Rob Ford blog @ CRACKED! My School Edition blog acronym list is @ ACRONYMS Please note: Latest news stories are highlighted in LARGE:
Rumour: Has ETFO reached a deal with the MOE? With improved sick day language or terms? Apparently news will be released after the provincial budget passes. Hmmmm. Stay tuned for details ... [Ps. Thanks 4 the tip!]
St. Francis Lieberman "Bridges" students defend their club. Story below.
I'm still unable too confirm the ETFO rumour though have it on better source that there won't be any changes to the long term sick day plan. As announced on April 3, it will be the same as the OSSTF MOU model. No 3rd party arbitrator.
2 year TCDSB Director Bruce Rodrigues leaves to accept CEO position at EQAO. As a good teacher unionist what to say? Can one really blame him for jumping a shipwreck? G'by Bruce! We hardly knew you! Details to follow!
OSSTF York ratify 2 year agreement. I'm not sure what's so good about it but see the terms @ Deal!
TCDSB Catholic School board trustees defeat motion to ban GSA's by 7 to 4. My four part series follows in the blogs below. The Toronto Star reports @ Toronto Star
Blow by blow coverage of the trustee meeting with a video is @ XTRA
A very detailed report from Catholic Life Site News is posted @
CITY TV reports @ Video clip
Ouch! Cringe!! Did you know: OECTA local units need to make a decision on which OSSTF MOU clauses they want to "me too" by June 1st? MOE memo has been forwarded to the locals about which are allowed, which aren't. FYI: see my "Comparing the OECTA + OSSTF MOU's" and "OECTA Me To: Between the Devil + The Deep Blue Sea" blogs from earlier this month in the archive below this column. More details to follow ...
Live on 1010 Talk Radio: Ford Bros. blame teachers who leave school early for Rob's dismissal as Don Bosco CSS football coach. BS! After numerous meetings staff, admin and parents asked the school board for a decision a few months ago. His foul bossy disposition and negative comments about the school had been a concern for quite some time. How low can you go?
My ongoing Ford Story coverage continues @ Cracked?
Meet "Unifor": CAW + CEP [media/ paperworkers] 300,000 members plus 800 local unions join together to create a "superunion" to rebuild a strong union movement across Canada. Learn more @
People for Education calls for Special Education review + an ombudsman for parents @ Annie Kidder
People for Education survey reveals a growing income gap exists in student access to extracurriculars and field trips @ Frill$?
OSSTF D12 Toronto teachers deal with equity issues everyday in our cities especially challenged school areas @
Constitutional experts don't support Federal anti union Bill C-337 @ Won't fly?
A US colleague fed up with educational "reforms" resigns. Different country same BS. We are all teachers. Check out the resignation video she made @ I quit!
OECTA Sudbury units protest cuts. 24 teacher layoffs announced. Hall monitors deemed not necessary by board. Safety first? Read @ Sudbury
Takes self discipline? Do not try at school!?!
How to learn anything! Wow! Sounds great! Ooops! Teacher are supposed to do everything for the kids these days so they "succeed". IE: How did you fail the student? This practical learning model requires task commitment, focus and self discipline. Too bad! Forget It! See @ No to learning!
The bottom line on learning styles: just plain bad classroom theory?!? An interesting challenge of educational platitudes which fly in the face of our daily teaching reality. Hmmm. Take it or leave it @ Big Theories Little Sense?
Public boards express mixed reviews for the MOU "Fair Hire" clause @ Fair Hire?
A student voices concern about being moved with the other Gr.7+8 students into a high school in the Near North board as a cost cutting measure @ Worried
Near North District board has a recommendation to close 5 schools and build 2 new ones @ Open + closed case?
Hockey Canada bans pee wee body checking! Teach them well! Start @ hockey violence
What students think we do during the summer holidays @ Plot their doom?
