Here's a rather troubling story that you won't hear about on the daily news! That's because, of course, the mainstream media quite conveniently didn't bother to cover it, alongside the other, more polite, less troublesome Tim Horton protests across Toronto and the province this week. So, please allow me:
Come rush hour Wednesday night, our unusually wet and vile January weather couldn't dampen the anger any longer! Not in busy downtown Toronto, outside Tim Hortons in Carleton Park Place, at College and Yonge!
Protesters were showing up in droves! To protest Tim Hortons horrible attacks against it's non-unionized workers! As the province finally raised the minimum age to $14 [Cdn] an hour! [VIDEO][VIDEO]
A hard, driving rain soon had the swelling crowd spilling off the packed sidewalk. Seeking some much needed warmth and refugee inside.
Desperately, security tries to block our way! Angrily lunging and grabbing at anyone with a button or a sign! Fortunately, sober second thought prevails as our cameras are drawn to film their botched effort.
Caught in the middle, unflinchingly polite but firm, Toronto Police quickly form an impenetrable barricade in front of the Tim$ coffeeshop. The manager pensively hides behind them. Peers out at us. It's a picture, perfect snapshot of Corporate Canada on the defensive, early in the new, reinvigorated, labour protest year ahead. [VIDEO]
Yup! Welcome to 2018! Tim Hortons has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar! Robbing their hardworking staff! Cutting paid breaks! Benefits! Charging for uniforms. Even confiscating your staff tips for themselves!
Sadly, despite $3 billion in revenues, many Tim outlets are royally pissed! How dare the province hike the provincial minimum wage to provide our most lowly of workers; their poor coffee servers, a living wage! Tim$ will show them who's boss! As if .....
Canadian values eh? Tim$ has bared it's ugly teeth in no uncertain terms! It's not a pretty sight! Tim$ greedy, callous bully tactics against it's helpless, non-unionized workers, are hardly worth the price of a cheap cuppa java! Very notably not up Toronto way. Nor across our fair province, as we've seen this week.
How can you help in the good fight?
Boycott Tim$! At the very least on Tim-less Tuesdays! Attend a protest! Speak out loudly! Let Tim$ head office know how real Canadians feel! And sign the $15 & Fairness petition to:
Tell Tim Hortons: Stop Rolling Back Workers Rights! [LINK]
David C
Tim Letter 2 "Team" Staff: Nasty! Nasty!
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