HEY hO! kEEP ChECKing BAcK! LaTeR AdDITIoNs WiLL bE AddED In LaRgE TYpe SeT! mY Acronym Guide IS @ hErE! MuCh, mUch morE to coMe .....
Not Right: Big, bad, bully boy, Premier Doug Ford warns Ontario's teachers that they better not protest his plans to increase class sizes! Or else! Ummm. So much for quality public education? The freedom of speech?! The right of assembly?!? Maybe Ford forgets the Great Tory Demise of 2003!?! What happened last time the PC's picked a fight with our teachers?!? Yup! the circus stage is set! Let the fireworks begin @ TStar
"Rally 4 Education" or "Cuts Hurt Kids": Ontario has a world class education system. Or rather we did, after the last round of Neo Conservative attacks during the Mike Harris Era. Well, here we go! Now Ford's PC's are out to cut, cut, cut again!
Fortunately, the province's teachers, parents and students aren't wasting any time. Nor are AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF either. Our union movement is all ready help make the necessary arrangements. Organizing collectively across the province. To get the job done.
Let's hope nobody backs down! Stab themselves and/or each other in the back. Not this time around! Ho boy! It's definitely going to take lots of good, strong, steadfast eyes, ears and voices to stay the course. Pull this off together, again.
The big kick off rally, of sorts, is Saturday, April 6 at Queen's Park. Plan to attend! Our children are the future. Quality public education offers a real opportunity for everybody to get along and do well. It is the great equalizer needed in a very diverse province like ours. Bottom line? The cost of inaction is just too great! Let's not fail to make the grade! @ Facebook
Let's Rally 4 Education: Read my first hand account of the April 6 protest @ HERE!
Protest Now! Tens of thousands of teachers, education workers, parents, and students protest the Ford cuts to education outside the Queen's Park legislature in Toronto @ Varsity @ TStar @ CBC
Common Front: It's official! AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF jointly commit to working together to protect publicly education in our province. Same as during the Harris Years, when the Common Front's refrain was "We Won't Back Down". Will they or won't they, this time around?!? Let's see! The joint statement @ JSEO
Labour Front: Ontario's labour groups are also quickly mobilizing for the fight against the Ford government's public service cuts. An ongoing series of protests, like the Days of Action during the Harris years, is all ready in the works. Here's the OFL battle plan, coming out the gate. But what next? @ R+F
Students Say No: Ontario high school students are very busy organizing across the province. They're walking out of classes to protest Ford's cuts on April 4th! Student's first @ Narcity Follow @ Twitter
Here's Why: Student protester/ activist Rayne Fisher-Quann reads Ford the riot act @ TStar Ditto Frank Hong @ CTV
Power of Purple: CUPE public service workers are encouraging everyone to wear purple on April 4th in solidarity with the students! Follow @ Twitter
Education Cuts: During March break, Ontario Premier Doug Ford tried to sneakily slip a rash of ruthless, education cut announcements by unnoticed. They included everything from slashing Autism support services, to increased class sizes. Some shady, new hiring practices too. Hey! How else can Ford now pay for his piss poor, dollar beer promise? The mere pennies we're saving on gas prices at the pump? Or reward his poor lackies? His rich friends? And so, the end result of his deceptive, election promises are coming home to roost! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Don't be fooled! Check out Ford's dim witted ... um ... "new vision for education" @ ETFO
MOE: Ministry of Education Lisa Thompson: Tragically, the minister's lame excuses for massive PC education cuts are a complete circus show, totally lacking in substance @ Macs She's definitely out to neo con us about how they're needed to fix an education system that isn't broken and balance the budget too. Boo hoo hoo @ GR
Sad Fact Check: Our education empress Lisa Thompson has no clothes! Not so much as a shirt on her back! Not when it comes her bizarre praise for larger class sizes @ CBC
Student's First: An Ontario teacher succinctly cuts through Thompson's BS for us. She explains how first and foremost they'll badly hurt the students, especially the most neediest ones. But who cares? We the people do @ Huff
My Back Pages: This blog site has extensively covered the fight against education cuts in Ontario from 2011 through present. In particular, check my often quite controversial posts from 2012 through 2015. Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it! You'll also still find all the original news and document links archived here! See top left of your screen! More @ Teacher Free Speech Archives!