Latest Forum Poll: OLP = 38% /PC = 34% /NDP = 21% /Greens = 6%
Also: 60% feel Doug Ford would not make a good PC MPP. 48% believe the Ford scandals are hurting Hudaks PC brand. Read more @ Forum
PC Hudak suddenly distances himself from Doug Ford. Ha. He's had nothing but praise for him until now. Rob's an buffoon. Doug has half a brain. He could be a real provincial pain in the butt for the unions and progressive working people. I should think his political downfall would be a score. Negative + not nice, I know. However I think that's pretty much the political reality. Doug could make Mike Harris seem like a good guy. He's got the gift of gab too [ie he thinks before he speaks]. Read all about it @ PC's: Bye! Bye?
Earlier Forum Poll suggests OLP consolidating it's hold on the Toronto 416 ridings even despite gas plant scandal. Results: OLP = 42% /PC = 28% /NDP = 24% /Green = 4%. See @ 416 Poll
Latest IPSO Reid Poll: PC = 34% /OLP = 34% /NDP = 26% Undecided = 13%/ Other = 5% at Dead heat
Last weeks Abacus Leadership Poll: OLP Wynne = 34% /NDP Horwath = 32% PC Hudak = 22%. See full breakdown of numbers @ download
Also check the download to see: 1 in 3 polled don't believe Premier Wynne didn't know about the gas plant scandal. She said she was sorry. Usually works for mayor Ford? Wynne now too?
The party polls having been steady with occasional swings later falling back into line. How reliable are pre-election polls? As we get closer to an election the numbers might better reflect the voters more considered response based upon their impression of the leaders party campaign. Hudak looks like a definite PC liability once he has to take his show on the road. Wynne has been solidifying her popular base. Andrea is pretty much in a holding pattern. However there hasn't been a significant bump for the party or her, despite the much touted budget concessions. The situation basically remains quite tense but time might be on Wynnes side with a summer pause pending. Soon they will all be hitting the party BBQ circuit. Zzzzzz. Most folk will show little interest in politics until next fall. That doesn't mean nothing will be quietly going on in the meantime though ...
New Star Dispatch E-Book on Kathleen Wynne
You can download an E-Read on Wynnes first 100 days by writer Jim Coyle. I've found these Toronto Star dispatches hit and miss, not particularly in depth for the hardcore news junkie but they kind of touch on everything to provide an interesting general overview if you are fairly new to the joys of political punditry. They are a good pick up and put down subway or Go Train read too. $2.99 provides a cheap read on your Ipad or computer screen. You decide. See the link and an excerpt @ 100 Days
NDP Horwath claims party support is a one off deal. All future support will be decided on a case by case basis. Read @ Coalition?
PC MPP Randy Hillier lambasts OLP/ NDP budget alliance, claiming it hurts the "little guy" @ What about the little girls?
When will we actually see the new budget items rolled out + finally put in place? Read @ Don't hold your breath!
Toronto Star editorial tells the OLP why it's time for an increase in the minimum wage! Hope Andrea reads that! See @ Minimum
Women's Issues Minister Laurel Broten to create new rules requiring corporations to set targets for women in senior management roles. Laurel has always excelled in this portfolio provincially and at the local level since before she entered politics. Read @ Womens issues
Canada's Top 10 CEO's earn $12 to 49,000,000 million a year. Ontario minimum wage is $10 an hour @ Class warfare? provides a detailed report on the PC's Right to Work plans. Asks an interesting question: Are the OLP any better? Read @ RTW4Less?
Exploiting resentment: Why do non unionized workers support policies to weaken labour rights @ Nefarious
Watch the TVO Agenda debate: how does scandal affect voters? See @ TVO Episode
How Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a big gift that keeps on giving for Ontario's political progressives in the other parties at all levels of government @ Yeah Ford!
Mayor Rob Fords polling numbers hold steady despite crack allegations + denials among Torontonians. Wow! Olivia Chow could still beat him though @ Holding steady!
There's a move afoot to draft John Tory to run for Toronto mayor again @ John Tory
Will Premier Wynne intervene with Toronto city council should the city become unable to function during the ongoing Ford scandals? Alas. She could dissolve council and call for a municipal election, but then the province would be responsible for running the city until the election is over. CTV news reports on the situation @ Wynne
Check out the nuclear hotspots around Lake Ontario where much of our drinking water comes from @ Leaks or Spills?
