Inhale! Hold! Exhale! Smile! ChEcK oUt My "Readers Guide 2 Oh Cannabis News Y View" @ Directory! UpDAtEs AddED iN LaRgE TyPe! LiVe TwEeTs @ davidchiarelli
More Ontario Cannabis Dispensaries: Premier Doug Ford is ending his Conservative government's highly controversial cannabis licensing lottery. His goal? To create a thriving "open market" for pot shops, in Canada's largest province. Shouldn't be hard! But with Ontario's Doug The Thug, who knows?!? We've been conned before!
Anyway, on January 6th, the AGCO: Alcohol Gaming Commission of Ontario begins accepting operator licensing applications. Store applications follow on March 2nd. Authorization begins in April; with plans to roll out 20 new shops a month to meet the demand. More details @ ON.CA
Follow The Corporate Money Trail: The final analysis of the second Ontario Cannabis Lottery is in. Turns out that ballot stuffing was indeed, the order of the day. The Serruya clan? Aphria and Green Acres etc? Check out all the names and cross references, so you'll know where not to shop! @ Reddit
Default: Ontario only opened a mere 24 legal dispensaries, during the first year of legalization. But those shops sold the most cannabis in Canada; $217 million worth, or 24% of the legal market. That was by sheer default. After all, we are the most populous province. Long and short of it? Ontario tokers are still scoring their weed in mass via the unregulated marketplace! You'll find a quick cross country check of the fledging, Canuck legalization scene @ FP
Bled 2 Death: Ford's open market arrives too late for many of Ontario's original unregulated cannabis dispensaries, who led the fight for legalization in our province. Sadly, many went broke under Fords dubious lottery licensing system. After agreeing to temporarily close shop, to help facilitate an ... ahem ... orderly "legalization process".
Ford's lottery did award licences, supposedly at random ... but to a rash on inexperienced winners. Not surprisingly, the corporate big boy$ quickly moved in. Snapped them up quick.
Our original pot shop, activist-entrepreneurs were left high and dry, following Ford's instructions. Waited and waited and waited and ... More on how Thug Ford stuck it to everybody who really mattered, including Hotbox's Abi Roach @ FP
Hotbox Smoker: Founding activist entrepreneur Abi Roach announces that she's leaving the legendary Hotbox cannabis lounge and accessory shop in Toronto's Kensington Market. Abi's becoming a new senior category manager for the OCS: Ontario Cannabis Store. Aphria and Green Acre's FSHC: Friendly Stranger Holdings Corporation are stepping in. Will keep the Hotbox open for business. Oh Cannabis thanks Abi for her many thankless contributions to our local legalization movement over the past 20 years. Hopes she can kick some sense in to the OCS for us @ Leafly More on the Friendly Stranger @ Cision
Fantino's Corporate Weed Agenda: Aleafia CEO Julian Fantino is well known, that's for sure. The former Police Chief and Conservative politico was a die hard, local reefer madman. Busy busting potheads and fighting our legalization movement right until the bitter end. Now, our Julian has linked up in a surprise joint venture, with the Serruya family of Second Cup fame. To open One Plant a giant cannabis superstore in downtown Kensington Market. Ironically, the marketplace, was a hotbed for legalization, rife with activist-entrepreneurs, such as the Hotbox's Abi Roach. So how did One Plant score the first legal dispensary licence in Kensington? When nobody else can?!? More than a year after cannabis was legalized in Canada?!? Get this -From a lottery winner. One who works at Postmedia; the right wing media conglomerate! The corporate plot thickens @ BlogTo @ GO Fantino @ CBC
Friends of Kensington Market: Join the fight to stop Aleafia's Julian Fantino and One Plant Kensington Market @ Facebook Find plenty of updates on Twitter @ Abi Roach
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas: Canada legalized infused edibles and drinks this fall. But they aren't available in time for Christmas season in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. Why the delay? Each province is insisting on a tightly government controlled distribution system. Won't allow producers to ship directly to the stores. Bah humbug @ CBC
Also see "High Times" below ...
