Opening Statement

Monday 27 January 2020

A 2020 Vision!

Greetings Dear Reader!

For today's twenty twenty blog, I'm putting on my sunglasses. To cut through the glare of 2020. Provide a few thoughts on the direction for my blog site this year. 

Remember when Bob Dylan sang that the times are changing? Sadly, over the years, those changes often haven't been for the best. Far from it.

Still, in my humble opinion, to paraphrase Mahatami Gandhi, it's important to always be the change we'd like to see 

No. Nothing much might come of it. 

I've been retired from teaching for awhile now. My glory days are, so to speak, far behind now. But I'm going to continue to follow my muse. Use my political activist skills. As I have, for the past 9 years, here on my site.

I am doing so, independently. To advocate for the causes which I believe can create positive change. Make for a better world. Even if only in some small way. 

If not our generation, then for our children. Or our children's children. 

If not now, than for in the years ahead.

I'd rather be somebody who helped open, not close doors. For a better world. 

Because I still believe in the good fight. For social justice. Diversity. Inclusiveness. And universal public education, here and abroad. 

These are the great equalizers, as I see it.

So I hope you stick around. too. Read along. Get involved, in your own way. Or just share the good word, about those issues that matter most to you too.

Teacher Free Speech and Oh Cannabis News and Views will continue in tandem into their 4th and 8th year respectively. So to many of my regular features and special reports

Here then are some twenty-twenty notes on what you can expect this year:

Teacher Free Speech News and Views

The focus of my politics and society news and views blog is still the same; to provide lots of links and analysis of Canadian, US and world issues, from a uniquely progressive, Canadian perspective -my own. 

Nowadays, I post fewer links here, using Twitter a lot more instead. Then afterwards, I condense the best of them into a news digest, or summative compendium of sorts here on my blog. 

That process continues this year. It's more timely. Streamlined. A more comprehensive overview, I think. 

Plus bottom line, it's less labour intensive. More convenient for me, when I'm on the go.

In Canadian politics: Maybe Trudeau's Neo Lib minority government will be more progressive, not just word but in deed. But will the NDP and Green's light a fire under his ass? On pharmacare, electoral reform, climate change and respecting treat land rights? On fighting the corporate agenda? Don't hold your breath.

Goodbye Conman Andrew Scheer! Too bad in a way, he was such fun to kick around. But if the next federal conservative leader marks a credible shift to the political centre, where Canadian elections are won, we could still be in deep trouble!

Ontario's Doug Ford -his public support has tanked! Now's the time to start seriously lining up the thug tight in our protest sites for the 2022 provincial election.

Sure, the Ford Conster's won a majority in 2018. But two thirds of the province voted for the centre and centre left Liberals, NDP and Greens. 

The teacher protest movement could prove crucial. A turning point. This winter's school strikes are clearly exposing Ford as the wrecking ball that he is, out to destroy and privatize Ontario's world class education system; the great equalizer in our amazingly diverse province. Just like he's trashing Ontario's other top notch public services. That our working families so badly want and need.

But will AEFO, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF stay the course? Fight to at least maintain the status quo? Not stab each other in the back? Cave in? Engage in concession bargaining instead, like in year's past? 

Also, how far do the teachers dare go, when push comes to shove, if Ford legislates them back to work? Would they risk civil disobedience again? Like during the 1970's? To save our education system and public service net from the Ontario conservatives. Or will they let them remake us into Trumpland North?

In American politics2020 will be even more of a critical turning point stateside. Regardless of which way the impeachment trial and election go. An ultimate test of the US government's system of checks and balances. 

Bernie Sanders is a ray of progressive light. Nope, properly funding health care and education isn't radical. It's done in Canada, the UK, France, Germany, NZ etc. etc. etc. But don't expect Bernie's radical political partying to be tolerated by the Democrat oligarchs. They'll be nostalgically eyeing a return to the old Neo Liberal Globalist status quo, this election year.

Trump is the great disruptor, both on the national and international stage. Years from now, he will be remembered as America's worst president. Laws will have been passed to prevent his flagrant abuses of presidential power and privilege. His obstruction of congressional oversight. 

But in the meantime, how much damage is being done? To the American republic? It's democratic system of government? Most valued institutions?