Now we Canucks are world class capitalist imperialist pigs too! Kyrgyzstan declares state of emergency as angry workers storm a Canadian owned gold mine @ Harpers Canada
Chinese "Tiger Moms" equate their childs success to their own self worth @ Schooling
Back in the USSR 2013 #1: Soyuz 36
See the Russian Soyuz roll out for the next crew launch to the ISS [International Space Station.] Tres cool @ Space
NASA TV provides online educational programing. On Tuesday it provided live coverage of the Soyuz space launch + the crew arriving and docking up at the ISS. Amazing! Frequent reruns scheduled. A highly recommended teacher resource! Find @ NASA TV
Life On Mars?!? Japanese conspiratorial theorists claim NASA Mars Rover photos show a lizard hiding between the rocks on the planets freezing toxic surface. One hopes they don't plan to attack and takeover Planet Earth, make us all crawl around on the ground and eat flies etc etc etc. Nope. No way. I don't like it! Learn more @ Leaping Lizards!!!
Leaping Lizards! Is there life on Mars?!?
NASA artifacts are being made available for schools + institutions. See the prescreening of the objects + request procedures. I want a moon rock!!! Hmmm. See @ NASA Artifacts
Calling all space cadets: Applications being accepted for a NASA internship! Details @ Far out!
Another asteroid fly by on Friday May 31! It missed Planet Earth by about 5 million miles at 5:30 pm. Whew! This one was pulling a lost moon behind it. Could've created a real mess if it hit us. Game over! Watch @ More asteroids!
The End is nigh?! Extreme weather prediction for across Canada in coming years. Fix your storm pipes + get more home insurance? @ Insurance Bureau of Canada
Ziggy Stardust + the Lizards from Mars?!? NASA isn't buying hte Lizard. The Mars Rover won't be making a U-turn to go back to see @ Lizards from Mars!?
Poll: Do you think Rob Ford smoked crack? Vote @ Crack?
Fisherman in Belarus is attacked + killed by beaver when he tried to take their photo together. Beavers are everywhere, threatening to overtake the country! Sportsmen show little interest in hunting them because they are so easy to find [ie by their dams]. The situation continues to escalate @ Killer Beavers!
Toronto Life: Amazing photos of flooded Don Valley Parkway @ Submerged!
Check out these extreme cosmetic techniques from South Korea to create a "baby face" and so on @ Baby Face
Some alt versions of the Canadian flag @ Oooooh Canada!
Back in the USSR 2013 #2 Pussy Riot!
Sir Paul McCartney [former bass guitarist for sixties pop sensation Ringo Starr + the Beatles ... ] writes letter requesting the Russian courts free Pussy Riot punk rockers imprisoned for protest in Moscow Cathedral @ Free Pussy Riot
Ready aye ready? New York State declares war with the province of Ontario over the Peace Bridge between Canada + the USA!! Fight! Fight! Fight! Ontario + New York State are having a fight! Check this out @ War on Peace!
In my minds eye I am all ready lying on a beach this summer, somewhere down in the Caribbean. Of course I will need some beach books. I like historical non fiction and a trash escapist read. So far I've all ready bought and set aside one, Dead Island: The Book, by Mark Morris about a zombie outbreak at a tropical resort. I will probably need 2 more. Tastes vary. How about you? Here's a list of 118 Desert Island [as opposed to Dead Island ... ] books for your perusal. Hope this helps @ Desert Isle Books!
Smells like teen spirit: What are the favourite tunes of Frances Bean, 21 year old daughter of suicidal grunge rocker Kurt Cobain [Nirvana]? Here we are now, entertain us @ "About a Girl"
No Kobain 4 you, Kurt, Courtney or Frances notwithstanding? Otherwise in this weeks tuneage + visuals department, here's the kool "Memorium" video by Midnight Juggernaut. It traces the evolution of computer graphics while the song plays @ CGI
Or you can end May on a high musical note by learning some "Gravy Train Music", a new genre featuring songs about Rob Ford @ Sing!
