Opening Statement

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Oh Cannabis: Welcome To 2019!

Welcome to 2019! It's hard to imagine. Sounds like a science fiction movie, eh? But for me each year has felt the same, since ... oh, let's say 1984! 

Sadly, the daily news headlines make at least one thing very clear. The future we once dreamed of has arrived. But it's totally dystopian, a complete horror show. Very Orwellian. And a perverse, brave new world. Hardly what many of us expected, as idealistic baby boomers, back in the day. 

Still, this is our indisputable reality. The one in which we must live and die, every day of our lives, in real time. While the hands of the clock tick tock off the seconds, minutes and hours of the daze.

My blog site's been up and running for over 7 years now. The counter top right of your screen shows that I hit the one million reader mark long ago. That was my original goal. A personal gold record of sorts, for me. Some folks collect points and levels with online video games. Here's how I amuse myself instead: 

One day I checked out Google Analytics. Wondering, when is a million hits, a million hits? And what exactly is a reader anyway? Which are actually bots? How many of you just take but a quick look at my site, then leave? Or read my blogs? All the way through?

Unable to stop, I collected an extra half million hits for good measure. Then more and more. Still wondering if I've actually reached my one million mark yet! But realizing that I might never know for sure. Truly, it boggles my mind!

Then again, it doesn't really matter much. I write. That's just what I do. 

I began this writing project of sorts as a teacher free speech blog site in 2011. Focusing on current events, social justice, civil liberties, educational issues and my political activism, both as a Toronto high school teacher and union rep. After I retired in 2013, it slowly morphed into a cannabis activism site along much similar lines. I use the same skills set. Only now I work for nobody but myself. Am completely independent. Still, my focus remains progressive. To seek a better way forward. To hopefully develop some real alternative to the craziness, the mediocrity and the mundane all around. But strictly as I see fit.

You'll also find travel blogs on my blog site because I love to travel a lot. Expand my horizons in different ways. There's lots on music and entertainment, because I was a radio programmer and DJ in another of my life lines too! Always there's a big focus on media literacy and counter culture issues. They are all a big part of my framework of reference here on the site.

The links to my blogs are collected in my Teacher Free Speech Archive on the top left of your screen. They cover the good, the bad and the ugly. That includes the story of how the Ontario teacher protest movement, was sold out vis a vis the OECTA MOU of 2012. Also, the story of the much more successful Canadian civil disobedience struggle, resulting with the legalization of cannabis in 2018. Then there's the ongoing going fight against Prohibition 2.0. that still rages. And so it goes. On and on and on....

Over time, I've narrowed down much of my blog writing into two main features; Teacher Free Speech News and Views and Oh Cannabis. I also post single or two and three part features on various topics and initiatives that I think help forward my site's progressive, activist agenda. But being retired now, I like to relax. I write less. Much more selectively. Only picking and choosing whatever interests and excites me. Really turns my crank. 

So what are my plans for the year ahead? Well, I plan to stay the course, though not so rigorously. Figure I've more or less got my gold record at 1,560,261 hits. That's pretty good for a blog site, whichever way one cuts it. Regardless of what that really adds up to in the cyber sense, or lack thereof. 

A blog site helps me share my thoughts. Organize my life and times meaningfully. It provides me with a creative and intellectual outlet. Using the various, skill sets I've worked hard to develop over the years. Keeping me active. Moving forward. 

Moreover, it's how I see our life and times. Plus, it's a lot of fun.

Whatever. Like I said, I write. Always have. Always will. This is what I do.

Perhaps in some small way, you the reader will also find it useful. Insightful. Encouraging you not to give up the good fight for a better world either. So that hopefully, we can someday rise above and beyond this awful, swirling mess and confusion all around us. 

If not? Maybe this is the just the last of my youthful optimism? Naw. I myself don't ever want to give up hoping and fighting for a better world, like we did back in the day.

Love it or hate it! Take it or leave! This site is what it is. But I hope you stick along for the ride .....

2019 certainly promises to be very interesting year! But I ramble. Some blogging notes on the path forward:

The Straight Goods: Teacher Free Speech News y Views!

Teacher Free Speech News y ViewsUnder the influence! Above the ignorance! I plan to continue these current event blogs as quarterly, ongoing posts, adding onto and developing them as need be. This year, the Trump shit storm south of our border is about to finally hit the fan! Big time! 

New Year's finds the Democrats about to take control of the House. Hold Trump accountable. Feet to the fire. Most every aspect of his administration, even the Donald himself, will finally be under very close scrutiny and investigation. Expect plenty of big surprises! Lotsa nasty, MAGA splatter! 

In Canadian politics, PM Trudeau's floundering Liberal government will face the divided Conservatives during this fall's federal election. Lots of important questions need to be asked. Many timely, critical issues raised. But don't hold your breath! Especially with Jagmeet Singh's New Democratic Party all but MIA!

In Ontario, Premier Ford's Conservative government is headed for disaster. The honeymoon is clearly over. The political good fight ahead might well make the Harris Year's look like a piece of cake. The provincial Liberals have been decimated. The NDP "opposition" are just haplessly spinning their wheels.

Watch for Ford to soon target the province's teachers. Contracts expire this year. It's pure red meat for the party faithful. Are the teacher unions up to the fight? It could be very painful. Devastating. The union infighting too. OECTA Provincial, in particular, had better watch out. Remember the OECTA Roadmap? Bill 115? What we reap, we sow. Now, there's no more Liberal butt to kiss. Nowhere safe left to seek cover ....

Cannabis Activism: Oh Cannabis News y Views!

Oh Cannabis: In Canada, legalization aka Prohibition 2.0 is one, huge, legal mess. The necessary changes will take years to make their way through the courts. Get sorted out. Pardons? Impaired driving charges? Apartment and condo pot bans? Edibles? Recreational sales? Med pot rights? Expect many, endless, mind boggling, legal challenges to be launched, in the year ahead ...

Oh Cannabis will continue to champion our right to cannabis, both medical and recreational, as a Canadian civil liberty issue. With a big focus on fighting the corporate weed agenda. While exploring constructive, counterculture alternatives for we small time, everyday folk, whom somehow always seem to get lost in the mix ....

Remember: Guest blogs are always welcome! Don't be shy if you too have something important and constructive to say!

Lots More @davidchiarelli

Please also note; my Twitter news service continues to provide lots more links. Along with lotsa kool stoner tunes, videos and movies too!

Stay tuned!


David C.


Blog Acronym List HERE!

Teacher Free Speech ArchiveTHERE!

My Twitter Feeddavidchiarelli


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