OTPP: The Ontario Teacher Pension Plan concluded 2018 with a whopping 191.1 billion in net assets! The virtues of a defined pension plan are many, as was pointed out at length, during this year's April AGM. Also, we're safe! Seems that the Ford government can't chisel away at our teacher pension plan to balance his provincial budget either. Another highlight: The director's updated stakeholders on the OTPP's responsible investment strategy, in response to many of our ongoing, educator, ethical concerns @ OTPP @ OTPP
Right Wing Watch: Canada's far right is alive and well! An in-depth report uncovers their activities vis a vis a supposed online gaming chat group, with tentacles across the country, from sea to shining sea. They're anti semiotic! Anti immigrant! Islamophobic! Sexist! Racist! Young and radicalized! All this and more! Know your enemy @ Globe
Seal of Disapproval: Controversial Ontario Conservative Premier Doug Ford is putting on quite the embarrassing circus show at Queens Park! He continues to insist that the party faithful actually stand up to cheer, bark and clap whenever he and his ministers speak. How ridiculous! True, the opposition is in disarray. But as polling shows, the electorate still isn't being fooled by his stupid, clown antics @ City Yup! His "strong arm" antics are even putting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to shame @ Beav
Hole-y Cheese: A Useful Grass Root Activist Primer: Here's how you can quickly run the dirty lil' Ford rat outta your home town, next time he drops by to grandstand for the news cameras. Be ready! First; build a local communication's network. Next, get your protest signs ready. Then organize a car pool. It's real easy! Dougie and his rat pack like to pretend that he's the Big Cheese, but really he's just a scared little mouse. Here's how the locals unceremoniously kicked Ford out of Napanee! Sent him scurrying at the first sign of trouble. See how he runs @ R+F
Integrity Sans Rules: Ontario's Integrity Commission decides that no rules were broken when our Dougie picked buddy boy Ron Taverner as Ontario's new OPP police chief! Say what? Basically ... get this ... it's because there are no official rules in place to break! At least Ron fortunately has the good sense to withdraw his own name, keeping the OPP and his own public integrity intact @ CBC @ CP24
Because it's 2019: PM Justin Trudeau doubles down, unceremoniously kicking out former AG MP Jodie Wilson-Raybould and Treasury Board Prez MP Dr. Jane Philpott from his Neo-Liberal "cock-us"! So much for Justin the feminist! Our TRC man with nothing but respect for Canada's indigenous people!
Why so much drama?!? There's no way these grrrrrl's are going to help with the cover-up. Sacrifice their own principles and integrity. Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin corporate pals must be royally pissed! And now his own scandal riddled ass is on the line too!
How far do Justin's Liberal values go? With a fall federal election around the corner? Out the party door! But it's a futile attempt at damage control. He's lost his mojo!
China Cards: The Canadian Government has issued a travel advisory for travel to China! Canadian are warned to exercise "a high degree of caution" as Trudeau plays footsies with Trump, in detaining tech giant Huawei's Meng Wanzhou @ GC.CA
SNC Lavalin -The Whole System is Guilty: The scandal so far, as part and parcel of our rigged Canadian political system @ FB
More @ Global @ NP @ CTV @ Globe Plus here's a few First Nation perspectives on how Jodie, in particular, is being treated! Ouch! Hey Justin -wanna talk oil pipelines?!? @ Huff @ Huff
Bad Girl Jodie! Bad! Bad! [Not!] Here's what Ms. Wilson-Raybould says @ Macs @ Facebook
Ottawa Musical Chairs: Throw enough mud at the wall. Something's gotta stick! Voila, the SNC-Lavalin affair! CPC Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer finally scores a direct hit! Kicks up a total shit storm! Justin Trudeau's Liberal juggernaut comes unhinged. And so our Corporate Globalist Neo Lib/ Neo Cons are once again poised to play musical chairs, in this fall's upcoming federal election.
