A year ago, during the first wave of the pandemic, our underground parking garage was always full. During the third wave, almost every one has been designated an essential worker. Now most days, it's nearly empty. Tragically, few of us are actually working from home, despite the latest, provincial "stay at home" order.
Basically, most of the families in our building are middle or working class. They are desperately struggling to get by. They don't have enough time to get vaccinated. Plus, the two nearest inoculation clinics are booked solid until mid May.
Few could afford missing work to line up over night either, in hopes of getting inoculated at the new, emergency, pop up station the next day.
Meanwhile, very few of the local pharmacies have got the vaccine. I went across town for my shot. But that takes time, which they don't have, as they scramble to pay the bills. The options are definitely limited!
I did not intend to get pedantic with this instalment of my Toronto Covid Diary. However, I'm very tempted to rant and rave about the lack of paid sick days, time off for inoculations and our bizarre vaccine roll out. It's a huge disaster in the making but I won't labour the details here.
Time will show that Premier Ford restarted the economy far too early. His insufficient half measures and the resulting confusion, are all ready documented in my Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News and Views blog. More links will continue to be added as the catastrophe unfolds.
Sadly, every day now just brings more and more bad news. Probably, our case numbers will continue to increase exponentially for the foreseeable future. If so, I'll post them here.
Meanwhile, the ambulance sirens rise and fall outside our window. Janet and I cuddle close together, all alone in Toronto and the deep, dark Covid night .....
And so, back to my original blog ....
It's so frustrating! We've faithfully followed all the lockdown, stay at home orders. We've self isolated for over year now since the pandemic began.
Spring finds us still alive and well. However, the coronavirus is now spreading like wildfire through our building, the infection rate climbing floor by floor!
This week, a new warning was posted at the elevators in our north west end Toronto condominium building;
" ... at least 14 residents have contracted Covid-19 in this building resulting in at least 4 deaths that we are aware of ..."
Fortunately, our board of directors are pro-active, perhaps moreso than most. We post updates so that everyone's in the know about what's going on. We hope that they'll continue taking the pandemic seriously, despite the inevitable fatigue.
By law, we can't include any names, addresses or personal details, that might identify anyone. Even in a state of emergency, it's not allowed.
It's certainly been scary living here in Toronto during the pandemic, bobbing along like a cork in the seething sea of VOC and Covid-19 outside our building doors.
However, most of us were careful. It felt like the pandemic was happening somewhere else, not here in our home.
Now, with the third wave, it's spreading throughout the building. Our biggest spike was just this week.
What can I say? As the pandemic dragged on and on, some of the residents got negligent in following the safety rules. There were less masks and social distancing in the common areas! There were more and more large family gatherings and parties!
Pretty soon a lot of us got sick! Then there was another death. Now each day or so brings more and more cases and a lot of grief.
There's been some real gut wrenching mental health problems too. Usually they're just everyday folk, maybe seniors, who've reached the breaking point. Angry and confused from living alone in isolation for over a year, they might take to wandering the halls, desperately seeking attention in all the wrong ways. During a contagion, without the proper public supports, there's often very little that one can do.
I swear, it's so sad, it could make me cry.
However, there's little time for that now. The virus has reached our floor. We need to focus and think quick. Who knows if that's it knocking at the door?!?
I am so glad that we took the first vaccine available when we became eligible as a part of the 60's cohort, a few weeks ago.
It was the AstraZeneca vaccine, so the conflicting news stories made us hesitant at first.
We're retired, just staying at home anyway. Why not wait for a shot of Pfizer? Moderna?Something else?
Well, we both got a sore arm. I even had a slight fever for a day or two. Bottomline? Covid is far more dangerous. Plus there's a greater risk of getting hit by lightening than suffering a blood clot, from AstraZeneca or any of the vaccines. If in doubt, consult with your doctor first.
AstraZeneca isn't 100% effective. Still, we're very lucky to have gotten vaccinated when we did. Sure, we need a second shot. However, we're very grateful for the added safety and peace of mind that it brings! It could save our butt!
Meanwhile, the new warning notice seems to be helping too!
When I stepped out to take down the garbage today, nobody was crowding aboard the elevator anymore. Everyone was also wearing masks again.
So far, the third wave of the pandemic is the worst. It's pretty hard not to feel blue. This isn't over yet! Who knows what happens next ...?
We're in a real leadership vacuum these daze. We can't count on our politicos for much direction or help. It's also hard finding information about what's really happening in other apartments and condos, let alone practical ideas about what to do.
Is anything being done where you live? In Toronto? Across Ontario? In Canada or wherever you are? Are your case numbers being posted in the building? Did you take the first available vaccine too? Or are you still shopping around?
As always, there's a space for Comments below ....
Be well!
Ummm. Hand me my air guitar .....
Ah 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
Well, I got dem ol' Toronto third wave blues!
Strum ... strum ... strum ...
Ooooh ya ... 2021 style!
A shot o' AstraZeneca too!SOME LINKS
Good Toronto Boy: Yup, this goes back a few years, but it still rings true @ HERE!
Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News + Views: I've left out most of the political stuff in this blog. The links to what's been happening with the pandemic here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and around the world are @ HERE!
Oh Cannabis Spring 2021 News + Views: Here's what I've been toking on to chill out. Remember, weeds beats booze. No fighting, hangovers, blackouts or shakes etc. etc. etc. @ HERE!
My Toronto Covid Diaries
Canuck Pandemic @ #1
Toronto Daze @ #2
Spring Fever @ #3
Costco + The Zombie Apocalypse @ #4
Toronto Trippin' @ #5
Escape From Toronto @ #6
Trippin' With Doug Ford @ #7