've retired from teaching, so that should be coming your way too, during the summer months ahead ....
Teacher Free Speech News + Views Archive 2011-17: There is ALOT of valuable info here! My teacher readers in particular, might still wish to refer back to those for our contract negotiations with the Ontario government over the years. [Alas!] Then there's the travel blogs, Cuba stories, and all sorts of other dope stuff that's still a pretty good read! It's yours to explore @ Here!
This autumn Janet and I will be travelling to Europe, Rome and Prague. Come winter, I plan to go back to teach at the Cuban schools and do my scuba/ snorkeling thing. There's plenty still coming on this site!
Hope you enjoy the Summer Edition!
David C ..........
Yup! This is pretty much my yearly routine nowadaze. Some links:
Kayaking: My meditation, straight or stoned @ Here!
Trailer Park Boy: Teacher retirement as a seasonal thing @ Here!
Land o' Lake Ontario Canada: Includes "The Spring Mating Symphony Of The Frogs + Toads" @ Here!
Lake Mississaganon beckons ...
hEY hO! kEEP ChECKing BAcK! LaTeR AdDITIoNs WiLL bE AddED In LaRgE TYpe SeT! mY Acronym Guide IS @ hErE! ... Legalization news now moved to "Oh Cannabis!" @ LINK!
OTPP [Ontario Teacher Pension Plan: Some good news! Full inflation protection has been restored for the retired members, plus there's a contribution rate reduction for the active teachers! @ OTPP
No Justice No Peace: ETFO is rising to the challenge! The public elementary teachers' are returning to court to seek a "fair remedy" for their lost rights under the Ontario government's illegal Bill 115 from 2012! Will OSSTF and OECTA still just continue to sadly suckle on the Neo Liberal "extended contract" election teat? @ ETFO
Invaluable for School AND Home: "Four Tips for Effective Lesson Planning on Fake News" @ ASCD
School Violence is cited as the reason for a 29% spike in teacher sick days in Waterloo region. Alas! Also check the dramatic rise in staff sick days across the province of Ontario, especially by our hard hit CYW [Child Youth Workers] and EA's [Educational Assistants] @ Star
Not So Peaceful Kingdom: Nova Scotia teachers call for more support staff and a "clearer discipline process". Statistics now show that students in the province's public school system threaten or commit violence 1100 times a month. Endangered educators are regularly being bitten, spit at and punched by "troubled youth". The students also can't be easily removed from the classrooms they are disturbing, without proper procedures and supports in place, for safety and legal reasons. The Nova Scotia government is downplaying the crisis, nonsensically claiming that the bad behavior will decrease as the kids grow older and somehow learn to "self regulate" themselves @ Global
Autism Ontario: With an election looming in spring 2018, the increasingly desperate Wynne government is finally taking action! They've made some long awaited and much needed changes to autism programming in the province's schools. The process has been "streamlined", and students will now be "serviced" until age 18. Now if somebody could only light a fire under their butt about school safety! @ Star
Surplus Beginning Teachers in Ontario, Alberta and BC learn to navigate a very tight job market @ Globe
Austerity Binge: CUPE's Saskatchewan school workers say it's an "absolute no" to a 3.5% pay cut and 3 years of frozen wages @ CBC
Catholic School Funding: The Saskatchewan government decides to appeal a court ruling that public funding of it's "non minority" Catholic school system is a "violation of equality rights" under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Seems they might also evoke the "notwithstanding clause" to nix the decision when the legislature meets again this fall @ RegPost
School Facts: Cuba provides universal access to education for all it's citizens from kindergarten through university, despite a crippling, 50 year plus, US economic embargo @ ACEX
Manitoba NDP MP Niki Ashton: enters the federal party leadership race promising to try to "bring the Bernie Sanders movement to Canada". Alas! The time seems right, and it might've once been a good fit for the proudly progressive party. However, today's wishy washy NDP seems more set on self destruct, as it strays from it's leftist roots. Is Niki's plan doomed?!? @ Tab and @ NatPost
NDP Intrigues: The Canadian Labour Congress [CLC] has been working the party backrooms trying to finally oust deadbeat, federal NDP Leader/ Not the Leader Thomas Mulcair once and for all @ ipolitics
"Andrew Who?" Or "Harper 2.0": Meet CPC Andrew Scheer, Canada's new federal opposition leader. Will he be any match for Justin T?!? @ TorLife
The Trouble With Andrew: Scheer's been described as a theologically driven, social conservative with close ties to the alt right "Rebel Media" group. Seems the Conservative party is about to abandon the voter rich political centre where Canadian elections are usually lost and won @ Now
All Talk? The Trudeau government promises Canada will help "pick up the slack" after US President Donald Trump pulls out of the Paris Climate Accord @ CBC
No Go: Canuck leftist firebrand Naomi Klein warns that it's dangerous not to hold Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accountable for his election promises on climate, energy and indigenous issues, as Canada now feels the brunt of the "Trump trajectory" from our neighbour to the south @ MacLeans