Rumour: Has ETFO reached a deal with the MOE? With improved sick day language or terms? Apparently news will be released after the provincial budget passes. Hmmmm. Stay tuned for details ... [Ps. Thanks 4 the tip!]
St. Francis Lieberman "Bridges" students defend their club. Story below.
I'm still unable too confirm the ETFO rumour though have it on better source that there won't be any changes to the long term sick day plan. As announced on April 3, it will be the same as the OSSTF MOU model. No 3rd party arbitrator.
2 year TCDSB Director Bruce Rodrigues leaves to accept CEO position at EQAO. As a good teacher unionist what to say? Can one really blame him for jumping a shipwreck? G'by Bruce! We hardly knew you! Details to follow!
OSSTF York ratify 2 year agreement. I'm not sure what's so good about it but see the terms @ Deal!
TCDSB Catholic School board trustees defeat motion to ban GSA's by 7 to 4. My four part series follows in the blogs below. The Toronto Star reports @ Toronto Star
Blow by blow coverage of the trustee meeting with a video is @ XTRA
A very detailed report from Catholic Life Site News is posted @
CITY TV reports @ Video clip
Ouch! Cringe!! Did you know: OECTA local units need to make a decision on which OSSTF MOU clauses they want to "me too" by June 1st? MOE memo has been forwarded to the locals about which are allowed, which aren't. FYI: see my "Comparing the OECTA + OSSTF MOU's" and "OECTA Me To: Between the Devil + The Deep Blue Sea" blogs from earlier this month in the archive below this column. More details to follow ...
Live on 1010 Talk Radio: Ford Bros. blame teachers who leave school early for Rob's dismissal as Don Bosco CSS football coach. BS! After numerous meetings staff, admin and parents asked the school board for a decision a few months ago. His foul bossy disposition and negative comments about the school had been a concern for quite some time. How low can you go?
My ongoing Ford Story coverage continues @ Cracked?
Meet "Unifor": CAW + CEP [media/ paperworkers] 300,000 members plus 800 local unions join together to create a "superunion" to rebuild a strong union movement across Canada. Learn more @
People for Education calls for Special Education review + an ombudsman for parents @ Annie Kidder
People for Education survey reveals a growing income gap exists in student access to extracurriculars and field trips @ Frill$?
OSSTF D12 Toronto teachers deal with equity issues everyday in our cities especially challenged school areas @
Constitutional experts don't support Federal anti union Bill C-337 @ Won't fly?
A US colleague fed up with educational "reforms" resigns. Different country same BS. We are all teachers. Check out the resignation video she made @ I quit!
OECTA Sudbury units protest cuts. 24 teacher layoffs announced. Hall monitors deemed not necessary by board. Safety first? Read @ Sudbury
Takes self discipline? Do not try at school!?!
How to learn anything! Wow! Sounds great! Ooops! Teacher are supposed to do everything for the kids these days so they "succeed". IE: How did you fail the student? This practical learning model requires task commitment, focus and self discipline. Too bad! Forget It! See @ No to learning!
The bottom line on learning styles: just plain bad classroom theory?!? An interesting challenge of educational platitudes which fly in the face of our daily teaching reality. Hmmm. Take it or leave it @ Big Theories Little Sense?
Public boards express mixed reviews for the MOU "Fair Hire" clause @ Fair Hire?
A student voices concern about being moved with the other Gr.7+8 students into a high school in the Near North board as a cost cutting measure @ Worried
Near North District board has a recommendation to close 5 schools and build 2 new ones @ Open + closed case?
Hockey Canada bans pee wee body checking! Teach them well! Start @ hockey violence
What students think we do during the summer holidays @ Plot their doom?