Executive Order: 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders pledges he'll go it alone to legalize cannabis by executive order on his first day in office. Seems only fair -Trump's certainly been using them for lots of nasty BS. Now Feel the Bern -Sander's actually going to do so for something cool. Still, what has the Donald unleashed?!? Can cannabis even be unilaterally legalized across the US by executive order? Hmmm. Such worries never stopped President Trump! More @ MM @ MM
Walking The Talk? Fellow Democratic contender Pete Buttigieg talks a good talk on legalization and criminal justice reform. But it seems his actions, as mayor of South Bend, Texas, tell a quite different story @ Leafly
US 2020 Election Pot Prospectus: What do presidential hopefuls Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and Donald Trump have in common? They aren't very supportive of the legalization movement @ MF
More US Chances: Here's three possible legislative scenarios, for legalizing cannabis by 2021, under the federal MORE act @ MF
A Real Dope: Trump doubles down against legalization, proposing to remove medical cannabis protections from the 2021 fiscal budget. Why? Get this -President 3D Chess claims that smoking pot makes you dumb ... How smart is that?!? It pits him against the Democrats in a big legalization showdown this fall! Especially if he's running against Bernie Sanders. To our buds south of the Canadian border: Catch a fire! It's high time to light one under his friggin' ass! Watch him go up in smoke! Heh heh er ... @ CT
Legalization Referendums: At least 16 more US states could be voting to legalize medical and/ or recreational cannabis in November. The complete list and a prospectus is @ Forbes
Illinois Prohibition 2.0: Alas! Chicago police are still very, very busy! Even though weed is now legal. Get this-They're "monitoring dispensaries" for safety reasons. Busting dangerous street level dealers offering much better prices outside the very pricey, licensed shops. Oh sure, it's all worded like they are there to protect everyday folks like us. But read between the lines. They're really just protecting profits and high prices! For the big boys! Welcome to the real world of government legalization and the new prohibition 2.0! More @ CST
"The Uganda Weed Patch BamBoozle" or "The Rich Keep Getting Richer": Uganda's 15 strict new rules for growing medical cannabis require billions in capital and guarantees. That means few will be sharing in the wealth, especially the poor, local, family farmers for whom it could be a real economic boom. Welcome Uganda, to the worldwide corporate weed agenda @ WU
Corporate Field Of Dreams: Think of overpriced, B grade, ditch weed! A bad business and marketing disconnect! Add dorky, out of it, straights in suits, with a huge oversupply problem! And pit them against a large, knowledgable, counterculture, consumer base, whom aren't buying into their BS! Simply put, corporate cannabis can't even begin to compete with the huge, thriving, unregulated cannabis market across Canada and the US @ Grizzle
DOA -Canopy Growth: A year after legalization, Canada's pot stocks face a huge bloodbath. Blame a piss poor roll out model. Corporate culture. Sheer greed. The list of problems goes on and on. Indeed, Canopy Growth provides a case in point @ Forbes
Aurora Cannabis Inc., Canada's second largest pot producer cuts 500 jobs, including a quarter of it's board. Plus the CEO steps down. Wait there's more! Aurora's stock lost 80% of it's value over the last year. That includes 18% after a $1 billion write down was also announced @ TGO
Tilray Inc., meanwhile has announced 10% of it's staff will be laid off to cut costs. The Canadian company hopes to focus on it's international medical cannabis business, in an attempt to likewise reverse it's slide @ TGO
Green Rush Crushed: Sigh! Alas! Is there a business upside to all this? Perhaps, if the corporate sector stops pillaging the budding cannabiz market, in hopes of a quick profit. But does that sound likely?!? @ CIJ
Not A Very Class Act? Many of Canada's major pot companies are facing possible class-action lawsuits in the United States. Apparently they've been misleading investors. Not disclosing certain business problems. Plus there's a fair bit of corporate bullshit and game playing involved too @ Globe
Corporate Retail Empires: Canada's Licensed Producers are busily partnering with retailers across Canada to corner the sales market. Here's a few of the big corporate movers and shakers, plus whom they are partnering up with @ T420
Online Weed: Meanwhile, Canada's unlicensed dealers are moving up to fourth place, in terms of world internet sales. They gross $4.2 million annually @ TSun
USMCA + The Cannabis Trade: Cannabis isn't mentioned in the new US, Mexico and Canada free trade agreement. But the new terms could still mean that we're open for business as legalization takes hold @ CLB
Global Cannabis Trade: Here's a, primer on the Canadian import and export requirement for cannabis @ Denton
The ME Community Exchange: Meanwhile Prince of Pot Marc Emery introduces his new Toronto, online, dispensary service. Featuring plenty of quality sativa. Indica. Medicals. Extracts and edibles. And absolutely no corporate cannabis! It's ethically sourced. Organic. BC bud. For a $10 donation per gram, on a $125 order. The volunteer drivers provide free shipping too.