The NDP? Prefer a watered down third party version instead? Okay, leader Jagmeet Singh finally has a seat in parliament. Can seriously join in the fray. But is it a case of too little too late? Sad. More @ CBC @ Mac
With God on Their Side: Sadly, the "religious" world are at it again. Setting in motion a mass slaughter of Muslims at prayer in Whitechurch NZ. Followed by a mass slaughter of Christians at Easter Service in Siri Lanka. As the violence spirals out of control!
The targets now are vulnerable, out of the way places, with limited resources. There's lots of finger pointing. Two bit terrorist groups claiming responsibility. But really, any one of numerous, much, more sophisticated, government intelligence agencies, could've easily pulled this off! Virtually undetected!
The GRU? CIA? Mossad? Mercenaries? Somebody/ anybody else? Rather than jump to conclusions, watch carefully. Follow the smoke and mirror trails. Think: Whom stands to benefit the most from an all out holy war? The answer? Maybe not what we might think. But it's still early in the religious killing game. More @ WCH @ BBC @ NPR
Shitposting + Inspirational Terrorism: A close study of the Christchurch terrorist manifesto reveals the memes, tropes, phrases and references that are the dog whistles for the far right these daze. It's horrible stuff, but ignore at your own peril @ BCat
It's Mueller Time: Sadly, Big Bob's long awaited report continues to divide Americans. AG William Barr has just released an .... ahem .... condensed version of the findings. [Text] There's isn't any proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Russian collusion. But possibly there's been obstruction of justice. Make sense?! Get this -All told, Trump's cronies were nailed with 215 criminal charges. 38 indictments or pleas. 5 prison sentences. Plus, the Russians were definitely involved in at least two attempts at election meddling. While plenty of other related Trumpster Inc. investigations remain ongoing. If Congress digs a little deeper, it might very well uncover a whole lot more dirt and corruption still.
Meanwhile the bitter "Mr. Birther" himself continues to indignantly rail over Russia-gate. Fake news? Ha! Remember what he did to Obama? Looks good on him! Doesn't like it much either! But watch out! Now our big, bad Donald is really pissed. Angry. And emboldened. Like never before. This isn't over. Far from it. Vladimir must be laughing so hard, he'll piss pants. A very useful idiot indeed. Trez stupido. More @ NYT @ WP @ Fox @ Atlantic
Building Walls: Guess what?! The Trumpster doubles down. He's vetoing Congress to build his Mexico wall. And planning to totally eliminate what's left of Obamacare for millions and millions of Americans. Hey! Where are your tax dollars needed most? To provide affordable health care for all? Or build a dim witted, medieval style wall? Whoa! Think about it: The world's richest, most powerful country needs to debate this?!? For shame! No mojo no more! @ MJ @ NPR
The Day After Mueller: Let the inquest begin! Did the Democrats get the deeper story wrong from the get go? Or did Trump's new bragging rights result from a whole lot of misguided, media overkill? Or ... or ... maybe something/ anything else is to blame?!? Say what? Naomi Klein and others weigh in. Check out the podcast and text @ Intercept Even more speculation @ Intercept
A White House in Chaos: The best case scenario? The Mueller report paints a damning picture of a totally dysfunctional White House. Trump's staff regularly disregard the president's wishes. Thank god! But there's also little attention paid to the traditional boundaries of this all important office, by all concerned, with grave implications both at home and around the world. Not so smart as he thinks @ Politico