Latest Forum Poll: OLP = 38% /PC = 34% /NDP = 21% /Greens = 6%
Also: 60% feel Doug Ford would not make a good PC MPP. 48% believe the Ford scandals are hurting Hudaks PC brand. Read more @ Forum
PC Hudak suddenly distances himself from Doug Ford. Ha. He's had nothing but praise for him until now. Rob's an buffoon. Doug has half a brain. He could be a real provincial pain in the butt for the unions and progressive working people. I should think his political downfall would be a score. Negative + not nice, I know. However I think that's pretty much the political reality. Doug could make Mike Harris seem like a good guy. He's got the gift of gab too [ie he thinks before he speaks]. Read all about it @ PC's: Bye! Bye?
Earlier Forum Poll suggests OLP consolidating it's hold on the Toronto 416 ridings even despite gas plant scandal. Results: OLP = 42% /PC = 28% /NDP = 24% /Green = 4%. See @ 416 Poll
Latest IPSO Reid Poll: PC = 34% /OLP = 34% /NDP = 26% Undecided = 13%/ Other = 5% at Dead heat
Last weeks Abacus Leadership Poll: OLP Wynne = 34% /NDP Horwath = 32% PC Hudak = 22%. See full breakdown of numbers @ download
Also check the download to see: 1 in 3 polled don't believe Premier Wynne didn't know about the gas plant scandal. She said she was sorry. Usually works for mayor Ford? Wynne now too?
The party polls having been steady with occasional swings later falling back into line. How reliable are pre-election polls? As we get closer to an election the numbers might better reflect the voters more considered response based upon their impression of the leaders party campaign. Hudak looks like a definite PC liability once he has to take his show on the road. Wynne has been solidifying her popular base. Andrea is pretty much in a holding pattern. However there hasn't been a significant bump for the party or her, despite the much touted budget concessions. The situation basically remains quite tense but time might be on Wynnes side with a summer pause pending. Soon they will all be hitting the party BBQ circuit. Zzzzzz. Most folk will show little interest in politics until next fall. That doesn't mean nothing will be quietly going on in the meantime though ...
New Star Dispatch E-Book on Kathleen Wynne
You can download an E-Read on Wynnes first 100 days by writer Jim Coyle. I've found these Toronto Star dispatches hit and miss, not particularly in depth for the hardcore news junkie but they kind of touch on everything to provide an interesting general overview if you are fairly new to the joys of political punditry. They are a good pick up and put down subway or Go Train read too. $2.99 provides a cheap read on your Ipad or computer screen. You decide. See the link and an excerpt @ 100 Days
NDP Horwath claims party support is a one off deal. All future support will be decided on a case by case basis. Read @ Coalition?
PC MPP Randy Hillier lambasts OLP/ NDP budget alliance, claiming it hurts the "little guy" @ What about the little girls?
When will we actually see the new budget items rolled out + finally put in place? Read @ Don't hold your breath!
Toronto Star editorial tells the OLP why it's time for an increase in the minimum wage! Hope Andrea reads that! See @ Minimum
Women's Issues Minister Laurel Broten to create new rules requiring corporations to set targets for women in senior management roles. Laurel has always excelled in this portfolio provincially and at the local level since before she entered politics. Read @ Womens issues
Canada's Top 10 CEO's earn $12 to 49,000,000 million a year. Ontario minimum wage is $10 an hour @ Class warfare? provides a detailed report on the PC's Right to Work plans. Asks an interesting question: Are the OLP any better? Read @ RTW4Less?
Exploiting resentment: Why do non unionized workers support policies to weaken labour rights @ Nefarious
Watch the TVO Agenda debate: how does scandal affect voters? See @ TVO Episode
How Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a big gift that keeps on giving for Ontario's political progressives in the other parties at all levels of government @ Yeah Ford!
Mayor Rob Fords polling numbers hold steady despite crack allegations + denials among Torontonians. Wow! Olivia Chow could still beat him though @ Holding steady!
There's a move afoot to draft John Tory to run for Toronto mayor again @ John Tory
Will Premier Wynne intervene with Toronto city council should the city become unable to function during the ongoing Ford scandals? Alas. She could dissolve council and call for a municipal election, but then the province would be responsible for running the city until the election is over. CTV news reports on the situation @ Wynne
Check out the nuclear hotspots around Lake Ontario where much of our drinking water comes from @ Leaks or Spills?