And what happens next on the world stage? In Iran? Iraq? Russia? Syria? Afghanistan? China? North Korea? Bolivia? Venezuela? Cuba?

Sooner or later, something will go very wrong. Who trusts the US anymore, as they recklessly go it alone; America First styleHow will Amerika's enemies and allies react amongst so much uncertainty? As the US retreats into isolationism, a land divided? As the American century abruptly comes to an end?

One thing is for sure -expect lots of fireworks ahead in 2020. 

Oh Cannabis News and Views

My focus is still fixed on the good fight against the corporate weed, monopoly. In short: No government licensed ditch weed. Keep it organic. And ethically sourced! 

Canadian legalization as an important grey power issue, for me as a senior. It was a huge win. Bottom line is that I for one, can now toke in peace. Medicate myself legally. Via our thriving unregulated market, which is providing a huge, cheap, reliable source of excellent weed.

The government roll out hasn't been equal nor fair for many Canadians. The LGBTQ, women, and people of colour are often forgotten and lost in the Trudeau government's corporate legalization shufflePlus it's supposed commitment to medical cannabis remains a secondary thought; a joke at best.

Sadly, Canadian legalization has been little more than a quick smash and grab cash grab for government insiders. The big Bay Street boys. With our heritage growers, producers and retailers stuck on the outside, looking in. And our medical cannabis patients still being taxed for their medicine.

Oh Cannabis will continue to advocate for equity and inclusiveness in our counterculture cannabis community. For legal pardons, expungement. An official government apology. 

When need be, medical cannabis rights can provide a handy, political battering ram in the fight for change. Last year, I reported on how they can be used to challenge a condo or apartment cannabis ban. [] 

Oh Cannabis will continue to advocate for our rights with a dash of good, old fashioned, cannabis activism. While providing links to useful civil disobedience strategies, when need be, that you'll hopefully find instructive and informative.

Meanwhile, watch as the Bay Street disconnect results in a cannabis stock ticker blood bath this year. And for our heritage growers, producers and retailers, those with some real skin in the game, to step up. 

In Ontario, Ford's corrupt pot shop licensing lottery is now over. Oh Cannabis looks forward to advocating for our unregulated, local activist-entrepreneurs, as they are finally allowed to legally re-open for business this year. In time, show everybody how the cannabiz sector can be correctly set up and run, with a more diverse, grassroots approach. Sans the clueless, tired, good old boy, corporate boardroom BS.

Oh Cannabis will continue to provide an overview of the legalization movement in the US. Internationally too. 

I'll follow the party and candidates election positions on legalization during this fall's US federal election. The GOP and Democrat movers and shakers. The Presidential contenders. The state and federal legislative initiatives, referendums and so on. 

US coverage is an exhaustive effort. It's much more thoroughly covered by social media than the Canadian scene. So if my Canadian links are much more extensive, the US more summative and via my tweets, I hope you'll understand. 

Oh Cannabis will also continue to track the legalization movement round the world. It's increasingly taking root in other countries. Stay tuned in 2020!


All of this sounds kind of busy, busy, busy eh? Well, retirement also means more time to travel. Last year Janet and I tripped from Toronto to Cuba, Ontario's Land o' Lakes and Japan. So far this year, we've been to Panama City Beach, Florida. With another trip to Cuba planned next. Then back to the Land o' Lakes for the summer. Off we go. With more travel blogs to follow!


My Cuba coverage continues. 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Toronto Friendship School in Santiago de Cuba. The embargoed socialist isle has been thrust back into a horrific special period, during the Age of Trump, much like I wrote about during my work and travel there during the 1990's. Watch for more Cuba coverage. Ditto the situation throughout the America's. All is not as it might seem ....

Otherwise? Protests. Rallies. Demonstrations. Riots. If they happen locally, or on my travels, I plan to be there. Cover them for my site.

I like to keep it loose here. Not too rigorous or planned, so that my site stays interesting for both you and me. I'll be sure to report on any other pressing issues of our life and times, as they arise.

Of course, guest blogs are always welcome too!

So welcome to 2020! Let's get laid back. Light up a spliff. 

Off we go ............


A Readers Guide to Teacher Free Speech news y Views @ 

A Stoner's Guide to Oh Cannabois new y Views @ 


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