Lotsa Oligarchical Rigging 2.0: Throughout Ru$$iagate, the Democrat$ have been very bu$y too. They've been indulging in a lot of diabolical hanky panky on behalf of the U$ military-indu$trial complex. The goal? To edge the Trump$ter and GOP into more and more defence $pending. Perhaps even a new Cold War! Sigh! Alas! More @ ITT
Trump Laundromat: Shady, Trump real estate deals? Dirty money laundering? An international Rooskie crime syndicate? They could help explain what the Donald was really doing. OK, so he didn't knowingly collude? But what else does the Mueller report say? About obstruction of justice? And why at such, great lengths? Surely, the devil is in the details @ NR
Gun Bans: New Zealand wastes no time banning assault rifles within a week of the brutal massacre at a Whitechurch mosque, in which at least 49 Muslim worshippers are slaughtered while at prayer. Meanwhile back in the US of A? Despite one non stop mass shooting after another!? No such luck. Not with the NRA still calling the shots in Congress @ CBC
Brexit 2.0? UK PM Elizabeth May's Conservative party continues to flounder over plans to leave the EU. A second referendum could even be in the works. It's a terrible clash -should Britain stay or should they go? More @ BBC @ BBC
The Russians R Coming! The Russians R Coming: In a scene vaguely reminiscent of the lead up to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the Russians have sent military troops and supplies into Venezuela. They've warned the US not to even think of staging a coup, let alone invade the rogue, socialist state. Like in 62, the US is again evoking it's self proclaimed Manifest Destiny, ie: no foreign interference in the America's. But Trump isn't JFK. Far from it! So far he's ignoring the UN, which is desperately asking everybody to cool it. Not to play dangerous games with all the "aid". And deal with the concerns peacefully through the proper international channels. So what do we get? One beady US eye on the state controlled oil reserves. With lots and lots of Trump bullying and bluster. Sans any Kennedy brinkmanship whatsoever As this sad, sad humanitarian nightmare drags on and on and on. Growing increasingly ugly. What next?!? @ Haar @ Ind
Imperialism 101: Here's why the US is back again interfering in Venezuela's election politics .... Ooops! Isn't that supposed to be a no no?!? Only in the US, you say? More @ DM
Canadian Imperialism: Sadly, Trudeau seems to be in league with Trump on Venezuela! Really kissing butt! Even assuming a leading attack role! It should come as no surprise, considering our own track record throughout much of the America's. Alas! Canadian progressives are often silent! The NDP nearly as quiet as can be! Shhhhh! You'll wake somebody up! More @ CD
Neo Lib BS: Have no doubt, the US has an awful, throbbing hate on for Venezuela! Hugo Chavez created a "revolution within a revolution". By including the marginalized, he dared challenge the neo liberal status quo. In short, it's a vision for the developing world that simply can't be allowed! By hook or by crook, it must be made to fail, by whatever means necessary. Look beyond the media lies @ DV
Cuba Si! Socialist Cuba also feels Trump's Venezuelan wrath. More travel restrictions. Investor lawsuits. Widespread shortages of consumer and humanitarian goods. Sadly, it's a new Special Period. Perhaps Cuba is Trump's real target? But they've been there, done that before. And survived @ CBC @ CH
5 Hour Rule: Yep! That's the bare minimum we should spend each week learning about ourselves and the world around us! It can include reading, reflecting and thinking. By reading. Or surfing online. At home. A library. In a museum. A gallery. Or even just through our studied observations in the school of life. What have you.
Eh? No! There's no need to go to class to do it either. Not if you've graduated already. Basically, it's just a question of becoming life long learners. First and foremost, the learning should be of personal interest. And fun. As we follow our own particular muse, wherever it takes us.