The goal? To help us avoid the chronic distribution issues and supply shortages so common today. While safely sharing his fine selection of high quality, medicinal products! I've placed my first order to try some RSO, Pine Tar Kush and Purple God buds. Expect a full Oh Cannabis review, after the busy Christmas season. In the meantime, you'll find more info on Marc's latest effort @ ME
Cannaclusive is preparing a data base of minority owned cannabis businesses. Includes contact info, and links etc. etc. etc. Make a more inclusive choice @ CC
Retail CBD's: In Canada, cannabis health products that include CBD's can't be legally sold over the counter, even in a pharmacy, or a health food store. But in Florida, like in many US states, they are available everywhere; even at the check out counters at your local corner store and gas station. I visited in January. They were cheap and plentiful. By gar, when the Panama City Lucky Market went under, they were sold off for half price, like everything else! Meanwhile in Canada, we're finally getting a .... Taa-Daaaa! .... public review! Not much, but we better speak out now! @ MJB
Edible Madness: Why buy the new, overpriced, low THC edibles when you can make cheaper, strong ones quite easily yourself? Of enjoy the great supply readily available through the unregulated market? Highly doubt these expensive, legal edibles will be taking a big bite out of home made goodies and unlicensed sales, anytime soon @ Globe
Lift & Co.'s Guide 2 Cannabis Videos: Lotsa fun! Didn't know whether to include this here or under "High Times". No matter! Our Sarah Hanlon demonstrates the basics of grinding, rolling, smoking and vaping yer weed @ Lift
"College Daze" or "A Stoned College Student's Guide To Getting Good Grades": Now that it's legal, many students are choosing cannabis rather than booze to relax, socialize and have fun. Sure! It's safer. Better for you. Enjoy! But .... Eh? Yes. I know. Once a teacher, always a teacher. Still, it needs to be said ..... know your own limits. More @ Leafly
High Anxiety: Some cannabis strains might make you anxious. Others can help you relax when you're feeling anxious. Confusing, eh! Ummm ... Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Learn more @ HT
Everything Every Canadian Needs To Know About Cannabis Edibles [But Was Afraid To Ask]! Yup! At last! With Legalization 2.0, edibles are now commercially available in Canada! What to expect, if you haven't nibbled on them before?!? The inside dope @ Leafly
A First Nations In Canada Cannabis Legality Talk: An indigenous co-author of our Constitution explains that the cannabis trade on traditional lands is legal in Canada under sections 23 and 35 of the Act. Even though retail sales are a provincial and not federal responsibility! Other experts point out that the Canada's Indian Act and the current rash of dispensary raids are simply racist. Much more @ DF
Canada's Favourite Cannabis Advocacy Groups: Shecann, Cannabis Amnesty, NORML, CFAMM, and ACCRES top Leafly's "Reader Choice Awards" @ Leafly
Is Vaping Safe? In truth, only once it's legalized and regulated, can the real health concerns about vaping cannabis be properly addressed. Here's a more realistic assessment of the relative dangers of vaping and toking weed @ Leafly
What's The Shelf Life on Cannabis Edibles? Basically, they'll go stale first before the THC expires. So it might help, as with any other food or beverage, to keep them in the fridge. Learn more @ CN
Cannabis Lounging: More than a year after legalization, Canadians lack comfy, indoor public spaces where we can safely smoke our weed. How unlike so many other places around the world! Moreover, as Big Sister Canada's [so to speak ...] Sarah Hanlon explains, the few that do still exist, are in danger of going under @ GH
Buying Pot From Aleafia's Julian Fantino is Like Buying A Skin Coat From Pamela Anderson @ 22 Minutes
Toronto Brands: The Friendly Stranger. The Hot Box Cafe. Plus 7 more locals that are ready to launch, big time, in 2020! By doing it their way! Ours too @ SD
MLB Plays Ball: It's official Major League Baseball will no longer be testing players for weed @ Fox
Be Here Now: Timothy Leary's good bud, and spiritual teacher/ psychedelic advocate Baba Ram Dass has died. But cry not! Ram Dass fully treasured each moment of his 88 years with us, in the here and now. Believing that life is just a state of mind. And that only the ego is mortal. His soul lives on @ HT @ GQ
Whoopsie: "Whoopi and Maya", a promising celebrity cannabis brand goes kaput. Seems "amid friction" between Ms. Goldberg and her business partner, Maya Elisabeth. Goodbye to Whoopi's cannabis relief products for menstrual relief @ TGO
More Ontario Cannabis Dispensaries: Premier Doug Ford is ending his Conservative government's highly controversial cannabis licensing lottery. His goal? To create a thriving "open market" for pot shops, in Canada's largest province. Shouldn't be hard! But with Ontario's Doug The Thug, who knows?!? We've been conned before!