Now we Canucks are world class capitalist imperialist pigs too! Kyrgyzstan declares state of emergency as angry workers storm a Canadian owned gold mine @ Harpers Canada
Chinese "Tiger Moms" equate their childs success to their own self worth @ Schooling
Back in the USSR 2013 #1: Soyuz 36
See the Russian Soyuz roll out for the next crew launch to the ISS [International Space Station.] Tres cool @ Space
NASA TV provides online educational programing. On Tuesday it provided live coverage of the Soyuz space launch + the crew arriving and docking up at the ISS. Amazing! Frequent reruns scheduled. A highly recommended teacher resource! Find @ NASA TV
Life On Mars?!? Japanese conspiratorial theorists claim NASA Mars Rover photos show a lizard hiding between the rocks on the planets freezing toxic surface. One hopes they don't plan to attack and takeover Planet Earth, make us all crawl around on the ground and eat flies etc etc etc. Nope. No way. I don't like it! Learn more @ Leaping Lizards!!!
Leaping Lizards! Is there life on Mars?!?
NASA artifacts are being made available for schools + institutions. See the prescreening of the objects + request procedures. I want a moon rock!!! Hmmm. See @ NASA Artifacts
Calling all space cadets: Applications being accepted for a NASA internship! Details @ Far out!
Another asteroid fly by on Friday May 31! It missed Planet Earth by about 5 million miles at 5:30 pm. Whew! This one was pulling a lost moon behind it. Could've created a real mess if it hit us. Game over! Watch @ More asteroids!
The End is nigh?! Extreme weather prediction for across Canada in coming years. Fix your storm pipes + get more home insurance? @ Insurance Bureau of Canada
Ziggy Stardust + the Lizards from Mars?!? NASA isn't buying hte Lizard. The Mars Rover won't be making a U-turn to go back to see @ Lizards from Mars!?
Poll: Do you think Rob Ford smoked crack? Vote @ Crack?
Fisherman in Belarus is attacked + killed by beaver when he tried to take their photo together. Beavers are everywhere, threatening to overtake the country! Sportsmen show little interest in hunting them because they are so easy to find [ie by their dams]. The situation continues to escalate @ Killer Beavers!
Toronto Life: Amazing photos of flooded Don Valley Parkway @ Submerged!
Check out these extreme cosmetic techniques from South Korea to create a "baby face" and so on @ Baby Face
Some alt versions of the Canadian flag @ Oooooh Canada!
Back in the USSR 2013 #2 Pussy Riot!
Sir Paul McCartney [former bass guitarist for sixties pop sensation Ringo Starr + the Beatles ... ] writes letter requesting the Russian courts free Pussy Riot punk rockers imprisoned for protest in Moscow Cathedral @ Free Pussy Riot
Ready aye ready? New York State declares war with the province of Ontario over the Peace Bridge between Canada + the USA!! Fight! Fight! Fight! Ontario + New York State are having a fight! Check this out @ War on Peace!
In my minds eye I am all ready lying on a beach this summer, somewhere down in the Caribbean. Of course I will need some beach books. I like historical non fiction and a trash escapist read. So far I've all ready bought and set aside one, Dead Island: The Book, by Mark Morris about a zombie outbreak at a tropical resort. I will probably need 2 more. Tastes vary. How about you? Here's a list of 118 Desert Island [as opposed to Dead Island ... ] books for your perusal. Hope this helps @ Desert Isle Books!
Smells like teen spirit: What are the favourite tunes of Frances Bean, 21 year old daughter of suicidal grunge rocker Kurt Cobain [Nirvana]? Here we are now, entertain us @ "About a Girl"
No Kobain 4 you, Kurt, Courtney or Frances notwithstanding? Otherwise in this weeks tuneage + visuals department, here's the kool "Memorium" video by Midnight Juggernaut. It traces the evolution of computer graphics while the song plays @ CGI
Or you can end May on a high musical note by learning some "Gravy Train Music", a new genre featuring songs about Rob Ford @ Sing!