Trump Appeasement:Trudeau is accused of trying to appease President Trump as they begin to renegotiate NAFTA. Reportedly, Trudeau asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel to leave the Paris Climate Accord out of a planned NATO statement after the recent summit/ non summit in Brussels. However, the Canadian government is denying the media claim, and has requested a retraction of the allegedly false news story @ NatPost
Justin Vichy: Seems our Canadian PM is now also willing to increase defence sending and help out the poor old, military-industrial complex, in another effort at appeasing the Trumpster, as he sets out to MAGA [to Make America Great Again] @ Star
Standing Rock North: The appeasement news stories follow an earlier statement by Trudeau that he was "very pleased" Trump has approved the Keystone XL pipeline. Doesn't that contradict his previous bromance with former US President Barrack Obama over all things environmental? Also his self professed deep respect for First Nation treaty rights? Are Trudeau's moves just some fancy political footwork? A part of a larger negotiation strategy? Regretfully, they smack more of a Liberal flip flop and appeasement with the Donald! Ugggh! Read @ Star
Cuba Si! Seems Justin is sticking to Canada's long standing policy of constructive engagement with Cuba despite Trump's "crackdown"! Canada's business and tourist trade continue "business as usual" with the rogue socialist state for now, same as they have throughout the permanent state of emergency under the illegal US embargo, since 1961. But for how much longer?!? More @ Huff
Counterpoint: Canada's Trump Strategy: On a positive note, there are claims that Justin is working with the provincial premiers to "go around Trump" forging "direct ties" at every level of the US local, state and federal government to box him in on policies that would be detrimental to Canada. Apparently it's a strategy that even former PC PM Brian Mulroney, Trump's neighbour in Florida is in on too. How long will it work? @ NYT
Wynne Win: Seems even Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has been involved in Trudeau's Trump strategy. She successfully applied pressure for New York State to back off a protectionist "Buy America" policy that would've been detrimental to both Canadian and US businesses, by threatening to retaliate! Pretty ballsy! Hope there's more method to her madness @ NYT
Fake News North: Canadians shouldn't feel too smug about the rash of misleading "truthiness" of "alt news facts" by "election hackers" and "purveyors of fake news" south of our border. It's a growing concern here too that will only get a lot worse come the next federal election. Unfortunately, not much is being done to deal with the threat @ Globe
It Can't Happen Here? Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett is under attack for exposing "corporate media lies" about the War in Syria! Hmmmm .... so, what aren't we being told about Canada's involvement?!? @ ActivistPost
"National Security Presidential Memorandum on Straightening the Policy of the United States Towards Cuba": Read the text of Trump's travel ban @ WH and a news backgrounder @ NYT
Normalizing Chaos: Obama's efforts to normalize US relations with Cuba, as brokered with help from Canada and the Vatican, was a "smashing success" until the Donald came along to destroy it @ Nation
Pay Back Time: So why change course now? To stand up for human rights?!? Well then what about China? Vietnam? Saudi Arabia? Etc. Etc. Etc... Truth be told, Trump is in debt to Senator Marco Rubio, Mario Diaz-Balart and the Miami Right for their election support. Get behind the scenes with the Cuban backroom boys @ Politico and @ MJ
Double $tandard$: Eager Biz Mogul Trump illegally violated the U$ embargo of Cuba him$elf for profit and personal gain during the 1990'$ @ Daily
Revision Not Reversal: Despite Trump's claims that he's "completely cancelled" Obama's "deal" with Cuba, little has really changed. In some cases, tourist travel for US citizens will become more difficult to arrange @ MHerald
Cuba Tripping: A guide for US traveller's to Cuba under the Trump travel ban @ RollingStone
Vamos: Cuba refuses to negotiate with Trump under pressure or threat @ Atlantic
Viva Cuba! Read the official Cuban critique of Trump's Miami Right inspired travel ban @ Granma
So Bad It's Good: GOP Majority House Leader Kevin McCarthy explains how withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord is actually a good thing. Just thank American ingenuity and the free enterprise system for a better world without an environmental agreement! And if you believe that, maybe I can sell you some private property in Cuba? No?!? Why not??? @ KMML
Trump-ocracy 101: Trump White House messaging on the Paris Accords shifts from blatant outright lies to authoritarian style propaganda, to further the corporate agenda and reassure the faithful that everything's fine @ MediaMatters
Trump-ocracy 201: On "tracking the creeping authoritarianism" of the Donald through his conspiracy theories, attacks on the media, praise for tyrants and countless other befuckling moves @ MotherJ
America's New Crime Boss: Former FBI Chief James Comey's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee reveals Trump's "management style" is more like that of an American Mafioso then the President of the United States @ Globe
Loyalty Issues: A full transcript and video of the Comey hearing is @ NYT
Loyalty Tests: Trump's "loyalty test" is having a very debilitating effect on US government institutions and staff. Ask yourself, is this by accident or design? Hmmmmm. Read @ Time