Anyway, on January 6th, the AGCO: Alcohol Gaming Commission of Ontario begins accepting operator licensing applications. Store applications follow on March 2nd. Authorization begins in April; with plans to roll out 20 new shops a month to meet the demand. More details @ ON.CA
Follow The Corporate Money Trail: The final analysis of the second Ontario Cannabis Lottery is in. Turns out that ballot stuffing was indeed, the order of the day. The Serruya clan? Aphria and Green Acres etc? Check out all the names and cross references, so you'll know where not to shop! @ Reddit
Default: Ontario only opened a mere 24 legal dispensaries, during the first year of legalization. But those shops sold the most cannabis in Canada; $217 million worth, or 24% of the legal market. That was by sheer default. After all, we are the most populous province. Long and short of it? Ontario tokers are still scoring their weed in mass via the unregulated marketplace! You'll find a quick cross country check of the fledging, Canuck legalization scene @ FP
Bled 2 Death: Ford's open market arrives too late for many of Ontario's original unregulated cannabis dispensaries, who led the fight for legalization in our province. Sadly, many went broke under Fords dubious lottery licensing system. After agreeing to temporarily close shop, to help facilitate an ... ahem ... orderly "legalization process".
Ford's lottery did award licences, supposedly at random ... but to a rash on inexperienced winners. Not surprisingly, the corporate big boy$ quickly moved in. Snapped them up quick.
Our original pot shop, activist-entrepreneurs were left high and dry, following Ford's instructions. Waited and waited and waited and ... More on how Thug Ford stuck it to everybody who really mattered, including Hotbox's Abi Roach @ FP
Hotbox Smoker: Founding activist entrepreneur Abi Roach announces that she's leaving the legendary Hotbox cannabis lounge and accessory shop in Toronto's Kensington Market. Abi's becoming a new senior category manager for the OCS: Ontario Cannabis Store. Aphria and Green Acre's FSHC: Friendly Stranger Holdings Corporation are stepping in. Will keep the Hotbox open for business. Oh Cannabis thanks Abi for her many thankless contributions to our local legalization movement over the past 20 years. Hopes she can kick some sense in to the OCS for us @ Leafly More on the Friendly Stranger @ Cision
Fantino's Corporate Weed Agenda: Aleafia CEO Julian Fantino is well known, that's for sure. The former Police Chief and Conservative politico was a die hard, local reefer madman. Busy busting potheads and fighting our legalization movement right until the bitter end. Now, our Julian has linked up in a surprise joint venture, with the Serruya family of Second Cup fame. To open One Plant a giant cannabis superstore in downtown Kensington Market. Ironically, the marketplace, was a hotbed for legalization, rife with activist-entrepreneurs, such as the Hotbox's Abi Roach. So how did One Plant score the first legal dispensary licence in Kensington? When nobody else can?!? More than a year after cannabis was legalized in Canada?!? Get this -From a lottery winner. One who works at Postmedia; the right wing media conglomerate! The corporate plot thickens @ BlogTo @ GO Fantino @ CBC
Friends of Kensington Market: Join the fight to stop Aleafia's Julian Fantino and One Plant Kensington Market @ Facebook Find plenty of updates on Twitter @ Abi Roach
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas: Canada legalized infused edibles and drinks this fall. But they aren't available in time for Christmas season in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. Why the delay? Each province is insisting on a tightly government controlled distribution system. Won't allow producers to ship directly to the stores. Bah humbug @ CBC
Also see "High Times" below ...