It's absolutely essential! Nowadays, like never before, knowledge is power. At work. At play. In our everyday lives. It's not just about earning $$$ either, as these articles would suggest. Think self development. Keeping sharp, alert and "in the know", so you are nobody's fool, instead. All this and more @ AL and @ E
It's Only Rock + Roll [But We Love It]: Quite arguably, the Rolling Stones taught us how to be young in the sixties and seventies. Now they're showing us how to grow old, without giving up. Alas! The band's summer US/ Canadian tour has been postponed for medical reasons. 75 year old Mick's headed for an operation! But he promises to be back on the road as soon as he can ... Hmmm. Who'd have ever guessed that the Kieffer might outlive him?!? More @ DB @ Gu @ NME
Doo Doo Doo Heartbreaker: Hmmm. Seems Mick is headed to New York for heart surgery; either a valve replacement or a splint. More @ WebMD
Not Right: Big, bad, bully boy, Premier Doug Ford warns Ontario's teachers that they better not protest his plans to increase class sizes! Or else! Ummm. So much for quality public education? The freedom of speech?! The right of assembly?!? Maybe Ford forgets the Great Tory Demise of 2003!?! What happened last time the PC's picked a fight with our teachers?!? Yup! the circus stage is set! Let the fireworks begin @ TStar
"Rally 4 Education" or "Cuts Hurt Kids": Ontario has a world class education system. Or rather we did, after the last round of Neo Conservative attacks during the Mike Harris Era. Well, here we go! Now Ford's PC's are out to cut, cut, cut again!
Fortunately, the province's teachers, parents and students aren't wasting any time. Nor are AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF either. Our union movement is all ready help make the necessary arrangements. Organizing collectively across the province. To get the job done.
Let's hope nobody backs down! Stab themselves and/or each other in the back. Not this time around! Ho boy! It's definitely going to take lots of good, strong, steadfast eyes, ears and voices to stay the course. Pull this off together, again.
The big kick off rally, of sorts, is Saturday, April 6 at Queen's Park. Plan to attend! Our children are the future. Quality public education offers a real opportunity for everybody to get along and do well. It is the great equalizer needed in a very diverse province like ours. Bottom line? The cost of inaction is just too great! Let's not fail to make the grade! @ Facebook
Let's Rally 4 Education: Read my first hand account of the April 6 protest @ HERE!
Protest Now! Tens of thousands of teachers, education workers, parents, and students protest the Ford cuts to education outside the Queen's Park legislature in Toronto @ Varsity @ TStar @ CBC
Common Front: It's official! AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF jointly commit to working together to protect publicly education in our province. Same as during the Harris Years, when the Common Front's refrain was "We Won't Back Down". Will they or won't they, this time around?!? Let's see! The joint statement @ JSEO
Labour Front: Ontario's labour groups are also quickly mobilizing for the fight against the Ford government's public service cuts. An ongoing series of protests, like the Days of Action during the Harris years, is all ready in the works. Here's the OFL battle plan, coming out the gate. But what next? @ R+F
Students Say No: Ontario high school students are very busy organizing across the province. They're walking out of classes to protest Ford's cuts on April 4th! Student's first @ Narcity Follow @ Twitter
Here's Why: Student protester/ activist Rayne Fisher-Quann reads Ford the riot act @ TStar Ditto Frank Hong @ CTV
Power of Purple: CUPE public service workers are encouraging everyone to wear purple on April 4th in solidarity with the students! Follow @ Twitter
Education Cuts: During March break, Ontario Premier Doug Ford tried to sneakily slip a rash of ruthless, education cut announcements by unnoticed. They included everything from slashing Autism support services, to increased class sizes. Some shady, new hiring practices too. Hey! How else can Ford now pay for his piss poor, dollar beer promise? The mere pennies we're saving on gas prices at the pump? Or reward his poor lackies? His rich friends? And so, the end result of his deceptive, election promises are coming home to roost! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Don't be fooled! Check out Ford's dim witted ... um ... "new vision for education" @ ETFO
MOE: Ministry of Education Lisa Thompson: Tragically, the minister's lame excuses for massive PC education cuts are a complete circus show, totally lacking in substance @ Macs She's definitely out to neo con us about how they're needed to fix an education system that isn't broken and balance the budget too. Boo hoo hoo @ GR
Sad Fact Check: Our education empress Lisa Thompson has no clothes! Not so much as a shirt on her back! Not when it comes her bizarre praise for larger class sizes @ CBC
Student's First: An Ontario teacher succinctly cuts through Thompson's BS for us. She explains how first and foremost they'll badly hurt the students, especially the most neediest ones. But who cares? We the people do @ Huff
My Back Pages: This blog site has extensively covered the fight against education cuts in Ontario from 2011 through present. In particular, check my often quite controversial posts from 2012 through 2015. Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it! You'll also still find all the original news and document links archived here! See top left of your screen! More @ Teacher Free Speech Archives!