"An Appetite For Chaos" or "Self Inflicted Pain + Incompetence" or "This Is Not Celebrity Apprentice": Confusion and anger are also the order of the day within the dysfunctional Trump White House @ NYT
Department of Alt Facts: Check out the Trump team's anti-Comey talking points and media propaganda to better understand the dark side's complete disregard for the President's obvious lack of respect, understanding and allegiance to the rule of law @ Boing
To Russia With Love? By accident or design, Trump's chaotic presidency has served to divide Americans, destabilized the countries long standing and fruitful alliances as a world leader, and helped strengthen Russia's international hand @ MotherJ
LGBTQ Fight Back: Trump's attack on LGBTQ rights is galvanizing Gay Pride activists across the US at this year's celebrations @ MotherJ
Life In The Saudi Den of Extremism: Dumbfounding Donald thinks his massive arms deal involving advanced weapon systems is worth the Saudis promise of a $200 billion investment for "building infrastructure" back in the USA. He also somehow manages to forget that it comes courtesy of the homeland of the 9/11 terrorists @ Alternet
Mid East Sizzle: The Trump-Saudi deal lacks enough economic substance to actually create very many jobs back in the United States. Moreover, it pretty much gives the questionable Saudis a free hand to do as they please in the troubled region, with US support! Unfortunately, their track record is not very good, to say the least. More @ MotherJ
"Missing In Action" or "The MOAT [Mother Of All Terrorists]": Civilian casualties in the ISIS terrorist hotbeds of Iraq and Syria are mounting from the US lead coalition air strikes, which also employ Canada's CF-18 jet fighters. They deadly attacks are seldom investigated. Nor do they get much media attention over here @ AlterNet
On The Killing Floor: The UN claims 300 civilians have died in US lead air-strikes in Raqqa, Syria since March alone! @ Reuters
MOAT 2: US airstrikes in Afghanistan have tripled after 16 years of a war that's reduced the country to rubble many times over, to no avail @ DailySab
Expect Retaliation: Human right monitors are trying to investigate the US lead forces use of deadly white phosphorus incendiary weapons on civilian targets in Syria. It's creating extremists whom can't possibly fight back with even nearly the same military force that we have. Still they can retaliate an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth style with a home made terrorist attack. Then we are surprised, shocked and angry in the west! But before we get too indignant, who is really the Mother of All Terrorists??? More @ Snopes
The War Against Terrorism as a Fraud: Getting sick and tired of surrendering more and more of our basic, hard earned civil liberties every time the government announces it's latest measures to fight terrorism? Why not? A lot of often very dubious terrorist threats have been used since 9/11 to expand their authority and control over us. They argue that it's an emergency, and quite conveniently, a permanent one at that! How dare we question what's really going on!!! Pffffffft! @ DailyB
Who Loves the Donald?!? The military-industrial complex, that's who! More @ GlobalRe
War Watch: Syria, Iran and/ or North Korea -who's it going to be? @ NEO
Theresa May May Not Survive! It's official! The Conservative party has squandered and lost it's "working majority" in the recent UK election. The Brexit wing of British politicking takes a darn, good shellacking @ Toi and @ TeleNews
Bad Seeds: There's an Global Arctic Vault in Norway, where 5,500 crop seeds from around the world are being safely stored in case of an emergency. Well folks, the emergency is here! Due to global warming, the vault is melting! @ BBC
Bruce La Bruce: The Toronto based "cult" movie maker/ writer/ and queer core punkster discusses the role of "lesbian terrorists", "second wave feminism" and "radical queer cinema" in his latest batch of challenging, thought provoking films @ Now
2 of Amerika's Most Wanted: The Trumpster angers Latino's and blacks while playing up to his white base by targeting Tupac's auntie and Black Panther member Assata Shakur, who was granted political asylum in Cuba by Fidel Castro back in the day. He wants her returned to the US to face criminal charges, but of course, Cuba says no @ Telesur
The Donald? Tupac would NOT be impressed ....
Nice Nice Very Nice: The stereotype that we Canadians are polite to a fault is critically re-examined and largely debunked, eh @ Huff
Pink Floydian Studies: "The Dark Side of The Moon" -What's it all about? @ Spinditty
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder: A woman has photo shopped her body 18 different ways to illustrate the "ideal picture of beauty" from different countries around the world. The purpose is to reveal how subjective and depending upon context, the concept really is @ 22W
Cold Place: Moby's new video sounds the alarm about the rise and violent fall of capitalism, greed and President Donald Trump in no uncertain terms @ Huff And of course MAGA objects @ Alternet
Talking To Yourself: Ever catch yourself doing it?! Don't worry, talking to yourself can be a good thing. Helps you organize your thoughts, put things in perspective and feel motivated. Not sure about doing so in the 3rd person though, like you are somebody else, as this article suggests. Personally, I always talk directly to myself in the first person ... hmmm ... but to each their own, especially if it works. Right, me? Yup! @ NYT