Another year! Another lockdown! Hello Covid pandemic! Hello Capitol Riots!
Goodbye President Trump!
Welcome to 2021! My new year inauspiciously starts stuck at home, on the couch, watching TV. Squirming uneasily, I scratch my head. Fire up a spliff. Wondering what comes next?!?
I planned to speculate at great length about US President Joe Biden in this blog. It made sense with his Inauguration this Wednesday. But only two weeks and a bit into the new year, everything is changing so fast! It's impossible to keep up anymore!
Instead, a very basic "Watch-For" list must do:
Watch For USA ....
Watch for the Democrats to use the Capitol Riots as a very handy wedge issue to divide the Republicans in Congress. Complicity runs deep, throughout the house and Senate. The FBI, CIA, National Guard, Capitol Police and army too. That might help the Democrats muster enough bipartisan votes to impeachment Trump. If not, the various legal investigations will still continue to be an albatross around the GOP's neck, in all matters Trump. Not just for the first year of the Biden presidency either.
Watch for Trump's re-election hopes to quickly go up in smoke! Lots of mainstream voters were really turned off by the Capitol Riots. Non stop video reruns will keep it that way. Sans Twitter and Facebook, they won't be tuning Trump back in either, not like before. A presidential pardon can't save his sorry ass. It won't cover his tax returns, sex scandals or Russian real estate deals, anyway. Basically, it's all down hill from here!
Watch for medical complications from the virus to slow down and kill Trump. Next time you see him on TV, listen carefully to his voice. Watch his face and demeanour. Trump's old, fat and very stressed out. He's not taking good care of his health. He won't die right away, but pretty soon, over the next few years.
Watch for Biden to make little progress with gun control, racism and police violence anytime soon. The underlying issues are far too systematic. Any real solutions too "radical socialist" for the moderates in both parties. The progressive's will get quickly sidelined as the Democrats court the soft Republican votes. Decisive action? Ha! Expect some pretty, wishy-washy, half measures, instead.
Watch for Biden's globalist free trade agenda to quickly trump "America First". A return to free trade will prove a very popular, unifying force, for the many reps from both parties, dining at the corporate trough.
Watch for President Joe Biden to die in office before completing his first term in office. Dunno why really, could be his heart, it's just a hunch. Kamala Harris will become America's first black, south asian, female President. The prospect of change then ends up in her hands.
Watch for the Covid virus not to mutate and become resistant to the new vaccines. If it does, it'll spread like wildfire. There will be nothing anybody can do. America's social structure, like the economy and medical system will collapse. Millions will die a horrible, painful death. The pandemic will spread like wildfire until it eventually burns itself out. It's game over. Nothing will ever be the same again.
Watch for Trump's big lies, and the threat of white domestic terrorism to be his lasting legacy. The violence will continue off and on, to varying degrees, for many decades to come.
Watch for China to wait and see what Biden does next. They're still busy building their economic and military resources. Lining up their political ducks. China's star is on the rise. America's isn't. They know it. Won't do much, even in the trade war, until they're absolutely ready. Won't be this year.
Watch For Biden not to lift the US economic embargo of Cuba, at least not this year. The Democrats will pussy foot around the Cuban American vote in Florida for a bit, carefully considering their options. Hopefully, Cuba will be removed as Trump's last minute addition to the State Department terrorist list, a sign of their good intentions.
Watch for Iran to seek payback against Trump: Remember Qasem Soleimani? They do! Trump is no longer president. The Iranians figure he owes them one, bigly! Picture a surprise drone strike. Maybe on the golfing greens at Mar-a-Lago? Not nice I know, but beats dying from Covid complications, eh!
Watch for Mexican fence mending rather than Mexican walls. Biden will treat them with more respect like a North American free trade partner should. Plus it's a lot better way to fix border problems.
Watch for NATO to quickly regain favour as Biden quickly moves to restore the US's leading role. Unpaid fees will matter far less than the many other benefits from this important military alliance with many of America's leading trade partners.
Watch for North Korea's Kim Jung-Un to step up testing his rockets and nukes in 2021. He liked Donnie. Won't waste any time now. Like it or not, NK's is a member of the nuclear club. Probably the biggest wild card for the incoming Biden administration!
Watch for the Russians to come under lots of close scrutiny and pressure. The Ukraine? Baltics? Cyber Warfare? And the election hacking too? The hawkish Democrats will quickly begin tightening the screws as soon as they take office.
Watch for South America to continue bearing the full US imperial brunt of Manifest Destiny. Venezuela for sure! Bolivia, maybe not? The Democrats will continue to stir things up, for their own economic ends, throughout the troubled region.
Watch for the MORE Act to be passed by the end of the year. Or perhaps a similar bill. Legalization
was the only clear winner in the 2020 election. The referendums won in a huge landslide victory, both in red and blue states alike. The Republican are about to have a "praise Jesus" moment. Jump onboard with a passion. They'll realize that buying and selling weed is just good, old fashioned, grassroots capitalism. It makes perfect business sense. Bet they really kick butt, now that Trump is gone. Help end the impasse.
Watch for lots of countries to start jump on the global legalization bandwagon. The UN has removed cannabis from it's most dangerous drug list. In 2021 countries around the world will start getting ready so they can cash in too. More out of greed than any high principle, but so it will go, and on and on and on .....
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