OTPP: The Ontario Teacher Pension Plan concluded 2018 with a whopping 191.1 billion in net assets! The virtues of a defined pension plan are many, as was pointed out at length, during this year's April AGM. Also, we're safe! Seems that the Ford government can't chisel away at our teacher pension plan to balance his provincial budget either. Another highlight: The director's updated stakeholders on the OTPP's responsible investment strategy, in response to many of our ongoing, educator, ethical concerns @ OTPP @ OTPP
Right Wing Watch: Canada's far right is alive and well! An in-depth report uncovers their activities vis a vis a supposed online gaming chat group, with tentacles across the country, from sea to shining sea. They're anti semiotic! Anti immigrant! Islamophobic! Sexist! Racist! Young and radicalized! All this and more! Know your enemy @ Globe
Seal of Disapproval: Controversial Ontario Conservative Premier Doug Ford is putting on quite the embarrassing circus show at Queens Park! He continues to insist that the party faithful actually stand up to cheer, bark and clap whenever he and his ministers speak. How ridiculous! True, the opposition is in disarray. But as polling shows, the electorate still isn't being fooled by his stupid, clown antics @ City Yup! His "strong arm" antics are even putting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to shame @ Beav
Hole-y Cheese: A Useful Grass Root Activist Primer: Here's how you can quickly run the dirty lil' Ford rat outta your home town, next time he drops by to grandstand for the news cameras. Be ready! First; build a local communication's network. Next, get your protest signs ready. Then organize a car pool. It's real easy! Dougie and his rat pack like to pretend that he's the Big Cheese, but really he's just a scared little mouse. Here's how the locals unceremoniously kicked Ford out of Napanee! Sent him scurrying at the first sign of trouble. See how he runs @ R+F
Ontario's New Licence Plates?!?
Integrity Sans Rules: Ontario's Integrity Commission decides that no rules were broken when our Dougie picked buddy boy Ron Taverner as Ontario's new OPP police chief! Say what? Basically ... get this ... it's because there are no official rules in place to break! At least Ron fortunately has the good sense to withdraw his own name, keeping the OPP and his own public integrity intact @ CBC @ CP24
Because it's 2019: PM Justin Trudeau doubles down, unceremoniously kicking out former AG MP Jodie Wilson-Raybould and Treasury Board Prez MP Dr. Jane Philpott from his Neo-Liberal "cock-us"! So much for Justin the feminist! Our TRC man with nothing but respect for Canada's indigenous people!
Why so much drama?!? There's no way these grrrrrl's are going to help with the cover-up. Sacrifice their own principles and integrity. Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin corporate pals must be royally pissed! And now his own scandal riddled ass is on the line too!
How far do Justin's Liberal values go? With a fall federal election around the corner? Out the party door! But it's a futile attempt at damage control. He's lost his mojo!
China Cards: The Canadian Government has issued a travel advisory for travel to China! Canadian are warned to exercise "a high degree of caution" as Trudeau plays footsies with Trump, in detaining tech giant Huawei's Meng Wanzhou @ GC.CA
SNC Lavalin -The Whole System is Guilty: The scandal so far, as part and parcel of our rigged Canadian political system @ FB
More @ Global @ NP @ CTV @ Globe Plus here's a few First Nation perspectives on how Jodie, in particular, is being treated! Ouch! Hey Justin -wanna talk oil pipelines?!? @ Huff @ Huff
Bad Girl Jodie! Bad! Bad! [Not!] Here's what Ms. Wilson-Raybould says @ Macs @ Facebook
Ottawa Musical Chairs: Throw enough mud at the wall. Something's gotta stick! Voila, the SNC-Lavalin affair! CPC Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer finally scores a direct hit! Kicks up a total shit storm! Justin Trudeau's Liberal juggernaut comes unhinged. And so our Corporate Globalist Neo Lib/ Neo Cons are once again poised to play musical chairs, in this fall's upcoming federal election.