Executive Order: 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders pledges he'll go it alone to legalize cannabis by executive order on his first day in office. Seems only fair -Trump's certainly been using them for lots of nasty BS. Now Feel the Bern -Sander's actually going to do so for something cool. Still, what has the Donald unleashed?!? Can cannabis even be unilaterally legalized across the US by executive order? Hmmm. Such worries never stopped President Trump! More @ MM @ MM
Walking The Talk? Fellow Democratic contender Pete Buttigieg talks a good talk on legalization and criminal justice reform. But it seems his actions, as mayor of South Bend, Texas, tell a quite different story @ Leafly
US 2020 Election Pot Prospectus: What do presidential hopefuls Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and Donald Trump have in common? They aren't very supportive of the legalization movement @ MF
More US Chances: Here's three possible legislative scenarios, for legalizing cannabis by 2021, under the federal MORE act @ MF
A Real Dope: Trump doubles down against legalization, proposing to remove medical cannabis protections from the 2021 fiscal budget. Why? Get this -President 3D Chess claims that smoking pot makes you dumb ... How smart is that?!? It pits him against the Democrats in a big legalization showdown this fall! Especially if he's running against Bernie Sanders. To our buds south of the Canadian border: Catch a fire! It's high time to light one under his friggin' ass! Watch him go up in smoke! Heh heh er ... @ CT
Legalization Referendums: At least 16 more US states could be voting to legalize medical and/ or recreational cannabis in November. The complete list and a prospectus is @ Forbes
Illinois Prohibition 2.0: Alas! Chicago police are still very, very busy! Even though weed is now legal. Get this-They're "monitoring dispensaries" for safety reasons. Busting dangerous street level dealers offering much better prices outside the very pricey, licensed shops. Oh sure, it's all worded like they are there to protect everyday folks like us. But read between the lines. They're really just protecting profits and high prices! For the big boys! Welcome to the real world of government legalization and the new prohibition 2.0! More @ CST
"The Uganda Weed Patch BamBoozle" or "The Rich Keep Getting Richer": Uganda's 15 strict new rules for growing medical cannabis require billions in capital and guarantees. That means few will be sharing in the wealth, especially the poor, local, family farmers for whom it could be a real economic boom. Welcome Uganda, to the worldwide corporate weed agenda @ WU
Corporate Field Of Dreams: Think of overpriced, B grade, ditch weed! A bad business and marketing disconnect! Add dorky, out of it, straights in suits, with a huge oversupply problem! And pit them against a large, knowledgable, counterculture, consumer base, whom aren't buying into their BS! Simply put, corporate cannabis can't even begin to compete with the huge, thriving, unregulated cannabis market across Canada and the US @ Grizzle
DOA -Canopy Growth: A year after legalization, Canada's pot stocks face a huge bloodbath. Blame a piss poor roll out model. Corporate culture. Sheer greed. The list of problems goes on and on. Indeed, Canopy Growth provides a case in point @ Forbes
Aurora Cannabis Inc., Canada's second largest pot producer cuts 500 jobs, including a quarter of it's board. Plus the CEO steps down. Wait there's more! Aurora's stock lost 80% of it's value over the last year. That includes 18% after a $1 billion write down was also announced @ TGO
Tilray Inc., meanwhile has announced 10% of it's staff will be laid off to cut costs. The Canadian company hopes to focus on it's international medical cannabis business, in an attempt to likewise reverse it's slide @ TGO
Green Rush Crushed: Sigh! Alas! Is there a business upside to all this? Perhaps, if the corporate sector stops pillaging the budding cannabiz market, in hopes of a quick profit. But does that sound likely?!? @ CIJ
Not A Very Class Act? Many of Canada's major pot companies are facing possible class-action lawsuits in the United States. Apparently they've been misleading investors. Not disclosing certain business problems. Plus there's a fair bit of corporate bullshit and game playing involved too @ Globe
Corporate Retail Empires: Canada's Licensed Producers are busily partnering with retailers across Canada to corner the sales market. Here's a few of the big corporate movers and shakers, plus whom they are partnering up with @ T420
Online Weed: Meanwhile, Canada's unlicensed dealers are moving up to fourth place, in terms of world internet sales. They gross $4.2 million annually @ TSun
USMCA + The Cannabis Trade: Cannabis isn't mentioned in the new US, Mexico and Canada free trade agreement. But the new terms could still mean that we're open for business as legalization takes hold @ CLB
Global Cannabis Trade: Here's a, primer on the Canadian import and export requirement for cannabis @ Denton
The ME Community Exchange: Meanwhile Prince of Pot Marc Emery introduces his new Toronto, online, dispensary service. Featuring plenty of quality sativa. Indica. Medicals. Extracts and edibles. And absolutely no corporate cannabis! It's ethically sourced. Organic. BC bud. For a $10 donation per gram, on a $125 order. The volunteer drivers provide free shipping too.