The NDP? Prefer a watered down third party version instead? Okay, leader Jagmeet Singh finally has a seat in parliament. Can seriously join in the fray. But is it a case of too little too late? Sad. More @ CBC @ Mac
With God on Their Side: Sadly, the "religious" world are at it again. Setting in motion a mass slaughter of Muslims at prayer in Whitechurch NZ. Followed by a mass slaughter of Christians at Easter Service in Siri Lanka. As the violence spirals out of control!
The targets now are vulnerable, out of the way places, with limited resources. There's lots of finger pointing. Two bit terrorist groups claiming responsibility. But really, any one of numerous, much, more sophisticated, government intelligence agencies, could've easily pulled this off! Virtually undetected!
The GRU? CIA? Mossad? Mercenaries? Somebody/ anybody else? Rather than jump to conclusions, watch carefully. Follow the smoke and mirror trails. Think: Whom stands to benefit the most from an all out holy war? The answer? Maybe not what we might think. But it's still early in the religious killing game. More @ WCH @ BBC @ NPR
Shitposting + Inspirational Terrorism: A close study of the Christchurch terrorist manifesto reveals the memes, tropes, phrases and references that are the dog whistles for the far right these daze. It's horrible stuff, but ignore at your own peril @ BCat
It's Mueller Time: Sadly, Big Bob's long awaited report continues to divide Americans. AG William Barr has just released an .... ahem .... condensed version of the findings. [Text] There's isn't any proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Russian collusion. But possibly there's been obstruction of justice. Make sense?! Get this -All told, Trump's cronies were nailed with 215 criminal charges. 38 indictments or pleas. 5 prison sentences. Plus, the Russians were definitely involved in at least two attempts at election meddling. While plenty of other related Trumpster Inc. investigations remain ongoing. If Congress digs a little deeper, it might very well uncover a whole lot more dirt and corruption still.
Meanwhile the bitter "Mr. Birther" himself continues to indignantly rail over Russia-gate. Fake news? Ha! Remember what he did to Obama? Looks good on him! Doesn't like it much either! But watch out! Now our big, bad Donald is really pissed. Angry. And emboldened. Like never before. This isn't over. Far from it. Vladimir must be laughing so hard, he'll piss pants. A very useful idiot indeed. Trez stupido. More @ NYT @ WP @ Fox @ Atlantic
Building Walls: Guess what?! The Trumpster doubles down. He's vetoing Congress to build his Mexico wall. And planning to totally eliminate what's left of Obamacare for millions and millions of Americans. Hey! Where are your tax dollars needed most? To provide affordable health care for all? Or build a dim witted, medieval style wall? Whoa! Think about it: The world's richest, most powerful country needs to debate this?!? For shame! No mojo no more! @ MJ @ NPR
The Day After Mueller: Let the inquest begin! Did the Democrats get the deeper story wrong from the get go? Or did Trump's new bragging rights result from a whole lot of misguided, media overkill? Or ... or ... maybe something/ anything else is to blame?!? Say what? Naomi Klein and others weigh in. Check out the podcast and text @ Intercept Even more speculation @ Intercept
Trump's in Charge? A lil' birdie says so ....
Lotsa Oligarchical Rigging 2.0: Throughout Ru$$iagate, the Democrat$ have been very bu$y too. They've been indulging in a lot of diabolical hanky panky on behalf of the U$ military-indu$trial complex. The goal? To edge the Trump$ter and GOP into more and more defence $pending. Perhaps even a new Cold War! Sigh! Alas! More @ ITT
Trump Laundromat: Shady, Trump real estate deals? Dirty money laundering? An international Rooskie crime syndicate? They could help explain what the Donald was really doing. OK, so he didn't knowingly collude? But what else does the Mueller report say? About obstruction of justice? And why at such, great lengths? Surely, the devil is in the details @ NR
Gun Bans: New Zealand wastes no time banning assault rifles within a week of the brutal massacre at a Whitechurch mosque, in which at least 49 Muslim worshippers are slaughtered while at prayer. Meanwhile back in the US of A? Despite one non stop mass shooting after another!? No such luck. Not with the NRA still calling the shots in Congress @ CBC
Brexit 2.0? UK PM Elizabeth May's Conservative party continues to flounder over plans to leave the EU. A second referendum could even be in the works. It's a terrible clash -should Britain stay or should they go? More @ BBC @ BBC
The Russians R Coming! The Russians R Coming: In a scene vaguely reminiscent of the lead up to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the Russians have sent military troops and supplies into Venezuela. They've warned the US not to even think of staging a coup, let alone invade the rogue, socialist state. Like in 62, the US is again evoking it's self proclaimed Manifest Destiny, ie: no foreign interference in the America's. But Trump isn't JFK. Far from it! So far he's ignoring the UN, which is desperately asking everybody to cool it. Not to play dangerous games with all the "aid". And deal with the concerns peacefully through the proper international channels. So what do we get? One beady US eye on the state controlled oil reserves. With lots and lots of Trump bullying and bluster. Sans any Kennedy brinkmanship whatsoever As this sad, sad humanitarian nightmare drags on and on and on. Growing increasingly ugly. What next?!? @ Haar @ Ind
Imperialism 101: Here's why the US is back again interfering in Venezuela's election politics .... Ooops! Isn't that supposed to be a no no?!? Only in the US, you say? More @ DM
Canadian Imperialism: Sadly, Trudeau seems to be in league with Trump on Venezuela! Really kissing butt! Even assuming a leading attack role! It should come as no surprise, considering our own track record throughout much of the America's. Alas! Canadian progressives are often silent! The NDP nearly as quiet as can be! Shhhhh! You'll wake somebody up! More @ CD
Neo Lib BS: Have no doubt, the US has an awful, throbbing hate on for Venezuela! Hugo Chavez created a "revolution within a revolution". By including the marginalized, he dared challenge the neo liberal status quo. In short, it's a vision for the developing world that simply can't be allowed! By hook or by crook, it must be made to fail, by whatever means necessary. Look beyond the media lies @ DV
Cuba Si! Socialist Cuba also feels Trump's Venezuelan wrath. More travel restrictions. Investor lawsuits. Widespread shortages of consumer and humanitarian goods. Sadly, it's a new Special Period. Perhaps Cuba is Trump's real target? But they've been there, done that before. And survived @ CBC @ CH
Tip: Learn 2 Learn 4 Yourself!
5 Hour Rule: Yep! That's the bare minimum we should spend each week learning about ourselves and the world around us! It can include reading, reflecting and thinking. By reading. Or surfing online. At home. A library. In a museum. A gallery. Or even just through our studied observations in the school of life. What have you.
Eh? No! There's no need to go to class to do it either. Not if you've graduated already. Basically, it's just a question of becoming life long learners. First and foremost, the learning should be of personal interest. And fun. As we follow our own particular muse, wherever it takes us.
It's absolutely essential! Nowadays, like never before, knowledge is power. At work. At play. In our everyday lives. It's not just about earning $$$ either, as these articles would suggest. Think self development. Keeping sharp, alert and "in the know", so you are nobody's fool, instead. All this and more @ AL and @ E
It's Only Rock + Roll [But We Love It]: Quite arguably, the Rolling Stones taught us how to be young in the sixties and seventies. Now they're showing us how to grow old, without giving up. Alas! The band's summer US/ Canadian tour has been postponed for medical reasons. 75 year old Mick's headed for an operation! But he promises to be back on the road as soon as he can ... Hmmm. Who'd have ever guessed that the Kieffer might outlive him?!? More @ DB @ Gu @ NME
Doo Doo Doo Heartbreaker: Hmmm. Seems Mick is headed to New York for heart surgery; either a valve replacement or a splint. More @ WebMD
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