The goal? To help us avoid the chronic distribution issues and supply shortages so common today. While safely sharing his fine selection of high quality, medicinal products! I've placed my first order to try some RSO, Pine Tar Kush and Purple God buds. Expect a full Oh Cannabis review, after the busy Christmas season. In the meantime, you'll find more info on Marc's latest effort @ ME
Cannaclusive is preparing a data base of minority owned cannabis businesses. Includes contact info, and links etc. etc. etc. Make a more inclusive choice @ CC
Retail CBD's: In Canada, cannabis health products that include CBD's can't be legally sold over the counter, even in a pharmacy, or a health food store. But in Florida, like in many US states, they are available everywhere; even at the check out counters at your local corner store and gas station. I visited in January. They were cheap and plentiful. By gar, when the Panama City Lucky Market went under, they were sold off for half price, like everything else! Meanwhile in Canada, we're finally getting a .... Taa-Daaaa! .... public review! Not much, but we better speak out now! @ MJB
Edible Madness: Why buy the new, overpriced, low THC edibles when you can make cheaper, strong ones quite easily yourself? Of enjoy the great supply readily available through the unregulated market? Highly doubt these expensive, legal edibles will be taking a big bite out of home made goodies and unlicensed sales, anytime soon @ Globe
Lift & Co.'s Guide 2 Cannabis Videos: Lotsa fun! Didn't know whether to include this here or under "High Times". No matter! Our Sarah Hanlon demonstrates the basics of grinding, rolling, smoking and vaping yer weed @ Lift
"College Daze" or "A Stoned College Student's Guide To Getting Good Grades": Now that it's legal, many students are choosing cannabis rather than booze to relax, socialize and have fun. Sure! It's safer. Better for you. Enjoy! But .... Eh? Yes. I know. Once a teacher, always a teacher. Still, it needs to be said ..... know your own limits. More @ Leafly
High Anxiety: Some cannabis strains might make you anxious. Others can help you relax when you're feeling anxious. Confusing, eh! Ummm ... Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Learn more @ HT
Everything Every Canadian Needs To Know About Cannabis Edibles [But Was Afraid To Ask]! Yup! At last! With Legalization 2.0, edibles are now commercially available in Canada! What to expect, if you haven't nibbled on them before?!? The inside dope @ Leafly
A First Nations In Canada Cannabis Legality Talk: An indigenous co-author of our Constitution explains that the cannabis trade on traditional lands is legal in Canada under sections 23 and 35 of the Act. Even though retail sales are a provincial and not federal responsibility! Other experts point out that the Canada's Indian Act and the current rash of dispensary raids are simply racist. Much more @ DF
Canada's Favourite Cannabis Advocacy Groups: Shecann, Cannabis Amnesty, NORML, CFAMM, and ACCRES top Leafly's "Reader Choice Awards" @ Leafly
Reefer Vaping Madness: Here's how the mainstream media misrepresents the danger posed by cheap, counterfeit pens. The goal? To make us think that it's actually the THC that's bad for you @ Leafly
Is Vaping Safe? In truth, only once it's legalized and regulated, can the real health concerns about vaping cannabis be properly addressed. Here's a more realistic assessment of the relative dangers of vaping and toking weed @ Leafly
What's The Shelf Life on Cannabis Edibles? Basically, they'll go stale first before the THC expires. So it might help, as with any other food or beverage, to keep them in the fridge. Learn more @ CN
Sarah H -Busy! Busy! Busy! Where 2 Relax?!?
Buying Pot From Aleafia's Julian Fantino is Like Buying A Skin Coat From Pamela Anderson @ 22 Minutes
Toronto Brands: The Friendly Stranger. The Hot Box Cafe. Plus 7 more locals that are ready to launch, big time, in 2020! By doing it their way! Ours too @ SD
MLB Plays Ball: It's official Major League Baseball will no longer be testing players for weed @ Fox
Be Here Now: Timothy Leary's good bud, and spiritual teacher/ psychedelic advocate Baba Ram Dass has died. But cry not! Ram Dass fully treasured each moment of his 88 years with us, in the here and now. Believing that life is just a state of mind. And that only the ego is mortal. His soul lives on @ HT @ GQ
Whoopsie: "Whoopi and Maya", a promising celebrity cannabis brand goes kaput. Seems "amid friction" between Ms. Goldberg and her business partner, Maya Elisabeth. Goodbye to Whoopi's cannabis relief products for menstrual relief @ TGO
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